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need to break the silent mold i built myself into..

. yea no kiddin i felt like ending all of it even tho im bit of a fighter and all .. i always keep this in mind that there is no grief that comes with the death of a truly loved one.. this is why i live for others.

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live, mind, death, loved, grief
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Hello. Welcome to help-qa. Tell us more about yourself if you would please.

Blue angel 2
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Yes, please feel free to tell us anything and everything you want to, we're here to help :)

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
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Grief comes in many forms. You either choose to let it consume you,or you try to live life as best as you can. I think your being to hard on yourself.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(12 hours after post)
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I like the whole living for others concept. I think I've been doing it a long time as well, but I had a lot of kids that needed me. Now not so much. Still I'm waaaay too well aware of what happens when a family member commits suicide. It tears most people up in a way that is horrific. Trust me there is a whole lot of grief that comes with the death of a truly loved one.

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The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

For so much of my life, I wished to be happy. But what does that even mean? There are so many different forms of ‘happy’ - euphoria, content, etc. What does that even mean to be happy?

I think you have figured out something in your depression that most people don’t figure out ever. The only way to be “happy” is to live for others.

When you’re depressed, it feels like the whole world is against you and like no one understands. It’s a lonely feeling. I think selflessness helps alleviate some of that. Therapy helps too, whether it’s a professional or someone you can just talk to.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(16 hours after post)
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Wow Araz you're kind of tieing what people told you on your post to this one. I'm impressed. Every day is a learning experience.

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DocteurRalph wrote:
Wow Araz you're kind of tieing what people told you on your post to this one. I'm impressed. Every day is a learning experience.

I didn’t realize anyone would catch that :) It really is, I’m trying to learn from all of you!

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(22 hours after post)
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do tell us more if youre needing some advice! what going on? Why do you feel this way?

Also separately @Rockster160 should helpbot not have popped up for this?

(22 hours after post)
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ProffVampy wrote:
Also separately @Rockster160 should helpbot not have popped up for this?

I'll tweak him a little bit to catch posts like this. He's due for an upgrade soon. :)

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