1,951 replies, Replies 1,311 to 1,320

It sounds silly.

This may sound strage, but given some extra thought, I think you'll understand.
Here goes....
"No two people drive the same car in the same way."

- written
sorry if it sounds like im being stereotypical but why the hell does every latin reggae song has this same annoying beat..

Yeah - my pants are still drying out๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚!

- written
sorry if it sounds like im being stereotypical but why the hell does every latin reggae song has this same annoying beat..

And like this -


- written
Re: the Great Gun Control Debate, I received an email today from a help-qa.com user, and I will reply to it, keeping everything as short as possible .

Help User wrote:
"I think a better approach on these discussions would be for
you two to challenge yourselves to not turn every opinion into a partisan attack - if every sentence is presented as 'Us VS Them'"

- In other words "Shut up."
In the course of natural dialouge between two speaking people it is not uncommon to retort to a specific spoken issue as a focal point.
Because the dynamics of writing are much different, a person may get easily lost when reading a response the length of an airline runway.
Breaking down the former sentences (or paragraphs) helps to solidify clarification.
I'm sorry if you don't like it, but that's not something I will change anytime soon.

Help User wrote:
"I would email this to SoCo to post as a come back from the propaganda you and Al are spinning:"

....Because the entire issue of gun control isn't "propaganda" and should have free reign breath after breath, unimpeded... Got it.
People like to be told they are thinking....until you actually make them think.
Don't imagine that I can't see the opinion of the other persons view - I can, but why can't they see a view that goes slightly further than their fixation?
I do what I can for the sake of the better and I give it my all, but I do have an end. If the other person cannot (will not) see the greater implication....then I am happy to leave them with their opinion.

Help User wrote:
Reign in your hate - step back if you can't be civil.

- What Sherlock said, in general, but I would include this: Few people have the ability to separate hatred of a issue from the hatred of a person.
I've done a lot of waking away in my time from people that have different views and such, no problem.
But there are issues I do not kneel down for regardless of who presents it - it still doesn't mean I hate the person.
Take care, now, Anonymous Help user. I would still appreciate you all the same wether I knew you or not.

- written
There was another shooting at a high-school this morning.WTF?!!

soco wrote:
I have a question for you.
If you believe guns and not effective gun LAWS are the answer to stop any further deaths of unarmed children in school...
How many - have you killed, preventing them killing (just) one more child?
- all you GOOD GUYS should be killing at least 20, 30 wackos each and every day!

(From the bottom up)
Us "good guys" aren't Tom Cruise, working for the department of pre-crime in "Minority Report." I am not willing to see our society descend into Orwellian depths where we have laws that literally govern criminality based on "thought...."
To me, Sherlock has been very concise with what he has presented.
My Avatar is a close simulance as to what I look like in real life. If I were to put a playing card in front of my face and blink a few times, would I suddenly become completely unrecognizable? ...No. How is the liberal left NOT able to apply the same concept to a greater picture when it comes to these school shootings? Sherlock connected the dots and served them up on a gold platter - what part of the picture are we not seeing? There is an agenda to disarm our country, what do you think that would involve? Dead puppies and kittens? Butterflies pegged to a cork-board?
I mean, really...the total sum of dead children by the hand of shooters is nothing compared to the millions of unarmed children who are murdered world wide annually by the offices of Planned Parenthood.... At least you know what you are getting when someone goes on a rampage. Where's the march, where's the candle-light vigil for the millions of those dead children whose killers are their very mothers.
....But you don't see me campaigning for sterilization programs and aptitude tests which would determine if you are fit to be a parent.
I suppose it's a matter of perspective.

Soco wrote:
When did we become well regulated? Specific day, date, and time please...

Well regulated when the 2nd Ammendment was passed..? And if it needs more clarity, "regulation" does not equate to "restriction."

Soco wrote:
And if a wall gets built, we are no longer free. Think about that.

Technically the wall was built when the lines on the map were drawn.... Seems there are those that don't respect that wall, therefore the wall must be made a little taller than the height of the ink...

- written
There was another shooting at a high-school this morning.WTF?!!

Anonymous wrote:
- of what it is like for students faced with the reality of dying on a normal school day.

-Mentally, psychologically re-enforced and annually celebrated like 911...
I wouldn't expect our public educators to let our kids have ONE blue sky, sunny, care-free day without reminding them.

Anonymous wrote:
It is not adults behind the #MarchForOurLives movement-

Poppycock and drivel, it is adults, if not (some parents) most certianly adult-driven from the PUBLIC institutions of education, because THOSE are the doors where the movement is comming from. As an informed ADULT, I too can do my research on-line. This isn't some Biblical "out of the mouth of babes," moment. This is an emotionally driven, political AGENDA - AND like many, agendas, the Left resort to predictable, wore out tactics, using children as a catylist to suit their needs when all other methods are fail. ...But it seems there's no monstrosity to that...
More children fear "Global Warming" daily, than they do a school shooting - where do you think they got that notion.....?

Anonymous wrote:
- of how much fear the adults have allowed children to carry for far too long.

Don't worry - child obesity and obesity in general will be gone by the time these children become adults. They will anorexically live their adult lives eating meagerlly in tears, saddened they are "destroying the planet" with each bite they swallow... Make no mistake, new tax laws await your brainwashed, disarmed starving children.

Anonymous wrote:
"moms demand action" is the modern MADD.

- No, it's not. M.D.A. is the new political club where estrogen-based members supply the emotional drum beating for a political agenda!
MADD doesn't have the audacity to Congressionally approach the Constitution with the intent on redefining its terms! You don't have a sacred protected right to drink and drive! They are NOT one in the same - and the attempt to homoginize the two doesn't fly.

Anonymous wrote:
The number of NRA members represent less than 2% of the US population-and many of those members, and veterans who have served to defend the Constitution, do want sensible gun reform-they just haven't found this forum to offer another perspective.

(From the bottom up) - Yeah, it's pretty hard for veterans who have served to protect the Constitution to have an active voice when a large majority of them are dead. And that's what it's about - waiting for the last of the American warrior to die off.
Statistics are a two way road. The fact is less than 1% of the WORLDS population determines the course of events when it comes to....the worlds population - you're going no where.

Anonymous wrote:
These kids have a right to be jaded - adults had a responsibility to never let things get so bad that they would feel this way.

No! They have a right to be ARMED when they come of age AND a responsibility and accountability for themselves and the actions of their own children - which is a new concept in this age for many....

Anonymous wrote:
They grew up in a different world than you did. Better in many ways. But they see through the rhetoric. Let's learn from them, let's support them.

I have lived a span of DECADES across BETTER times than children live in now.
The present age is not ALL about them - adults run the world, hold the jobs, pay the taxes and put food on the table and protect the family, children do not! The tail does not wag the dog.

Anonymous wrote:
Let's be careful about falling for propaganda-this site may be vulnerable -

- Yes let's be careful to keep strong control measures regarding your propaganda. You are not speaking into a daycare facility.

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymity is a shield, lies are a weapon

- Says someone who is anonymous and has bought into many lies...

Anonymous wrote:
authenticity is an awesome trait.

-It certainly is, isn't it?

Anonymous wrote:
- a concerned long term former user from the original help,com run by cnet

Replied from a concerned, long term current user of the orignal Help,com run by CNET

- written
i wanted to write a poem..

I come back periodically just to watch this

๐Ÿ˜„So happy to make you laugh. Occasionally, I shine once in a while - and always most unexpectedly.

- written
There was another shooting at a high-school this morning.WTF?!!

Sherlock wrote:
I cannot. It is organized by Leftists with ties to Louis Farrakhan and George Soros. The kids have been scripted, orchestrated and manipulated. Big money is behind this push to take away our rights. And the schools' job is to educate, not indoctrinate. And I am sorry, but I am not going to be duped by it.


- written
I'm doing really badly.

Plug in your ear buds. This guy wrote a song just for you.


- written
i wanted to write a poem..

I had fun - inspiring stuff.
A little goes a long way.
If you want a copy of this, copy the URL and go to -


From there it's easy to figure.

- written