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Anxiety to the point of getting sick.

Your underlying fears are quite common and (fortunately) basic. It seems that you are struggling with the issue of "biting off more than you can chew," and most of those fears are money/debt related. Perhaps you have the idea the control you have is temporary or even illusional, with all the "what ifs" that are involved.
I'm a big advocate of debt-free living and have been so for years. I was driven at an early age by the same fears you have - "what if I lose my job," etc.
The biggest thing you can do to settle some of you anxiety is to sit down and have a financial talk with your "soon-to-be." And you are going to need an unflinching dead eye when it comes to this talk because not only do men handle money differently than women, single people handle their money differently than couples. And both of you are about to meet, leaving both of those world behind.
Knowing what to expect from each other in the future largely depends upon getting on the same page, otherwise, the team effort becomes handicapped with years (decades) of disappointment and debt. It's no small matter.
You're about to join forces in a financial battle field and the goal in life is to attain the material things that are needed in life without becoming a slave or extending your serfdom "til death do us part."
If you have both signed off on a house, that is where your focus should be. Get it paid off, the sooner, the better - as with all things.
Afterward, there only remains the monthly expenses and those can be estimated on a yearly basis AND fully bought as such. This is where things go from good to amazing. No bills, all expenses paid for the year...now all income can go to future savings and retirement.
You will have kids, but for a large portion of time, kid cost bears no more expense than a pet. A time will come when that will change, but you can teach your youngsters the importance of self-sufficiency. Summer jobs, etc. It helps them and you AND they have a model to follow in their financial lives because of your successes.
I wish you all the best in your new ventures in life.

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Euro Brides-To-Be

Okay, I see it - I see it all now.... What we gotta do is we gotta snag that tall dude and stomp the $#!t out of him, and we'll find out what the hell is going on up there. Oh yeah, we lay that sucker out flat and drive a stake right through his -
......Oh....wrong video....

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Have people forgotten how to respectfully disagree?

There is a growing trend in society whereby if someone disagrees, it must mean you hate them.
That to disagree is already a sign of disrespect and people become "hurt" because of it.
The points brought out when it comes to "disagreeing" will always have a degree of "prick" to it - that's the nature of a different point of view.
Skills of how to handle "rejection" have certainly decreased.

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There was another shooting at a high-school this morning.WTF?!!

Smiley wrote:
If you can't hit the next guy who goes rogue with six bullets, you should leave the job to someone who can. Spraying bullets will only result in more deaths of bystanders.

A stated assumption doesn't make it a fact. Try again

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Logo Design?

Padre_J_Roulston wrote:

BIG-AL-ONE wrote:

A couple of more in the general direction - PNG'S

Thank you. I'll bring these to the other guys and see what they have to say. ๐Ÿ˜„

Sure and if you feel the need to include more input, do so. We'll get it mastered.

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Im not sure whether I should walk past this guy near or leave him lots of space still.

Okay then.
The two of you aren't strangers. All mental issues aside - this is a common awkwardness that needs to be solved by direct communication. The problem isn't going to limit itself to the sidewalk - as you said; in the store, at the gas station or any common public area - it's a "game" that needs to end and it's time to be the adults both of you are.
Go talk to him. Seeing as how you know what your problem is, ask him what his problem is. For the simple sake of walking on two legs, work up a little courage and come to some sort of understanding.

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I can't bring myself to eat.

CarolineFCY wrote:
That's a good idea, we have a cherished InstantPot and crockpot in the house... I wonder if I can also manage potato soup with bacon or something.

That's nice! Don't forget to add the processed cheese (for real) and heavy cream!

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Im not sure whether I should walk past this guy near or leave him lots of space still.

As things stand, he is likely involved in another relationship and has been for quite some time. This would explain his eraddict behavior.
Water under the bridge cannot be brought back around. Best to let it go. You're still young. There's someone out there for you, but this fellow is not it.
Keep up with your therapy until you can straightly see your position and all the wonderful potential you still have.
You'll find proper company yet. I believe in you.

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There was another shooting at a high-school this morning.WTF?!!

soco wrote:
- anyone more protective of weapons than children that live on their street is mentally deranged.

More laws and regulations won't make an outlaw into an angel. It just makes it harder for the law abiding citizen to kill the fu(<#r with harsh language...
YOUR LAWS will not disempower anarchy but only those capable of stopping it dead....
Soco...go buy some guns and learn how to use them.

Smiley wrote:
I'm also in favor of limiting ammunition capacity.

The next guy who goes rouge uughrees with you, too.

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I can't bring myself to eat.

Try making some soups and stews. Avoid bread products for the time being. Right now it's about getting your system readjusted to eating again.
Maybe a split pea soup with bacon or ham (I'd do one in a crock pot overnight)

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