Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
last online: 04/07, 17:14
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Just thought I'd put this out there.

The old name helptogo.com is for sale, kind of makes me glad it's not around.

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thought, put, afternic
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DocteurRalph edited this post .

Just thought I'd put this out there. ¬ . The old name helptogo.com is for sale, kind of makes me glad it's not around.¬ ¬ https://www.afternic.com/forsale/helptogo.com?utm_source=TDFS_DASLNC&utm_medium=DASLNC&utm_campaign=TDFS_DASLNC&traffic_type=TDFS_DASLNC&traffic_id=daslnc&

DocteurRalph edited this post .

Just thought I'd put this out there. The old name helptogo.com is for sale, kind of makes me glad it's not around.¬ ¬ https://www.afternic.com/forsale/helptogo.com?utm_source=TDFS_DASLNC&utm_medium=DASLNC&utm_campaign=TDFS_DASLNC&traffic_type=TDFS_DASLNC&traffic_id=daslnc&

(10 hours after post)
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I’m beginning to like this site again

20181121 142229
(13 hours after post)
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I don't remember when it was helptogo dot com..

1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
last online: 03/19, 3:49
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(15 hours after post)
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Nobody could remember it. Jonathon did the best he could with what he had to work with but the name itself really hurt. Sounded more like bad fast food. We did manage to secure the old archives from the previous owners but it was really messed up. But they are available online for search purposes.

(19 hours after post)
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i remember when it was help.com

(19 hours after post)
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then cbs ate it and here we are

(19 hours after post)
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do we still have the archives no?

(21 hours after post)
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The archives are on

It takes a lot of server power, so usually it’s shut down unless people are looking around it though. But the data is there.

1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
last online: 03/19, 3:49
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(1 day after post)
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It was CBS Interactive that had Help prior to the shutdown. [Where have I heard that before?] The main administrators of us were under the GameStop dot com umbrella. That domain made a whole lot more money than ours so they got the majority of the bug fixes. We were never meant to be a for profit site. Purely altruistic.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(3 days after post)
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Helpbot seems to be asleep.

(3 weeks after post)
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everybody who was is gone everybody who is here is here ...... just keep coming back... lick i randomly do

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