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How can I have both extremely high, AND low self-esteem?Over time, I had a period of my life which seemed like non-stop, unrelenting bad situations piling up one after another.

In each of those instances, my self-worth took a blow from it. I'll spare the particulars, but it's been like that for years.

I have just gotten into my dream career and I'll tell you, it has been an AMAZING ride! I finally entered the career in which my father before me just retired, and I already feel as though a brotherhood is forming. I can't explain what that career is, by contract, but it's a new adventure every day.

Here is my issue. When I am home alone, on my off days, my self-worth drops drown to a little wormy worm skulking around and wondering how I got to be so alone and with nobody to talk to. How life got so screwed up, and there's no point in trying to change it after almost a decade of no results.

At work, I light right up, and I turn into the living embodiment of courage and pride. I feel almost egotistical when working because I feel so alive. When talking to to people, it is as though I was born a winner, even with the mounting risks involved. Is that strange? Or am I turning into a workaholic, where I dread my off days because of my views on myself?

I dont understand what happens between when I clock in and when I clock out that my ba**s drop off and I lose that Herculean sense of courage and self-love. It is literally night and day with the two views, almost like two different people. I feel like I've gotten to conditioned to things failing in life that I kind of accepted all of the bad things people said and have proven about me socially. I prove myself wrong at work every day....but my mind can't seem to distinguish the lines between work-place me and just "me as a person". I can't seem to understand why I cant see my work-mode person as the same person i've always been, and go home and after a few hours of not working, feeling like the scum of the earth who lives in the past. I know work-me and home-me are the same two people, why the heck cant I believe that work-me is who I can be at home to!?

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Same way you can be great at football but horrible at tennis.
Work and personal lives are different. You are comfortable and happy with who and where you at in your work life. But your personal life is lacking. So you need to work on improving it!

I’d recommend going to meet ups and other events. Join groups in your area with like minded people.

Animation2 2
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Rockster160 wrote:
Same way you can be great at football but horrible at tennis.
Work and personal lives are different. You are comfortable and happy with who and where you at in your work life. But your personal life is lacking. So you need to work on improving it!

I’d recommend going to meet ups and other events. Join groups in your area with like minded people.

^^^ this

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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When things are good, people are happy. When things are bad, people are unhappy.

You're happy on one side of the clock, you're unhappy on the other.

Not to be mean, but you could use a little more depth because you're allowing your job to be your only form of validation. When you "clock out" that validation is gone like turning out a light.

The job is still new. Given a few years, you're colleagues will lose that "Atta-boy" steam. The light browns out and your job becomes a pile of chores and the only thing you can think of doing is getting back to the pillow at home.

The work-place "you" cannot be the same person at home because that's not how it works. The "one-size-fits-all-hat" doesn't answer other areas of your life that need tending. You can't expect the "high" of the day to carry you through the door and later into bed. Your alarm clock doesn't sound like little tweeting birds, that's not a rainbow outside your window, and it's not a Jim Carry smile on the Truman Show in the morning when you have to jump start your car in the rain because you were so happy when you got home last night, you forgot to shut the lights off.

You're not supposed to "feel good" every second of the day. The fact that you don't feel bad is good enough - and for most people, getting to that point is a journey.

Home is a place to decompress from the day - good or bad. It's that plank on your ship where you bid the day farewell and focus on other priorities. Cook some dinner and do some chores - feed your neglected dog and $#!t like that. Think where you want to be 5, 10, and 15 years down the road and start connecting the dots and building that bridge. And when that's all done, watch a movie, play a game, get ready for bed and get to sleep.

If I met you on the weekend (speaking for myself, here), I could careless what you do for a living. I could careless how amazing your job is and how great it makes you feel. What I want to know is, what are we doing right now? We're on the 5th frame in lane 7 at the bowling alley, what are you going to do to strike that $#!t out?
Meanwhile, i'm looking at a hot babe who must be someones sister and you should be concerned if the chick I'm looking at has a sister too.
I'm just not concerned with your upcoming pay raise on top of great medical and retirement plans....*her* sister is....and she needs to learn that you would run into burning vet clinics to save puppys and kittens.
We need to be more worried about getting those Double Mint Twins over here in our lane. And regardless if they can't hit the broadside of a barn, every frame they roll is a ten pin strike.
You need to work on making comming home something that's more important than going to your amazing job.

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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Well the good news is that you're working and able to provide a home.
Work is control and a war that you win at and are respected.
Home is a retreat which you claim you suck at.
Home or place to rest and recharge where you are safe and comfortable.
If you are not safe, loved or comfortable, make a work decision. Change it.
Kind in mind that some people function well with a small studio apartment which give them only the basics.

I have a friend that's only home about 50 days a year, sucks but we make do.

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(21 hours after post)
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I completely understand where you are coming from. at uni and work i largely excel and i am the bubbliest, most out going person. also true when i actually do go out and socialise (this usually involved going drinking with people). but at home i feel the opposite and its very frustrating.

Learing to feel comfortable and worthy in your own company is diffucult and something i am still learning to do. i have a very small social circle of people who i will 'hang out' with. lately its litterally consisted of one person (tonight we built a pillow fort and watched movies because the snows so bad).

as others have suggested trying to meet like minded people can help - im part of a society at uni. however it wast as sucessful as i hoped but the couple of people i do get on with are great.

there is nothing wrong with having a small circle, you might find some of your colleagues want to be friends outside of work too. you miht find that you get pleasure from online friendships through gaming for example.

if you have a hobby you want to try or something that makes you curious. even a cooking class! you never know who you'll meet. dont reject friendships before you give them a chance...something i am guilty of doing myself but again something i am also working on changing. some people will dissappoint you, not be long term, or it jsut wont work. but how will you knwo unless you try?

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Poofvampy, I'll be completely honest with you, and myself on this one. I'm not sure so sure I even WANT to explore anymore right now....I started to get into cooking, after trying Curry Chicken, and Garlic/Basil Chicken with Creme Sauce(My creme's are SO clumpy haha...) but the truth of the matter is, and I am embarrassed to say it....I am afraid of branching out anymore.

I've seen so many people come into my life, and so many quickly depart for various reasons", usually something about me (which is never the same reason at any one time). I don't know what happened to me. The work-place me is essentially who I used to be in life as a whole. I use to be so courageous and borderline fearless about anything. I was a hard-charger who only wanted to do everything to his best ability. Not because of ego, but because he liked what he was doing. Somewhere along the line, I can admit this much. Life, I think....has beaten me. I let all the bad things that the world said about me become my reality. I've unconsciously accepted a long time ago that I was without many real friends for "xx" reason, and that I was never invited out for "rr" reason, that no matter who came into my life, I was never worth anything more than being a stepping stone, someone to be used until my purpose was served. I haven't received a single text message, phone call, or email from anyone, ANYONE, in months, YEARS even from most. Mind you, this comes from about 4 completely different and unrelated groups of people. So I wonder to myself "Yeah, i'd like to learn this hobby at some point....but am I doing it for ME? Or do I still subconsciously also 'hope' to meet new people? If the last part is true, I'm in for a rude awakening and haven't learned my lesson." After all, there must be something totally wrong with me if after all this time, all of these "lesson learned" moments, all of these people who are quick to make an excuse why they cant meet with me. If I am the only one I met who cant make it work, then maybe there is no point in trying to be anything more than what I have come to accept about my life....? I mean, really...IS there a point? What if THIS is what I am only suppose to have...?

I would LOVE to have as much courage and pride in my personal life as my work-life...but I don't know if I am capable anymore....Maybe I've just believed in the bad parts of myself for too long...? Maybe I'm too conditioned to being the "not worth it-guy" of his social circles. How can I risk everything, every day at work, and be completely fearless, jovial, feel like I 'belong'...yet come home with little to lose anymore, and minimal risks and say "I'm too scared to do this anymore"? That makes NO sense to me...!! I feel like I am insane....meaning that no matter how many times I try to my my personal life shine, it never does. I say "insane" because I feel like I am trying for the same thing over and over expect a new result, when a big part of me has already come to believe, and had been conditioned to believe, that will never happen because...."Hey, it's ME after all? Why would anyone, or anything stop for ME? No one EVER has, GET REAL". I feel like my life is F****D....!!! I'm not getting any younger either, and I KNOW that the older I get, the more I will cement this rationale into my heart and mind. I KNOW that I am not supposed to feel like this but I do. I have very little in my life to use as evidence against this kind of thinking....

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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I hear this from single people, celebrities and single executives.
You need a mate, mate:)

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Max wrote:
I hear this from single people, celebrities and single executives.
You need a mate, mate:)

Hey Max....look over there... It's the Double Mint Twins....and they brought their girlfriends with them. We're gonna need more balls in this lane Chaos! Now reset the pins...I'll be right back.
(Ladies, I seem to have misplaced my congressional medal of honor, would you like to help me find it right over there with my two friends?)

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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lol..yep. As the pop song say's "guys love misery", but guys are not that complicated. Feed them, compliment them and don't touch them until they're done mowing the lawn:)

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First of all with the creme try stirring constantly with a whisk, and using a lower heat while everythings combineing. it takes longer but should make it smoother.

Clearly there are some faulty cognitions going round in your mind. i have questioned before whether my assumption of being ditched as a friend has infact been the reason that i have ended up being ditched. the subconscious part of the mind working against what you think youre trying to get towards and making some known realised mistake keep reoccuring.

My most recent abandonment of friends comes from a lifestyle choice change i had to make to be able to get a job when i finish uni. all of the friends that i had who also endulge in that lifestyle have since not messaged me, come over or anything. i thought for many of them after so many years our friendships would go deeper than that but apparently i was wrong. in the past its felt as though i had specific uses for people - im a pleaser and want to make people happy and help. suddenly they dont need it anymore and bye bye.

the older ive got (im an old uni student) the pickier ive become with potential friends and as such they seem to stick better though its definitely not fool proof. i have found that while i now have more stable friendships they will ebb ad flow in the closeness we keep. a couple live in london but come home for a month at a time and when theyre home we're really close but when they go we dont keep in contact so much. almost makes the time when they're home more special as we have lots of catching up to do. though it does mean when they go back to london i am mostly on my own apart from that one friend at uni.

i understand the 'is it the hobby or the friends i want' mentality. simple truth is you dont know til you try. an if you really do enjoy the hobby chances are youre more likely to get on with the people there i suppose as itll be a mutual interest and arguably certain people enjoy certain things.

i would say though, to get some pazzazz back in your personal life you need to feel some form of accomplishment in it. i assume you do well at your work, just as i do and same with uni. it gives me the motivation to go for it and the confidence to let that side of me out. comparitively when lifes beating you down, and god its a baseball bat with nails sticking out of it sometimes, that also gets beaten away. the sence of importance and confidence is deminished and as such the vitality that would come along with it. its caused me to seek therapy on more than one occasion which has helped with fault through processes and self worth issues but ultimately life does end up putting me back in my place. though i am getting much better at managing its effects and dealing with it. having a place like this to vent about everything is very helpful!

as for evidence, chances are youre minimising the positive bits and exaggerating the bad bits. you might not think you are or even notice youre doing it but its usually the case. my drunk self is often one to point this out as she is such a happy person and tells myself how it is. drunk me is very inspirational. and its never too late to change a mindset, maybe a therapist would do you good. might even help you figure out patterns youve yet to notice yourself as to why you go round in circles. as im in training to be one im starting to learn the sneaky techniques they use to do this!

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