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Intrusive thoughts..

I study them, i understand them, still get and fail to control them. The most common ones are driving my car off the road or impaling my wrist with a carving knife. Neither actions i perticularly want to go through with but that doesnt stop them.

Still waiting on the lsits and not heard anything but it would take a long while.

I am hoping all of these negative mood swings are being cause by having to take double contraceptive hormones for the past month and by next week it will have evened out to normal levels again. there was a faff getting ym implant changed and having to go on pills for a month inbetween which has lead to the overlaps resulting in double levels.

managed to get my assignments finished and i only have one exam to revise for on thursday. Then i have an actual week off and all i want to do is get away frmo home for a few days but it doesnt look like ill be able to which is frustrating. think time away might do me some good

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Explain why you need the double dose of contraceptive hormone pills, I assume are mostly Estrogen? Yes that could very well be contributing to your adverse morbid thoughts.

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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my implant was due to be replaced at the start of december but they had no appointments til Jan. so i chose to take the tablet version for a month. first had to overlap them with the old implant stopping working so that there wasnt a gap inbetween, turns out hte tablets are a slightly higher dose anyway. and then now ive had the new one in i have to keep taking the tablets for the week til its built up in my system and so ive ended up on double twice for a week. and the higher amount for the month in between

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As I understand it, the implant doesnt just stop working at the end of three years, its just the levels reduce too much to protect against pregnancy.

But if you're having suicidal thoughts, or even thoughts that scare you, you need to talk to a doctor.

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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no it doesnt just stop it fades slowly hence the cross over between the two different forms so i would be continuously covered as the last thing i need in my lift right now is a baby!

I wouldnt say they scare me as they were something i learnt to control when i had my first therapy but its just been a long time since theyve been about.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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My dear Vampy, please consider the thoughts of the famous Christian existentialist, Soren Kierkegaard:

"In his work, The Concept of Dread, (1844) Kierkegaard analyzes the notion in terms of our freedom and the anxiety of choice. He uses the example of a man who when standing on the edge of a cliff realizes that he could hurl himself over the edge at any moment. In this way, the man recognizes his own intrinsic freedom and the possibility of deciding his own destiny. This recognition triggers a kind of 'dizziness of freedom' in which the man becomes aware also of his own responsibility. Kierkegaard connects these ideas back to the story of Adam and original sin. Prior to original sin Adam did not know good or evil, and so he did not know that eating the fruit was 'evil.' When God commanded him not to eat, however, Adam became aware of his own freedom and power to choose. Adam experienced the dread, then, as the possibility of either obeying God or dissenting from Him. Dread, therefore, was the precondition of original sin. At the same time, however, for Kierkegaard dread is not an entirely 'bad' thing. For the experience of dread also opens us to the move from immediacy to reflection—that is, we achieve a greater degree of self-awareness and our basic human condition of sin. This awareness offers us the possibility of repentance, which through grace can lead us back to the Absolute Good or God."


"The German philosopher Martin Heidegger took Kierkegaard’s notion of anxiety and interpreted it in a more ontological manner. Traditionally ontology refers to the study of being, and it was the question of being which concerned Heidegger more than ethical questions. Nonetheless, he thought the question of being could only be answered by that being “for whom being was an issue.” That being is of course human being or what Heidegger called “Dasein.” Heidegger reinterpreted human being in a radically temporal way in terms of the finitude of our human existence. For Heidegger the recognition of the finitude of our existence comes through the angst or anxiety of our 'being-toward-death.' That is, in our recognition that our future has an end we experience the temporal character of our being. Here too angst is associated with freedom. Heidegger, like Kierkegaard, speaks of the dizziness of possibility. Authenticity, is the acceptance of this angst which leads to the recognition of 'ownmost possibilities,' that is, the possibilities which are open concretely to us. Authenticity is contrasted with an inauthenticity which forgets the temporal character of our being and instead falls into the everydayness of the 'they'."

Food for thought, is it not?

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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i have read some of Sartre's work and he details this similarly. I suppose at the moment there indeed much i am dreading rather than fearful of in that there are many unkowns. i will soon to be graduating and into the real world but dont yet knwo what i will be doing in it though i have been looking at options.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(22 hours after post)
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Of course, the problem with philosophers is that, with so muvh time on their hands, they overthink things.

We only have time for philosophies after we have secured shelter, food and water.

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
(23 hours after post)
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this is true, ahh the hiararchy of needs!

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(1 day after post)
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All "philosophers" should get themselves deliberately lost in the woods for a few days--to find out what's really important.

Or just watch their cats for a little while.

I remember this passage from Wordsworth's poem, "The Tables Turned":

“One impulse from a vernal wood
May teach you more of man,
Of moral evil and of good,
Than all the sages can.”

My English professor in my Romantic Poetry course, Dr. William J. Calvert, disputed that. I think Wordsworth went just a wee bit overboard, so I agree with my late professor.

The rest of the poem can be found here: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45557/th...

The last verse in the poem is this:

"Enough of Science and of Art;
Close up those barren leaves;
Come forth, and bring with you a heart
That watches and receives."

I would not advocate closing up those "barren leaves" of Science and Art, but Wordsworth's advice to "Come forth, and bring with you a heart that watches and receives" is very good, I think.

And, I think that no philosophical system, and no school of psychology can be viable if it doesn't look at humankind "in situ," that is, look at us as we exist in nature.

(4 days after post)
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Make a routine centered on clearing your head. Mine involves lavender baths and certain music, or silence. And it stems from having alone time. Maybe your routine will involve other people, or none at all, or watching a certain movie. I don't know. It works for me though, having a designated time or ritual to focusing on my own thoughts. And it's not a daily thing so there's no pressure to complete a task. It's all on my own time whenever I want. Once a week, once a month, whatever I feel like. Indulge some part of yourself. Your mind and body will tell you what you need.

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