There was another shooting at a high-school this morning.WTF?!!
Hadn't heard about that. Never fun to hear about these things. I wish the world could just be in piece.
Two students in critical condition. School's resource officer shot the alleged assaultent and he has been confirmed as dead.
Help me with: We have another hurricane coming this way.
I'm glad he was there. Poor guy though- that's going to be rough on him. I don't care how bad they are, shooting a kid is hard on a person. Especially somebody that is in the job of protecting kids. Overall, he did a good thing and likely saved a number of people. But still.
This won't stop ... get use to it ... Americans are all for human rights so this is what you get.
sophieshizuko wrote:
This won't stop ... get use to it ... Americans are all for human rights so this is what you get.
This would be like me driving through a playground full of children yelling "My name is Sophieshizuko," then telling your countrymen "This is what you get," because you still drive cars and not ride bicycles.
I know this sounds uncharitable, but I am really tired of these sick little s***s going into schools and shooting innocent people. I really no longer care about how mentally ill they are--I am glad the Maryland cop shot the last little twit to shoot people inside a school.
When I was in high school you'd see pickup trucks parked in the school parking lot with shotguns in rear window gun racks. I'd bring my single shot shotgun to school and leave it in my car, and after school we'd go dove hunting. We've had AR-15s since the 1960s. It's not the guns--it's changes in our society--and for some reason we've a lot more little sick b******s running around than ever before. Parents cannot discipline their children today--spank one of the little brats and you go to jail. That's wrong--totally wrong!
These shooters, however, have totally exhausted my sense of compassion and now I only want to see them shot to doll rags if they point a gun at another person.
And I am sick of the Left exploiting these tragedies. Kids are now being formed into propaganda brigades by the National Education Association (teachers union--and very liberal), the Women's March--with ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan--with Planned Parenthood (don't get me started on THEM) and with George Soros. Big bucks are being used to finance these kids' activities. And, no, they are not educated or mature enough to lecture us on Constitutional law. The whole exploitation thing sickens me.
Today is March 24th. Cities all over our country and others are holding marches, rallies, parades in solidarity to the Parkland students.
If you can find it in your soul, please stand with us.
Help me with: We have another hurricane coming this way.
I cannot. It is organized by Leftists with ties to Louis Farrakhan and George Soros. The kids have been scripted, orchestrated and manipulated. Big money is behind this push to take away our rights. And the schools' job is to educate, not indoctrinate. And I am sorry, but I am not going to be duped by it.
Sherlock wrote:
I cannot. It is organized by Leftists with ties to Louis Farrakhan and George Soros. The kids have been scripted, orchestrated and manipulated. Big money is behind this push to take away our rights. And the schools' job is to educate, not indoctrinate. And I am sorry, but I am not going to be duped by it.
If you could remind users of the shooting in Jonesboro, AR that happened 20 years ago yesterday with this link on SoCo's post, I will be forever grateful. It lets adults see, through the eyes of kids, who lived through an earlier school shooting, what it is like for students faced with the reality of dying on a normal school day. It is not adults behind the #MarchForOurLives movement, it is children who can do their own research online-who never knew a world where they did not have active shooter drills in school. Please read this and reconsider why you think a call to limit civilian access to military grade weapons is coming from today's children.
Thank you, SouthernComfort, for making people aware of how much fear the adults have allowed children to carry for far too long. There is sensible gun control. is the modern MADD. Kids who organized today's march are the equivalent of MADD's offshoot, SADD. is a counterpoint organization to the NRA influence on politicians. The number of NRA members represent less than 2% of the US population-and many of those members, and veterans who have served to defend the Constitution, do want sensible gun reform-they just haven't found this forum to offer another perspective.
Responsible gun owners are asking why parents aren't doing a better job of locking up weapons- they are asking if they are doing enough to protect a suicidal or depressed person in their life from accessing a weapon- they are asking why the age isn't being raised on a federal level- they are asking why the 'regulated' part of the 2nd amendment lets them have a fun piece in their collection when too many have abused its capability to take a bad week to a deadly story on the front page- they are saying it is time for the regulated part of the 2nd amendment to be used.
And it's not just schools that have been targeted. It has been churches, theaters, concerts. These kids have a right to be jaded-adults had a responsibility to never let things get so bad that they would feel this way. They are doing what you didn't. They grew up in a different world than you did. Better in many ways. But they see through the rhetoric. Let's learn from them, let's support them.
Let's be careful about falling for propaganda-this site may be vulnerable
Be well, everyone. Don't mislead those who trust you. Anonymity is a shield, lies are a weapon, the truth is evident and will backfire and hurt you when others uncover the games you play, and most importantly: don't lie to yourself; authenticity is an awesome trait.
- a concerned long term former user from the original run by cnet
Will answer more fully tomorrow. But gun bans are not the answer. The NRA has been around for 147 years. We have had AR15s since the late 60s. The guns have not changed, but the media, education and the restrictions placed on parental discipline HAVE.
Wonder how these Leftists would like a nice big civil war? That is what they are going to get if they get their way. Civil War 1.0 = 750,000 American deaths. Civil War 2.0 would be in the tens of millions. They haven't thought about THAT.
Anonymous wrote:
- of what it is like for students faced with the reality of dying on a normal school day.
-Mentally, psychologically re-enforced and annually celebrated like 911...
I wouldn't expect our public educators to let our kids have ONE blue sky, sunny, care-free day without reminding them.
Anonymous wrote:
It is not adults behind the #MarchForOurLives movement-
Poppycock and drivel, it is adults, if not (some parents) most certianly adult-driven from the PUBLIC institutions of education, because THOSE are the doors where the movement is comming from. As an informed ADULT, I too can do my research on-line. This isn't some Biblical "out of the mouth of babes," moment. This is an emotionally driven, political AGENDA - AND like many, agendas, the Left resort to predictable, wore out tactics, using children as a catylist to suit their needs when all other methods are fail. ...But it seems there's no monstrosity to that...
More children fear "Global Warming" daily, than they do a school shooting - where do you think they got that notion.....?
Anonymous wrote:
- of how much fear the adults have allowed children to carry for far too long.
Don't worry - child obesity and obesity in general will be gone by the time these children become adults. They will anorexically live their adult lives eating meagerlly in tears, saddened they are "destroying the planet" with each bite they swallow... Make no mistake, new tax laws await your brainwashed, disarmed starving children.
Anonymous wrote:
"moms demand action" is the modern MADD.
- No, it's not. M.D.A. is the new political club where estrogen-based members supply the emotional drum beating for a political agenda!
MADD doesn't have the audacity to Congressionally approach the Constitution with the intent on redefining its terms! You don't have a sacred protected right to drink and drive! They are NOT one in the same - and the attempt to homoginize the two doesn't fly.
Anonymous wrote:
The number of NRA members represent less than 2% of the US population-and many of those members, and veterans who have served to defend the Constitution, do want sensible gun reform-they just haven't found this forum to offer another perspective.
(From the bottom up) - Yeah, it's pretty hard for veterans who have served to protect the Constitution to have an active voice when a large majority of them are dead. And that's what it's about - waiting for the last of the American warrior to die off.
Statistics are a two way road. The fact is less than 1% of the WORLDS population determines the course of events when it comes to....the worlds population - you're going no where.
Anonymous wrote:
These kids have a right to be jaded - adults had a responsibility to never let things get so bad that they would feel this way.
No! They have a right to be ARMED when they come of age AND a responsibility and accountability for themselves and the actions of their own children - which is a new concept in this age for many....
Anonymous wrote:
They grew up in a different world than you did. Better in many ways. But they see through the rhetoric. Let's learn from them, let's support them.
I have lived a span of DECADES across BETTER times than children live in now.
The present age is not ALL about them - adults run the world, hold the jobs, pay the taxes and put food on the table and protect the family, children do not! The tail does not wag the dog.
Anonymous wrote:
Let's be careful about falling for propaganda-this site may be vulnerable -
- Yes let's be careful to keep strong control measures regarding your propaganda. You are not speaking into a daycare facility.
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymity is a shield, lies are a weapon
- Says someone who is anonymous and has bought into many lies...
Anonymous wrote:
authenticity is an awesome trait.
-It certainly is, isn't it?
Anonymous wrote:
- a concerned long term former user from the original help,com run by cnet
Replied from a concerned, long term current user of the orignal Help,com run by CNET
OK, I am back. First I want to tell all of you a little story.
My wife is Jewish. Her family lived in Austria before WWII. As you know, Hitler annexed Austria to Germany. Hitler gave the order for all the Jews to be disarmed--even if they were decorated WWI veterans. Their guns were confiscated by agents of the Nazi regime.
Next, they were loaded into boxcars and taken to Auschwitz. My wife's mother survived Auschwitz--even being experimented upon by Dr. Josef Mengele--but most of her family perished there.
Right now the US is in a political crisis. It is no secret now that the FBI was backing the campaign of Hillary Clinton. There was never a serious intent to investigate her violation of national security laws. Her crimes were covered up, while a fake dossier was used to obtain secret warrants for spying on the Trump campaign. The special prosecutor who is waltzing around Washington right now is the result of this fake dossier business. Deep inside the FBI was a cartel which developed an "insurance plan" to be used in case Trump got elected. All of this is just coming to light. It's very ugly, folks--and whether you're a Democrat or Republican, you know that the real problem was not the Russians influencing the election--it was the FBI taking sides in a political campaign. Now, stay with me a little longer.
So now we have the Left mobilizing these children to march in support of dismantling the Second Amendment. They are being orchestrated, scripted and manipulated by the Left--especially through the organization known as the Women's March.
Now, the Women's March has ties to Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, who is the most anti-Semitic person since Adolf Hitler. The Women's March refuses to cut ties with him. Then you have George Soros, the Uber Socialist who is pushing an agenda of open borders, unlimited immigration and public disarmament.
You say, "So what?"
So now we have the greatest political crisis since Watergate--in fact, it makes Watergate look tame in comparison--and you have the Left calling for bans of the most popular firearm in America, and the one that be able to put armed citizens on rough parity with government forces.
Many people see the Left as trying to topple a legitimately elected President--and the Left is simultaneous calling for gun bans and gun confiscation, and is shameless exploiting the children in their bids to do these things.
So what you have here are the ingredients for a civil war. That's right--a civil war.
The first Civil War resulted in 750,000 Americans killed, and that's a pretty conservative estimate. A second civil war, sparked by actions to ban certain firearms and/or confiscate them, would result in tens of millions of deaths. If you don't think this is a real likelihood, you haven't been talking to the same people I've been talking to.
Unlike Brits or Australians, Americans are not going to meekly turn in their guns or accept another "assault weapons ban." They are just not going to do it.
And, no, I do not want to see a civil war. I've seen civil wars in other countries. I will tell you right now that civil wars are more destructive than invasions by another country or power. The Spanish Civil War ended in 1939, but the wounds from it have still not healed. I've been to Afghanistan, and have seen what years of civil war have done to that country.
What would happen in a second American civil war? I can tell you this, based on decades of military service and observation of other countries: the government forces would be overwhelmed. They would lose. They would be outnumbered 50 to one. They could not bring their biggest weapons to bear, because it would all be urban combat. Ask any seasoned military leader the kind of fighting he fears most, and he'll tell you: urban combat.
Now, again, this is not something of which I am in favor--far from it--and it is NOT something I am advocating. Stay with me.
There would be purges like you haven't seen since the days of Stalin. Leftists and liberals would be hunted down. Because Leftists abused free speech, free speech would be a thing of the past. Every lamp post would have somebody hanging from it.
Most likely an "American Hitler" would emerge from the ashes to put the country back together again. Civil liberties would go out the window. In the guise of reclaiming our freedoms, our freedoms would be taken away. But people would go along with it, because they remembered the excesses of the Left.
I do not want to live in such a country. I do not want to see either the Right or the Left attain absolute power. We all know that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Yes, we can address issues about guns without taking away people's rights. But we cannot take away people's rights in the guise of making them safer--that just does not work.
The problem of violence in our society isn't a gun problem--it's a societal problem. Anyone who has lived five or six decades has seen the changes in our society. They have not all been for the better. We've had AR-15s since the 1960s--but only recently have they figured in senseless acts of violence.
I would like to see the Left back off, to stand down, and to TALK to the NRA and other gun owners about things we can do. When the Left demonizes and vilifies us, we tune them out. Also, I don't want to be told I don't "need" my guns by people who are rich and live in mansions with high walls and a platoon of armed security guards!
There ARE some things we can do. But Leftists and liberals HAVE to accept that giving up our civil rights is NOT the answer.
Hi Sherlock. I have one question for you.
If you truly believe guns and not effective gun LAWS are the answer to stop any further deaths of unarmed children in school...
How many "sick", "mentally deranged", "institutionally deranged", or "terrorists" have you killed today preventing them killing one more child? Just one more...???
If the only way to stop a bad man with a gun is to have a good guy with a gun, all you GOOD GUYS should be killing at least 20, 30 wackos each and every day!
Help me with: We have another hurricane coming this way.
Let’s keep this discussion educational.
Bashing a person on one side or another is not okay under any circumstance. Political debates are difficult because people get really fired up, which is understandable. Let’s just do our best to keep the discussion civil and fact-focused, centralized on the discussion rather than antagonizing any other users.
Rockster160 wrote:
Let’s keep this discussion educational.Bashing a person on one side or another is not okay under any circumstance. Political debates are difficult because people get really fired up, which is understandable. Let’s just do our best to keep the discussion civil and fact-focused, centralized on the discussion rather than antagonizing any other users.
,My question is not political nor do I think I am bashing anyone.
And I still would like an answer to my question. From anyone; gun owner or not.
Help me with: We have another hurricane coming this way.
soco wrote:
Rockster160 wrote:
Let’s keep this discussion educational.Bashing a person on one side or another is not okay under any circumstance. Political debates are difficult because people get really fired up, which is understandable. Let’s just do our best to keep the discussion civil and fact-focused, centralized on the discussion rather than antagonizing any other users.
,My question is not political nor do I think I am bashing anyone.
And I still would like an answer to my question. From anyone; gun owner or not.
Wasn't referring to anybody specifically. Just a message to the thread as a whole. 🙂
Although to be honest- I'm having trouble interpreting your question. Might be good to clarify some. 😉
Rockster160 wrote:
Although to be honest- I'm having trouble interpreting your question. Might be good to clarify some. 😉
Help me with: We have another hurricane coming this way.
Amendment II to the Constitution of the United States wrote:
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
Open to anyone:
When did we become well regulated ? Specific day, date, and time please...
And if a wall gets built, we are no longer free. Think about that.
Help me with: We have another hurricane coming this way.
soco wrote:
I have a question for you.
If you believe guns and not effective gun LAWS are the answer to stop any further deaths of unarmed children in school...
How many - have you killed, preventing them killing (just) one more child?
- all you GOOD GUYS should be killing at least 20, 30 wackos each and every day!
(From the bottom up)
Us "good guys" aren't Tom Cruise, working for the department of pre-crime in "Minority Report." I am not willing to see our society descend into Orwellian depths where we have laws that literally govern criminality based on "thought...."
To me, Sherlock has been very concise with what he has presented.
My Avatar is a close simulance as to what I look like in real life. If I were to put a playing card in front of my face and blink a few times, would I suddenly become completely unrecognizable? ...No. How is the liberal left NOT able to apply the same concept to a greater picture when it comes to these school shootings? Sherlock connected the dots and served them up on a gold platter - what part of the picture are we not seeing? There is an agenda to disarm our country, what do you think that would involve? Dead puppies and kittens? Butterflies pegged to a cork-board?
I mean, really...the total sum of dead children by the hand of shooters is nothing compared to the millions of unarmed children who are murdered world wide annually by the offices of Planned Parenthood.... At least you know what you are getting when someone goes on a rampage. Where's the march, where's the candle-light vigil for the millions of those dead children whose killers are their very mothers.
....But you don't see me campaigning for sterilization programs and aptitude tests which would determine if you are fit to be a parent.
I suppose it's a matter of perspective.
Soco wrote:
When did we become well regulated? Specific day, date, and time please...
Well regulated when the 2nd Ammendment was passed..? And if it needs more clarity, "regulation" does not equate to "restriction."
Soco wrote:
And if a wall gets built, we are no longer free. Think about that.
Technically the wall was built when the lines on the map were drawn.... Seems there are those that don't respect that wall, therefore the wall must be made a little taller than the height of the ink...
Well regulated meant having an infantry type weapon at home, e.g., Brown Bess musket or AR-15. You cannot assemble a "well regulated" militia with unarmed people. It goes back to King Henry's "Assize of arms" requiring the peasantry to keep some kind of weapon with which to participate in the "fyrd," the forerunner of the citizen militia. In early America--and today--the militia was all able-bodied males.
Rest assured I have laid terrorists low in foreign lands. I have also saved the life of a carjacking victim in Georgia and successfully protected my family from criminal attacks.
No one who has not been in a gunfight has any business telling anyone else what kind of firearm they "need."
In the present business, IF the FBI had done its job, and IF the Broward County, FL, Sheriffs Dept wad not staffed by cowards, and IF the Obama "Promise Program" had not allowed Cruz to be visited 39 times without being arrested a single time, and Cruz was STILL able to get a gun, then we could talk gun control measures.
But since we were failed at EVERY level by the people sworn to protect us, and since the FBI is now embroiled in a scandal by which its leaders sought to rig an election and overturn it in the event Hillary lost--no, we are not going to accept obe iota of blame, and we are certainly not going to entertain proposals for gun bans or confiscations in this volatile political climate.
Soco I'm a gun owner/dealer and a long time Liberal left center.
I agree with Sherlock and I'm deeply sadden by the onset of your leaders as well as ours dropping the ball. A sick, drug gobbling, self entitled, welfare financed little fucck shot three police officers and now is a debt to my social program forever.
I knew the gun dealer, who now is bankrupt and ill.
Social media, free access to publish anything, fake news, robotic government agents, uncountable Politicians and stupid privacy laws that protect these criminals need to be addressed.
You can't take away rights from good people or crime will escalate.
There is a reason they only throw rocks in the middle east.
We both understand what we need, but we don't run the world. Greedy shiits do and are entertained and make money on our stress and grief.
The best the best thing we can do is to communicate collectively and hold to the coarse as to whom the real enemy is.
This phase use to be on your money "In God we trust!".
We need to do something. Blaming it on
Louis Farrakhan is not the answer.
Good bye
Help me with: We have another hurricane coming this way.
Soco--how many of those deaths from guns were in the inner cities where gangs are having continual turf wars?
How's this for just Chicago:
Year to Date
Shot & Killed: 91
Shot & Wounded: 398
Total Shot: 489
Total Homicides: 111
And suicides:
All suicides
Number of deaths: 44,193
Deaths per 100,000 population: 13.7
Cause of death rank: 10
Firearm suicides
Number of deaths: 22,018
Deaths per 100,000 population: 6.7
Do you think our suicide rate might go down if we fixed our health care system so it didn't wipe out middle class people financially? I do!
Ah. Louis Farrakhan, and I quote:
"They call them [Hezbollah] terrorists, I call them freedom fighters...No one asks why they would do such a thing. Why would they do such a thing? What has driven them to this point? That's what the UN, the U.S. and Europe doesn't want to deal with because the Zionists have control in England, in Europe, in the United States and around the world."
Speech at the District Council 33 Union Hall,
Philadelphia, PA, 4/22/96
“I don’t know what the hell the fight is about over the Confederate flag. We need to put the American flag down. Because we’ve caught as much hell under that as the Confederate flag. Who are we fighting today? It’s the people that carry the American flag.” -- Louis Farrakhan in 2015.
"America will never be made great again. Her days of greatness are over. The God of justice has come." -- Louis Farrakhan in 2017.
Do you think that if the NRA leadership had ties to David Duke, the former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, and the NRA leadership refused to renounce ties to Duke and the Klan, that there would not be a media firestorm over it? Yet the Women's March does not renounce ties with Louis Farrakhan, and the media doesn't say squat about it!
"Rev. Louis Farrakhan gave a Saviours’ Day 2018 Address on Sunday in which he declared that "the powerful Jews are my enemy," and "white folks are going down."
So let me get this straight: the Women's March is supporting the "March for Our Lives" movement, which is calling not only for gun control but gun confiscation, and the Women's March is also supporting Louis Farrakhan, who warns that "white folks are going down," and Leftists want me to give up my guns? Really? Seriously? So we see that the gun control movement is allied with the Black Supremacist movement--and I am being told I am going down--and you want me to help you with that by giving up my guns?
I don't think so!
Do you people who want gun control--don't you see what is going on and why we are going to oppose you with our last breath? We are NOT going to acquiesce in our own demise! We are not going to turn over our guns and meekly load ourselves into those boxcars. We are NOT going to gently go into that night!
We will work with you on crime control, suicides, school security, etc., etc., but we will not be partners in our own destruction.
This is the black or white extreme thinking that I was talking about.
I am not in favor of total disarmament of the citizens. I'm a fierce advocate of the entire Constitution. Where it has problems, it has a way to correct them built in.
But that shooting in Maryland could have been a lot worse, were it not for Maryland's strict gun laws.
The problem is not the guns, it's the people. But until we come up with a feasible solution, gun limitations do help. I'm in favor of criminalizing leaving firearms unsecured. Most school shooters have been kids grabbing mom or dad's guns from home. Not only should the kids know better (they do) parents should also keep their stuff put away in a locked safe. I'm also in favor of limiting ammunition capacity.
Both sides say I'm wrong. Arguing extremes is no way to reach a workable compromise.
To a certain degree I'm for what you say smiley. I do, however, believe that anyone that is more protective of their weapons than the children that live on their street is frankly mentally deranged and all their hardware should be taken away.
Lives matter. Especially our children. If they are not our future, who the fruitcake is?
Help me with: We have another hurricane coming this way.
soco wrote:
- anyone more protective of weapons than children that live on their street is mentally deranged.
More laws and regulations won't make an outlaw into an angel. It just makes it harder for the law abiding citizen to kill the fu(<#r with harsh language...
YOUR LAWS will not disempower anarchy but only those capable of stopping it dead....
Soco...go buy some guns and learn how to use them.
Smiley wrote:
I'm also in favor of limiting ammunition capacity.
The next guy who goes rouge uughrees with you, too.
BIG-AL-ONE wrote:
Smiley wrote:
I'm also in favor of limiting ammunition capacity.The next guy who goes rouge uughrees with you, too.
If you can't hit the next guy who goes rogue with six bullets, you should leave the job to someone who can. Spraying bullets will only result in more deaths of bystanders.
I have been in gunfights. You cannot have too much ammunition. Especially with multiple assailants. (PS I won them all.)
My firearms are secured in safes when I am not using them, excepting one bedroom gun.
Maryland's gun laws did not have anything to do with the school shooter. He was stopped by a cop with a gun.
Yes, safe storage is important. Places like Canada went overboard so you cannot possibly access a gun in time to defend yourself with it.
And another one yesterday in Santa Fe, Texas. Wow. It's just almost the norm now. And he only killed 10 people. I'm sure I could have walked into my high school 40 years ago and taken out twice that many without even trying. This guy just shot people he didn't like.... ouch.
Help me with: I need help.
I am really tired of these miscreants. I would like to see them fast-tracked to the execution chamber, i.e., when there are at least a dozen witnesses to a murderous act, and the killer's fingerprints and/or DNA is on the weapon--then there should not be more than three days between his arrest and his execution! Then expunge his name from every public record! He wanted notoriety--so wipe out all evidence that he ever existed! Let the state claim his body, cremate it, and dump the ashes into a sewer. Allow no funeral or memorial service. If he lived with parents, knock down their house, leaving no board or brick on top of another. And if he got a weapon because some lazy bureaucrat didn't do his or her job, then let heads roll! I don't care if these people were bullied, ostracized, shunned or whatever--there is NO excuse for their actions and we need to come down really hard on them. Oh--no mention of their name allowed in the media. The quickest way into obscurity will be to kill innocent people!
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