Happy earth
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Have people forgotten how to respectfully disagree?

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people, forgotten, disagree, respectfully
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(26 minutes after post)
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Seems like it most of the time, doesn’t it?

Animation2 2
(59 minutes after post)
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The "powers that be" want to divide us and make us hate one another. When you hate someone, you can't be respectful in your disagreement

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(1 hour after post)
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There is a growing trend in society whereby if someone disagrees, it must mean you hate them.
That to disagree is already a sign of disrespect and people become "hurt" because of it.
The points brought out when it comes to "disagreeing" will always have a degree of "prick" to it - that's the nature of a different point of view.
Skills of how to handle "rejection" have certainly decreased.

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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(3 hours after post)
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Narcissism, progressive aggressive replies and fear increase with stress and low self-esteem.

Happy earth
(7 hours after post)
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Life would be dreadfully dull if everybody thought and felt exactly the same. Disagreeing and talking through our views is what brings people together in understanding.

We need to change society. If we continue down this path we will fall apart. Any ideas how to do that?

Happy earth
(9 hours after post)
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And empathy too, but I think without thoughtful discussion there can't really be empathy, not for most of us.

Understanding another's point of view requires the ability to see beyond what we already "know".

Billy mills
last online: 02/18, 4:01
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(11 hours after post)
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A fight is more entertaining than a respectful disagreement. That is why tweets and headlines use words like "slams" or "blasts" even when two people simply disagree. Its all about the clicks.

It is a social media trend - if you search Google News for the word "slams" on any given day you will find about ten articles for that day alone.

Happy earth
(11 hours after post)
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I'm thinking of putting together a project. Anyone here want to join? The more minds, the better.

Orchid 2
(15 hours after post)
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Unfortunately people take their opinions too personally and think they are in the right and others should simply agree. They fail to see other perspectives and conditions that bring forth other dimensions to the same subject/ argument.

It seems that disagreement becomes a personal attack on the ego and some are willing to fight to the bitter end to preserve It.

If only people can appreciate what Steven Covey once said:
“Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood”.

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I was told that

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(19 hours after post)
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I have seen some groups vilify and utterly demonize another group, and then they wonder why that other group tunes them out.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 day after post)
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I think it's a trend that comes from being anonymous while using a computer. When you actually were face to face with people discussing things you tried to be civil, now that everyone is a blip on a screen it's much easier to just make fun of people or get into heated arguments and threaten each other. It means nothing really, until someone cracks and shoots up facebook... that's the problem. Well that and people whose whole reality has been computer oriented. Maybe that's why so many kids are going off, they really don't live in the real world.

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