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Purely sociological, honest question:

And I am not asking for myself. I look good enough to do alright with the ladies, if I should apply myself to that and in any case I am in a relationship.

But: Are there ladies out there, that you know, that like cushiony dudes?

Like in the same way some guys like women with a very generous share of chunk on them.

Like Jack Black: Are there ladies (or gay men, I guess) who, if they didn't know who he was or heard him say single word, who would be attracted to him on looks alone?

What about Gabriel Iglesias?

Just trying to spice up the convo here with a non political post ;)

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Purely sociological, honest question:¬ ¬ And I am not asking for myself. I look good enough to do alright with the ladies, if I should apply myself to that and in any case I am in a relationship.¬ ¬ But: Are there ladies out there, that you know, that like cushiony dudes?¬ ¬ Like in the same way some guys like women with a very generous share of chunk on them. ¬ ¬ Like Jack Black: Are there ladies (or gay men, I guess) who, if they didn't know who he was or heard him say single word, who would be attracted to him on looks alone?¬ ¬ Jack Black pic for reference: https://images.ladbible.com/resize?type=jpeg&url=http://beta.ems.ladbiblegroup.com/s3/content/195217c45e3e19e96478debd06ea4529.png&quality=70&width=720&aspectratio=16:9¬ ¬ What about Gabriel Iglesias?¬ ¬ ¬ What about Gabriel Iglesias?¬ ¬ ¬ Just trying to spice up the convo here with a non political post ;)

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I think there has to be chemistry. That can only happen after some time spent together. There is no real such thing as an online long distance relationship, if that's what you mean.

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jjlove01 wrote:
I think there has to be chemistry. That can only happen after some time spent together. There is no real such thing as an online long distance relationship, if that's what you mean.

I'm talking more in terms of superficialities.

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Lano wrote:

jjlove01 wrote:
I think there has to be chemistry. That can only happen after some time spent together. There is no real such thing as an online long distance relationship, if that's what you mean.

I'm talking more in terms of superficialities.

To each his/her own. Personally, I am attracted to men who are H/W proportionate. My hubs is 6'6" and 240#, and he's perfect for me!

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i think with charm you can attract any woman out there regardless of looks. as for general attraction to cushy guys.. probably very rare.

but i wouldn't dare say there aren't women with fat dude ******fetish .. lol

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Women are more forgiving than men. You're more likely to see fit women with fay men than the other way around.

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Charm works on guys too tho. Personality goes a long way. In both directions. Bad personality can make a pretty girl much less attractive.

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Are there ladies out there, that you know, that like cushiony dudes?

Like in the same way some guys like women with a very generous share of chunk on them.

Like Jack Black.

I think the question is somewhat amiss. The real question being is; Can a very attractive woman be attracted to a Jack Black type.

Generally, the answer is 'no.'

The reoccurring tide of reproduction is necessary for mankind to continue.

A man thinks about ***sex all day long.
A woman thinks about ***sex much less. In the end, women determine when a guy is going to get "lucky," or not.

Looks primarily control the drive and desire of ***sex.

A guy sees a super-fine babe and his kocx barks and wags like a dog out of control.

The same guy sees a woman of average looks and, when necessary, can proudly rise to occasion.

And, finally, the same guy sees something that constitutes a female as a species of mountain razorback troll, his nuts roll up like vinition blinds and his rod retracts like an AM/FM radio antenna.

When it comes to looks and appearances which control the drive and desire of ***sex, I would say the same thing applies to the ladies, but....it's much worse.

Women are more self conscience when it comes to thier looks and it has nothing to do with societal standards more than the nature of the gender itself.

Women know where they stand when it comes to looks because it's a game they've already worked out among themselves first.

Is the prettiest of the lot going to be attracted to a bowling ball? No. She's going to be lit up when she meets her "Tom Jones," "Sean Connery," or "Charlton Heston."

Guys of lesser looks don't have the power to control that regardless of their own great personality.

The game of pairing up. The game of being sorted out. The game of what remains becomes more desperate with successfully less choices.

Attractive people are attracted to other people who are attractive. The sorting hat of society never changes and no one (in the end) gives a flip about personality.

Unattractive people aren't naturally attracted to other people who are unattractive but such is the lot in life and thus is what there is to choose from.

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BA1... I agree with most of what you said, except the parts about what women want, ***sex drive, etc. You'd do better to stay in your own lane there! One big turn-off for most women is when men assume they know what we want, like and need. 😉

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jjlove01 wrote:
BA1... I agree with most of what you said, except the parts about what women want, ***sex drive, etc. You'd do better to stay in your own lane there! One big turn-off for most women is when men assume they know what we want, like and need. 😉

I stated a fact based on the tendencies males and females experience.
I didn't mention the issue of ***sex drive between men and women, because that's usually equal in both. What I DID mention was the frequency of thought when it comes to ***sex and more than 70 decades of data indicate men think about ***sex more often on a daily basis than women (it's not soly my opinion.)

Regarding the statement of "staying in my own lane," I was actually addressing Lano when you crossed the lane -

but, nonetheless, men and women aren't obscure creatures when it comes down to their needs, wants or desires.

Personally, I am attracted to men who are H/W proportionate.

But.....that's the common tendency in all people - to choose balance, that which is pleasing to the eye and fair to the sight.
After all, you didn't choose Quasimoto or the Jack Black type.

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BA1 wrote:
After all, you didn't choose Quasimoto or the Jack Black type.

Hm. Don't know what it says about me, but I've dated some REAL Quasimodos! Even married one!

I don't think I'm a mountain razorback troll type. But some of the guys I've dated have been!

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Pepper J wrote:
Hm. Don't know what it says about me, but I've dated some REAL Quasimodos! Even married one!

Few genuinely possess the power to look beyond the wrapping to the person inside and if that person has the ability to complete you regardless of what you see, I would consider you 1 in a million (or more).

I don't think I'm a mountain razorback troll type. But some of the guys I've dated have been!

Lol! I think that's what makes you far braver than I, and Sports Illustraited will never know your awsomeness (but, that's their loss).

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[‌quote BA1]I would consider you 1 in a million (or more).[‌quote BA1]


I think about a couple of the guys I dated in the past....and I just SMH. Because not only were they not "winners" on the outside, but the inside was pretty much "loser material," too. I was just dumb.

Current husb is not included in this description. Though he's not the type I'm mostly attracted to, he's not bad ;)

First husb was a 6'6" 280# gay guy with rotten teeth (he chewed tobaccy) And a beer gut (he drank beer and pissed in the closet on the regular when drunk)

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I've been thinking about something I heard a historian say about the middle ages.

Death related to pregnancy and childbirth was apparently REALLY common back in the old days.

I wonder if there really is a lean in men to be more superficial if it's based on that. Wanting to mate with women who have physical characteristics geared towards surviving childbirth (wide hips). I mean, that's probably not an original idea, but something that occurred to me.

61m5eztj 2l
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Lano wrote:
I've been thinking about something I heard a historian say about the middle ages.

Death related to pregnancy and childbirth was apparently REALLY common back in the old days.

I wonder if there really is a lean in men to be more superficial if it's based on that. Wanting to mate with women who have physical characteristics geared towards surviving childbirth (wide hips). I mean, that's probably not an original idea, but something that occurred to me.

I think there is a unconscious attraction to women with wide hips for that reason.

On a similar note I fear that with all the c sections, women with wide hips will become less and less.

I think it’s only the west that is a bit superficial with looks. But then again, people around the world like different things. In England, pale and ginger used to be the trend. After that I think it was larger people, as it was seen as a statement that that person had a healthy supply of food.

I think BA1 is wrong. Fake magazine world is all about looks and status. But in the real world people don’t look like models and they fall in love based on personality (mostly)

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Banana Llama wrote:
I think BA1 is wrong. Fake magazine world is all about looks and status. But in the real world people don’t look like models and they fall in love based on personality (mostly)

I was addressing the situation as it pertains to the West.
You are correct, the fake magazine world is all about looks and status. And here in the West, those magazines target impressionable boys and girls, young men and women who get the idea that this is the reality. Perhaps you haven't seen some of the fashion trends our Western girls wear and the amount of make-up they apply.
But, more importantly, the example and meaning of love set is very different since single parent families make up very large percentages of homes that boys and girls (sons and daughters) are raised in.
In many cases of split relationships, one person walks away with jaded feelings and many times will ascribe those feelings onto their kids.
But, kids do not remain such forever. They grow (physically) into young men and women, and with that they carry a societal (or collective) view that has been impressed upon them.
Look good.
Get rich.
Attain power.

Further, when the make-up of the model is taken away, what remains is what is natural. Even then, the person beneath is above average looking to extremely beautiful (they wouldn't be models if they weren't). Make up actually works.
My gripe is this; promoting beauty is one thing, but the way Hollywood defines the not so beautiful is disgusting - take the series "Ugly Betty" for example.... The actress who portrays ugly Betty is actually very pretty.
In both comedy movies "Scooby Doo" Velma (a character that is not meant to be physically attractive) is played by an actress that is smoking hot.
Hollywood, magazines, television shows, the news and even society itself may talk about social outcasts based on looks, but still continues to misrepresent people who aren't gifted with looks.
As if to say; the most acceptable amount of "ugliness" begins here, and anyone "uglier" than that should not exist.

I'm impressed with our double standards. Do you know we have 300 pound ballerinas because they have a right to feel good about themselves? I'm called names and told not to "fat shame" just for pointing that out, mostly by a media-driven society - the same media that promotes "health and beauty" aids. The same media that says you should be height/weight proportionate. The same media that capitalizes on ratings when that ballerina commits suicide because she can't even live up to the standard of what it is to be ugly....

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Some of the sexiest men alive are thick and have some shape of course! Just a fact. And so to answer your question, yes, of course some women and some men too, can really get into thicker men.

The deal breaker for me, is if he doesn't have a sexy mind. Some of the best looking men suddenly become instant turn offs as soon as they open their mouths...

Anyone who has the stereotypical perfect male in mind(or female conversely), who must always have a perfect six pack and perfect bod, is just being shallow and isn't being real. Most of us don't fit into everyone's idea of a perfect body and even for those of us who do, we usually can't keep them. Age happens. Also a fact.

Some of the sexiest men ever have been old too btw. They range across all stereotypes.

There are sexy men in every body type group, age group, color group you name it.

A famous example would be maybe, Nathan Fillion. I thought he was cute since I first 'met' him in Firefly. He's a bit thicker today than when he was in Firefly and still looks attractive.

Just gotta have the right mojo I guess?

Whatever you got, rock it! ;p

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There's just more to it than looks for me and most people I think. People look attractive to me if they are intelligent and kind. I'd love my husband no matter what he looked like because of who he is.

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BananaLlama wrote:

I think there is a unconscious attraction to women with wide hips for that reason.

On a similar note I fear that with all the c sections, women with wide hips will become less and less.

Well, perhaps wide hippers won't be less, just narrow hippers will be more. I would think that the elimination of a need for a certain characteristic won't make that characteristic disappear, it will just make the absence of that characteristic more prevalent since nothing is stopping it from being eliminated.

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Anonymous wrote:

A famous example would be maybe, Nathan Fillion. I thought he was cute since I first 'met' him in Firefly. He's a bit thicker today than when he was in Firefly and still looks attractive.

Not sure I'd call Nathon Fillion old...I mean, he's not even fifty.

Now if you said Eric Idle, my eyebrows would perk up.

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verge wrote:
There's just more to it than looks for me and most people I think. People look attractive to me if they are intelligent and kind. I'd love my husband no matter what he looked like because of who he is.

What if he looked like Billy Joel?


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If he looked like Billy Joel, I'd still be singing, "I love you just the way you are"

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Lano wrote:

BananaLlama wrote:

I think there is a unconscious attraction to women with wide hips for that reason.

On a similar note I fear that with all the c sections, women with wide hips will become less and less.

Well, perhaps wide hippers won't be less, just narrow hippers will be more. I would think that the elimination of a need for a certain characteristic won't make that characteristic disappear, it will just make the absence of that characteristic more prevalent since nothing is stopping it from being eliminated.

Hips widen DURING pregnancy, if they are going to widen at all

My Grandma is a skinny little doll woman. Her hips are tiny. She is 4'8" and has always weighed less than 90 pounds. All of her babies were born fast (3)/no C-section

My mom is a little bigger. But her hips are not particularly wide... All of her babies were born fast (3)/no C-section

I am a little bigger than my mom. My hips expanded slightly during my first pregnancy. I could feel it...ligaments stretching, etc. But my hips are not particularly wide, either. I had all of my babies in less than 2 hours; no C-section. I had 4

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Thats interesting. Though i wonder if the importance of hip width has been lessened due to modern medicine.

Human females do have wider hips than dudes, do they not? To accommodate the baby's headsize, which is unusally large even for other animals.

All in all, all women are attractive in their own way.

It might be one of those things like tallness.

Women tend to find tall men more attractive.

However, it may be that being tall is actually linked to poorer health. Having a large body means your heart needs to pump more blood and i have heard it can also be difficult for digestive health.

I dunno, speaking off the cuff here.

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