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At the thought of going back to school, assuming I went through a two or four year program, I'd be about 43/45 years old.

I might as well just go ahead and die. My dad died of a heart attack at 45 years old. I will consider myself lucky if I make it to, 65 or 70. I almost don't even expect to I don't know why. I tried college when I was younger. It didn't work back then. Why would I think it would work now?

I was hired out of school as a computer tech by a man who had more than my credentials in mind and 6 months after he hired me and since we hadn't had ***sex yet I was let go. I've been in retail/customer service ever since.

At the moment, it all seems like a waste of time. But I keep hearing I should go back.

I think it won't work again. They think I'll be lost without it... I'll take a loan out and have to pay it back and still end up with nothing that benefits me because, generally, nobody gives a crap about you. Once I get out I still have to find a job. Which is pretty much right where I'm at right now at this point..

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It sounds like your mind is already made up. So what is it you want Help with?

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Assess your skills and offer them as a service - go into business for yourself.
It may not generate the fiscal income you would hope for but it would help. Also, it will build your P.R. over time (and that is what brings you success).

Original Poster
(7 hours after post)
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BIG.AL.ONE wrote:
Assess your skills and offer them as a service - go into business for yourself.
It may not generate the fiscal income you would hope for but it would help. Also, it will build your P.R. over time (and that is what brings you success).

Actually reading the original post I wrote again, I'm diagnosed schizo-affective. Really maybe it's time I stop and take a look at that.

I've been ignoring it.

I'd love to go into business for myself. I don't know how though. I've thought about building a store online and I could do the work for sure but I don't know how to be profitable. I don't have a supplier and I don't know how to get one. So I have nothing to sell. And I wouldn't know how to get a business license and what all that involves even if I did. A mentor would be great but wish me lots of luck with that would ya?

I don't know if my "diagnosis" (my therapist said it's all theory anyway) has anything to do with it or not. I feel more like a guy that's just tired of people's bullshit. And I'm not doing well with any public because of that reason. I can't stand people and I hate being in public.

So really what this post is about I think, I think I'm arguing my wants against my cant's and I'm just mad.

What am I supposed to do with that?

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First off you should disregard all your "can't"s. You can do everything you set your mind to. And I do mean everything. The mind is a limitless space in which to imagine your dreams.

Img 2679
(1 day after post)
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Go to school! It’s NEVER too late. I am going a little later and slower than I wanted, it’s so easy to come up with reasons not to. It will be worth it though, people with bachelors degrees earn more. You can have a better life, and it’s always good to learn, it keeps your brain younger. Whatever you choose, good luck!

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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I can only say this;

Until your peas get in the way of your carrots, let's try to keep the two as separate as possible...

You can function - you can think, you can operate. You have capabilities.

I was hired out of school as a computer tech -

- and this is what I'm talking about. Your skills and abilities are the limitless supply you already have to offer a service. I understand it's not like a store (on-line or otherwise), but you are the product.
Let's take a look -
1. Basic Tax prep work.
2. Notary of Public.
3. Basic secretarial work.
4. Research Services.
5. Computer technician (list subcategories)

The above listing is an example of your "products."

As for getting a business licence - it easy! Go to your local City Office and ask for their business license forms. Fill them out and pay their fee - done! You will recieve a Business License certificate (good for one year).
From there you advertise to the public. (I would use stronger expressions but it seems I push my luck around here enough as it is)😉.

So....that's the peas.

What ever your "mental state" is, seems to be manageable.

....The world sucks. It's hard to find our place. I'm not going to pull the card of higher moral ground and say;
Money can't buy happiness.
Or -
Things can't make up for love.
However, it may help you to know that things will go more your way as you get older. It's difficult to explain but if your demands are'll get what you ask for.
Meanwhile, you're not alone. I wish, I want, but this is all I have....

So really what this post is about, I think, is I'm arguing my wants against my cant's and I'm just mad.

What am I supposed to do with that?

When I was a kid, I mowed lawns during summer to make money...
One day during school time there was this big kid that just kept picking on me. I wasn't skilled as a fighter, so I did what I had to do...
I put $5 dollars in the hand of a bigger kid to go kick his azz for me and I made sure I was there to remind him (the bully) that I had a whole summer saved up just for him.

....For those things you "cannot" do, hire those that have the skill. Sometimes, it takes other people - the show must go on.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(2 days after post)
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6 months and no ***sex with your boss? If you don't eat your meat you can't have any pudding... how can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?

Animation2 2
(3 days after post)
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Go to school. You're going to be 45 anyway, might as well be 45 with a degree. When 45 finally rolls around, you will think back to what you could've done with that time. School is a great way to spend time, imo.

(1 week after post)
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If you're in the USA, it's not hard to start your own business. While I'm sure every state is different, an hour on Google will probably turn up everything you need to know, although it might be a bit daunting to read through and sort it out.

$1,000.00 and a single good idea can make you financially stable within a couple of years, and then you can decide what else you want to do -and while that's percolating, go on back to school & when it all starts coming together you'll have a whole array of new options to choose your path from.

Animation2 2
(2 weeks after post)
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I would love to be able to be financially secure with a good idea and a thousand bucks :) Help me come up with some ideas....

Right off the bat, I'm thinking the lottery is the best chance I have. And I never play the lottery,

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