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There’s nothing like a wedding to tear a family apart.

Last July my cousin 1 got married. Invited my parents me and my bro, not my bros girlfriend until my mum questioned it. Me my bro and his gf didn’t go.

Then my bro got married. Only invited me, parents and grandparents. That’s it. No one else because he doesn’t like attention.

Now cousin 2 is getting married. And only my parents are invited. My bro his now wife and I are not invited. This won’t be a small family only wedding. This will be quite large as my cuz and fiancée are huge in family. Apparently not my family though.

I don’t want to go but I’m kinda passed off too. Urgh that side of the family are just f big weird and always jealous! I won’t be having anything at all to do with them ever again. Not only because of this. But because they always annoy me every damn time i see them.

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family, married, parents, invited, bro
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Im not a fan of marriage extended family and happily ever afters.

(3 hours after post)
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My family units never wanted to get chummy at all. It's like growing up in a bus terminal: lots of familiar faces, but nobody ever wanted to get close.

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last online: 12/14, 0:56
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So... 1. When you were all invited the first time around, you got them to invite your bros gf and then STILL didn’t go.

2. Your bro didn’t invite them to his own after that and

3. Now you want to know why you weren’t invited when you’re not planning on going anyways?

... I wouldn’t invite you either, honestly.

Original Poster
(11 hours after post)
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Araz wrote:
So... 1. When you were all invited the first time around, you got them to invite your bros gf and then STILL didn’t go.

2. Your bro didn’t invite them to his own after that and

3. Now you want to know why you weren’t invited when you’re not planning on going anyways?

... I wouldn’t invite you either, honestly.

I couldnt make it the first time, cant remember why my bro didnt go.

My bros wedding wasnt really a wedding. It was at the registry office, then a restaurant, then home. It was about 3 hours long, only 5 people were invited

My cousins wedding will be BIG. All of the family is invited. except us

(13 hours after post)
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Araz wrote:
So... 1. When you were all invited the first time around, you got them to invite your bros gf and then STILL didn’t go.

2. Your bro didn’t invite them to his own after that and

3. Now you want to know why you weren’t invited when you’re not planning on going anyways?

... I wouldn’t invite you either, honestly.

I'm somewhat with Araz on this one....

A). As YOU said: Everyone except your bros gf was invited. Your mom (which is your cousin's aunt) stood up for her but then you, your brother, and his gf fail to attend. The aunt and uncle show up (your mom and dad) but not you guys. That is excuseless. And the fact you can't even remember what caused ALL three of you to miss the biggest day of your cousins life is proof of how shallow you are about matters like these. 🎶 Oh, I can't remember 🎶 Wow!

B). People's attitudes really come shining through as with the case of your brother's "wedding." Wow! Where did he get the wedding ring for your sister-in-law, from the bottom of a cereal box? A regestery office stamp, a resteraunt, then home - no trashier way to treat a woman that is going to marry someone of no consideration.
A wedding is a big deal and it takes a year or more to properly plan - it also costs money. It's all about the bride. It's a statement about the most wonderful woman that a man will have in his life (perhaps other than his mother).
But here is a case where two vows were made over some food and maybe a mug of beer a copul'a burps = "I do." Here's a few tabs of Rolaids to keep the indigestion down - well - time for bed.

C.) Now, cousin #2 is getting married.... Gee, I bet HE remembers why you didn't show up at cousin #1's wedding. Especially after your mom spoke out on behalf of your sister-in-law. I bet he knows why your mom's efforts were in vain - but at least she had the consideration and that's a value. Your brother and his wife wasted that value. Totally tanked and threw it in the trash - here's our thanks mom (slam-dunk recycle bin).

My cousins wedding will be BIG. All of the family is invited, except us. I don’t want to go but I’m kinda pissed off too.

Is it really such a suprise this has happened. What does mommey have to say about this? NOTHING. You all treated her like dirt the last time - SHE remembers - and she isn't going to repeat that mistake.
Secondly, your cousin #2 couldn't help but learn what happened last time to cousin #1. Meanwhile, you're so shallow as to think that cousin #2 wouldn't account that into his decision making process? You're thick, along with your brother and his wife.
You accuse the other side of the family of being jealous - but you should hear yourself (it's all jealousy).
I'm sorry to say but you ARE the problem people of the family. To identify that would be as easy to look at you. Then, the deflecting begins with the first words that come from your mouth.
You can't miss a barn door.

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(18 hours after post)
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I had a very small wedding (exactly what I wanted), no cousins or anything. I'm glad they were all classy about it, wishing me well and moving on. You could send a nice card and move on too. I think it's a lot more rude to make a big deal about someone getting invited or not when it's someone else's most important and special day.

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last online: 12/14, 0:56
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(21 hours after post)
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verge wrote:
I had a very small wedding (exactly what I wanted), no cousins or anything. I'm glad they were all classy about it, wishing me well and moving on. You could send a nice card and move on too. I think it's a lot more rude to make a big deal about someone getting invited or not when it's someone else's most important and special day.

Weddings are so expensive, that’s why it really bothers me when people RSVP and then make some excuse for not showing up. They’re incredibly stressful to plan too.

I agree with Verge in that you should send a nice card and move on.

Original Poster
(22 hours after post)
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Araz wrote:

verge wrote:
I had a very small wedding (exactly what I wanted), no cousins or anything. I'm glad they were all classy about it, wishing me well and moving on. You could send a nice card and move on too. I think it's a lot more rude to make a big deal about someone getting invited or not when it's someone else's most important and special day.

Weddings are so expensive, that’s why it really bothers me when people RSVP and then make some excuse for not showing up. They’re incredibly stressful to plan too.

I agree with Verge in that you should send a nice card and move on.

they knew from the get go we werent going. they didnt plan for us then not show up. my first cousins wedding they pretty much said they wanted to invite other people. it felt very unwelcoming in the way we were invited in the first place.

there is nothing wrong with a small wedding. neither my brother or his wife like any attention on them, they despise it. if they had done the big wedding it would be a hell of a cost to please others. instead they had a day they enjoyed.

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It only takes one person to take the high road to fix this. Or simply stay mad at one another for the rest of your miserable lives.
You decide.

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(5 days after post)
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Maybe if you would have gone to the first cousin's wedding you would have been invited to the second cousin's wedding. Not going was kind of a snub to that part of the family. Not to mention then your family has a wedding and doesn't invite any of them... I'm actually surprised even your parents were invited to the second cousin's wedding. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, they usually will.

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