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There's only me here now.

Anonymous wrote:
That's how I feel when I'm alone with my thoughts.

At the old Help site I used to visit the oldest pages. It brought interesting and reflective moments.

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What's the point in posting anon?

Anonymous wrote:

Because....you're cover is blown. Caught, busted, found out, hand in the jar.
Come out, come out. I see you hiding behind the couch.๐Ÿ˜‹

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Anxiety medication?

Thank you for your acknowledgement.

Reply, edited.

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There's only me here now.

Another victim of hit-and-run. How many times I have walked these empty halls. It's kinda peaceful and gives one time to get caught up.
Just wait until the gate really opens up - triage will be nonstop.

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life is just a comedy....

During my youth involved in drug culture, I drove this little Honda Civvic with a blown out driver widow. I sealed it with wide clear tape until it became firm. Other than a short in the fuse panel that would cause the rear lights to go dark everything about the car was fine.
I drove to the city to visit a friend with a coffee can packed with shake (dried pot leaves crushed fine).
I sat in the parking lot after knocking at his door - he was not home, and so I rolled a giant fatty and got to the fine art of reefing.
The fact I couldn't roll down my window didn't concern me - it was all bonus. There was a local hub for young folks and I thought to go see what was happening.
Well, the Christmas lights in my rearview mirror were a bit brighter than normal and considering the cops had more engine than my POS car, they decided I should pull over.
Now, some people have the luxury of rolling down their window....but when the officer walked up to me, I had the honor of opening my door.
Have you ever experienced a night where the air was dead still? That cop sure did. As I opened the door the sheet of smoke came toward the cop like UPS delivering freight. It hung about him for a few long convicting seconds until it lifted into the air like a parting ghost saying "Good luck."
"What's that pot I smell?" was the first thing out of his mouth. But really now, it was clear he didn't know the fine differences of what was what.
I looked at him with a dead eye and told him with as much seriousness as I could muster, "That's not pot, sir, it's shake."
For a moment, his face became glazed as if the matrix froze the program to begin reformatting a sequence of thoughts.
"I pulled you over because your rear lights are completely out." it was a good thing the fuse panel was easy to get to and visible to the cop. I stiffened some aluminum foil back into a slot that had worked itself loose. "How's that look?" I asked.
He looked and saw the rear lights were working. He told me to make sure they stayed that way because he didn't want to have to pull me over a second time.
He left and so did I.
Now, for those of you who don't know the fine differences when it comes to weed - the state law doesn't recognize any difference between "bad weed" or good. Busted is busted. In reflection of historic events, the only reason I wasn't arrested was because the cop thought I said "Sage," and to boot it smelled like it too.
A real life comedy experience from decades ago.
Hope you liked.

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I gave until I couldn't give any more.

I would say don't let a rotton apple spoil the barrel. You will always have more friends than enemies and if you're ernest, who cares about those enemies.
All my best. BA1

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Enjoy this song parody.

I would like to hear this guy sing this to karaoke as seriously as can muster it, with all the emotional stops!

Well...because I'm cheap and out of the box; a little something to smile by -


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I gave until I couldn't give any more.

You did the best you could and that's all anyone can do if put into that position.
When this person sees the error of their ways and comes crawling back...the hard part (or easy), is not to take them back.

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What's the point in posting anon?

Anonymous wrote:

Big-Al-One wrote:

Don't feel bad, all of us have been caught at one time or other.๐Ÿ˜‚



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Whats you're prediction.

Bubba Ho-Tep.

Hail to the king, baby.

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