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I’ve been off social media on and off for the last year.

All bc of boys. First, I was being stalked by an ex. The next time I was the one stalking my other ex and his new fiancé on their social media. I’m October I deleted all my social media and am not looking back. The issue is I became supervisor at the animal shelter I volunteer at and they communicate solely through fb. I don’t want to go back on social media but I fear in order to know what’s going on and inform the other volunteers I am going to have too. I am co supervisor with another girl but I lack confidence that she will let me know important updates

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Create a blank account solely for work. Connect it to your phone or whichever to get immediate updates, but don’t go and add a bunch of old friends and family or exes or anything like that.

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(7 hours after post)
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Rockster160 wrote:
Create a blank account solely for work. Connect it to your phone or whichever to get immediate updates, but don’t go and add a bunch of old friends and family or exes or anything like that.

My main issue is that if I have access to a Facebook account I can search my ex and his fiancée because their profiles are public. And even though I tell myself I shouldn’t do it and I don’t wanna do it I have no self-control

(10 hours after post)
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music=life wrote:

Rockster160 wrote:
Create a blank account solely for work. Connect it to your phone or whichever to get immediate updates, but don’t go and add a bunch of old friends and family or exes or anything like that.

My main issue is that if I have access to a Facebook account I can search my ex and his fiancée because their profiles are public. And even though I tell myself I shouldn’t do it and I don’t wanna do it I have no self-control

Sounds like that’s what you need to work on!
Treat it as professional. It’s a professional tool for use professionally only.

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(14 hours after post)
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@Rockster160 youre 100% right. For now I am going to try and stay off social media a bit longer but you’re right that one day I am going to stop avoiding my issues and move on from the past in a professional way

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To help you @music=life may I suggest going to projectsemicolon.com Its for those that want Help moving past previous transgressions on another's part.

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Make a new profile and block the exes. Simples.

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Nix wrote:
Make a new profile and block the exes. Simples.

This! Block them and you won’t have to see them 😊

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