1,951 replies, Replies 1,321 to 1,330

i wanted to write a poem..


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i wanted to write a poem..

That...was poetic...
Priceless art - this needs to be framed, it needs a wall and should be hung and inscribed into plaques. The greeting card industry will never be the same. This is going to change the very fabric of holidays and special occasions!
Nacth.... You're a freekin' genius!

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There was another shooting at a high-school this morning.WTF?!!

sophieshizuko wrote:
This won't stop ... get use to it ... Americans are all for human rights so this is what you get.

This would be like me driving through a playground full of children yelling "My name is Sophieshizuko," then telling your countrymen "This is what you get," because you still drive cars and not ride bicycles.

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People like you based only on how much they can fuck with you.

"People like you based only on how much they can fu(< with you."

Even though this happens, it's not normally the way things are.

"What value do any of your relationships have to you?"

All relationships have value and meaning.

"What do you get from them?"

Well, I get paid with the relationship I have with my boss. I get the sense of loyalty from the relationship I have with my dog. I get comradarity from the relationship I have with friends. I receive affection from the relationship I have with my mate. I receive founding and guidance with the relationship I have with my parents.
To wit, all of these relationships have a south-side orifice that can become inflamed if not properly cared for and respected.

"How much do you give of yourself to maintain it?"

The criteria of a relationship should be reasonable with attainable goals or an objective. A bar shouldn't be set so high that it automatically defeats the relationship itself.

"Is it worth it?"

It depends if you can stand being the last a$$h0!# you will ever argue with.

"Our society is such a way, that all we do is use each other."

Using is different from abusing.

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How To Clean A Cat

Kalinihta wrote:
If you are trying to get your cat killed, hurting yourself, trying to get yourself killed: please, seek professional help!

Call this hotline (1-800-273-8255) operated by our friends at the Catlivesmatter Lifeline, anytime, for free, professional, and confidential assistance. While other Helpers are likely to reply to your post, please make sure you understand that your cat works in mysterious ways.

Note: I'm a robot that the Help-QA creators programmed. If this response is in error, I apologize, please ignore it.


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the government are making the frogs gay

Kalinihta wrote:
People laughing at this makes my stomach turn. It's one thing to eat animals out of necessity and another to enjoy watching them dead, suggesting they should put music to this video. Sure, these frogs feel nothing, but it's just weird to laugh at a dead animal.

Perhaps you're right.
Although, it is a strange occurrence; chemically and biologically explainable, of course. People say things and laugh to differ their own internal discourse.

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the government are making the frogs gay

soco wrote:
Frog legs taste better when they are gay anyway.

I would say, good job Morton!
These gay guys still have the moves.

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Close please.


I am a waste of resources and time.


It seems God granted you life. Resources are always disposable but the only thing that people have is simply a period of time called life. So when you say you're a waste of time, you're actually saying you're a waste of life.... If God thought you were a waste of life He would not have granted you life to begin with.


Everyone has a hard life. My life isn't any worse than the majority of people.


If this is true, why aren't a majority of people obsessed with wanting to die?


Everyone says this is a bad moment in time but they are wrong.


They are wrong? How can that be, if they've lived through worse things and have lived to see better days?


It has been like this the entirety and it's not about to get better and iโ€™m not gonna base my decision to live or die on a fairy tale idea that someday it will be better.


- but you will base your decision on a fairy tale idea that it will always remain bad....?
Where did you get your crystal ball, I want one.


Iโ€™ve asked god for many years, โ€œPlease take me."


And for many years, through many circumstances, God has told you, "No." What part of "no" are you not getting?


I'm hoping I disappear, like before I was born.


.....Again, no. That's not how it works. When God grants a sentient being life, the life force of that being becomes immortal. None of us are capable of returning back to nothingness.


I used to be afraid of hell but iโ€™m not anymore


The afterlife is where our eternal state of existance begins. We move from being mortal to immortal beings.
The quality of your immortality largely depends on your actions in this life. You're not the first to be unafraid of hell because many people don't realize the actual horror of what it is. And many people are in for a nasty surprise. In hell you still bear all the pain you do now. In hell you see all the "wouldas, shoulda's and coulda's," but the option of choice is gone. There is no door out and there are no escapes, pardons or reprieve. All of this wrapped in eternal flames where the worm dieth not.
This is what the full measure of hell is.

Iโ€™ve come to the conclusion If I go to hell, I was destined to go there either way.

God will not be impressed with your conclusion and after he shows you the history of your life based on His point of view, you won't be so impressed with your conclusion either.

The only person who can help me is myself. Not Amazon, Not Help-QA . com, Not Google, Not Richard, Not Pets, Maybe Money (Kidding). I have to help myself. I have to decide to get better and work to be happy and get better. I have to walk the path alone. I destroyed myself and only I can make it better. But the truth is even though I am fully aware that help must come from myself, I can't help myself.

Therefore, you have given yet another moment, another chance, to see life as God sees it. If you want to understand his views then read the Bible and pray.
The one who made you is the only one capable of "fixing" you and sadly you weren't raised with the spiritual life that every human needs in order to make it through life with reasonable sanity. If you reach out, he will meet you where you're at.
It is up to you to trust what he has in store for your future, which is a far better plan than you have for yourself.

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Family rules.

YETI wrote:

(What's does "heckle" mean?)

heckยทle. หˆhek(ษ™)l. verb
1. interrupt (a public speaker) with derisive or aggressive comments or abuse.
"he was booed and heckled when he tried to address the demonstrators."
Synonyms; jeer, taunt, jibe at, shout down, boo, hiss, harass. Informal; give someone a hard time, "he was heckled by the drunk in the back of the room."

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Family rules.

Help each other.

Always tell the truth.
Even if it hurts.
More Avatars
Do your best.
Even if you're tired.
Pay with hugs and kisses.
...Or a fist bump.
Listen to your parents.
While you have them.
Laugh at yourself.
Or heckle, which ever one comes first.
Say I love you.
Try new things.
Old things differently?
Be thankful.
Thank you.
Show compassion.
Because...puppies and kittens
Be happy.
Or laugh at yourself.
Love each other.
Because more is merrier.
Dream big.
Still chewing what I bit off.
Respect one another.
Even if they're @$$h0!#
Laugh out loud.
Especially when laughing at yourself.
Keep your promises.
Think before committing.
Say please and thank you.
Be grateful.
Because it could always be worse.
Think of others before yourself.
Even if you're completely engulfed in flames.
Use kind words
Warm, tender and velvety.
Know you are loved.
Because someone does.
Hug often.
- Fist-bump right [here]


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