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The original help.com site was always busy, and I don't think for a moment there are fewer people needing help.

So it follows this new version just isn't being "found" or isn't showing up when people are looking for answers.

What can be done to bring this new site to the attention of more people?

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Since writing this post DragonLady may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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people, site, attention, answers, bring
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(8 minutes after post)
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Probably because people use google for helping their stuff now

(10 minutes after post)
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2 main options:

1) Advertising -
1a) Google Advertising - We pay Google to stick us at the top of the search results (Next to an Ad word- Google a popular word and look at the top few results- notice that they're ads rather than "natural" results.)
1b) Sideline Ads - Think Facebook/Reddit columns. Differs from Google Ads in that payment structure is a bit different and this is more broad.

2) Word of mouth
2a) Tell people in person - This can be telling your friends, people on the street, handing out flyers, etc.
2b) Word of "fingers" - Basically word of mouth, but digitally. ๐Ÿ˜„ So this could be posting on Facebook, Reddit, StackOverflow, etc.

Both have downsides:
Option 1 costs money.
Option 2 requires users "giving away" their "safe place".
While option 2 is MUCH more likely to get "friendly" faces that stick around, it's also more difficult because many users say things on this site that they're only comfortable saying knowing that friends and family/ "real life" people won't find.

Also, like Dani sort of said- there are many other resources out there for people to find help. The internet is a busy place. ๐Ÿ˜…

(16 minutes after post)
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and the internet changes like the other day my 13 year old said only old people use facebook..... i'm like whaaaaaaaaaaaaat

Mine.... mine i say!!!
(1 day after post)
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Not everything is meant to last. This site may die out and look like one of those abandoned saloons in the desert. There doesn't always have to be fireworks, surprises, nor sauce (I don't know. That seemed to fit). Allowing change to happen naturally and quietly is something to watch and learn from.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(3 days after post)
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Well I found the old site by typing in "help". You won't find this one doing that, that's for sure.

Help me with:

I need help.

(3 days after post)
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DocteurRalph wrote:
Well I found the old site by typing in "help". You won't find this one doing that, that's for sure.

Yes; that bugs me, too.

Who owns the original domain now?

(3 days after post)
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NM...answered my own question. It's some kind of B2C chat platform venue thing now. :(

(3 days after post)
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I think we active members may have another method to help to make it better, but it will take some time & a bit of work.

Each day, we need to each start a topic that starts with "help me"

"Help me I'm bored" or "help me plan a party" or "help me choose a new car" or "help me with _______" whatever.

We can move up in the search engines for keywords if they appear often enough, and "help me" is probably the one most important for people who are really needing help. If we attach it to a variety of different topics, we can be more assured of being found by those who are looking.

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(4 days after post)
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That would be a good start. As it is, nobody's gonna type 'help-qa' into Google, so this site wouldn't be getting that type of traffic. Same problem with the former 'helptogo', which I still think sounds like a pudding cup. The layout here's superior tho.

(4 days after post)
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(nods) we just have to each start a topic as often as we can, and each answer each other's topics so we get spiders here often.

Screenshot 20201225 201925 google
(2 weeks after post)
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Typing help into Google now shows up a computer/ software help site.
This is quite hard to find.

(2 months after post)
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If, maybe its was called Helpy given some people make typoes franctically searching for help.....

Mine.... mine i say!!!
(2 months after post)
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WritetheHeroine wrote:
Not everything is meant to last. This site may die out and look like one of those abandoned saloons in the desert. There doesn't always have to be fireworks, surprises, nor sauce (I don't know. That seemed to fit). Allowing change to happen naturally and quietly is something to watch and learn from.

What the heck, looking back this response sounds deranged. I agree that adding, "Help me..." could be really helpful.
Also, maybe folks considering different areas to seek help, advice, or candor than they're used to posting.

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