Happy earth
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When did the world become black and white?

I really miss shades of grey. I also miss intelligent and rational discussion.

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intelligent, grey, shades, rational, discussion
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I don't think the world has ever been firmly without any black and white. Different cultures, different religions, different walks of life, will always find certain things good or evil. People detached from that culture/experience might deem said things "not that bad", or more easily see the grey from an objective standpoint.

I hear you on the rational discussion part. I'd take calmness and open minds over screaming matches any day. And yet calm doesn't always mean right. People will describe something as "intelligent and rational discussion" when they are coolly disparaging someone or being passive-aggressive towards someone's differing belief. There's almost always going to be some sort of emotion lingering in a debate.

Intelligent discussion is great. As long as it comes with a side of compassion rather than condescension. And honestly? As much as I love the internet, I think its distance and anonymity kind of enables condescension. Which leads to defensiveness and passion. Which leads to more black and white thinking.

(55 minutes after post)
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I think the world is what you make of it. It's all about your perception.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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When did the world become black and white.

Actually, I find it quite the opposite. Having come from a much former time, you knew what was what.
Now, everything (with nearly every issue) has become skewed, as if to derail its orignal nature.

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(9 hours after post)
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Actually everything is shades of gray. There is no pure white nor pure black. If you wana go one step further, there is no shade at all ^_^ only the illusion (perspective) of shades.

(15 hours after post)
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tricky wrote:
Actually everything is shades of gray. There is no pure white nor pure black. If you wana go one step further, there is no shade at all ^_^ only the illusion (perspective) of shades.

Think I'll piggy back off of this

As a neutral one, I can honestly say that in everything there's at least two sides, a positive and a negative. Sometimes there's a good side and a bad side, but there is no pure one thing, what could be gold for one can be waste for another.

(15 hours after post)
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Our world was supposed to be colourful but we've come to a point were everything is gray. Gray buildings, gray, emotionless people, not having their own opinion, mixing things and ideas, we are living gray lives. Gray can only be produced of black and white (nothing to do with skin color) and it can only produce itself. I wish we stopped being colorblind.

(15 hours after post)
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Here's an idea:

So some people say that when they die they can't wait to go to heaven. Why wait? Why can't we all work together and make this place heaven? We only get to enjoy the world for a short time, we should make it as good of a place to live as possible

Billy mills
last online: 02/18, 4:01
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Dualistic thinking is a product of language. All languages contain terms for black and white. Languages with three terms for color also include red. In english-speaking countries, I think most children learn eleven colors: white, black, red, green, yellow, blue, brown, purple, pink, orange and gray. If they have crayons, maybe they learn about others like turquoise, chartreuse, teal, maroon, lavender, magenta, gold, etc.

If you are talking politics, the reason it is so black and white is because the language is dualistic: left/right, democrat/republican, liberal/conservative. There are others like libertarian or anarchist, but most things focus on the two. Alternative would be a system like the meyers briggs for personality types. There are four separate spectrums so you end up with 16 different personality types. It seems like a lot, but if children are capable of learning 11 colors then adults can handle it. If we had 12 or 16 unique words to describe political leanings then the conversations would be a lot different.

Happy earth
(1 day after post)
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I'm talking about politics and social issues. Moderate choices aren't even offered anymore and if you claim them anyway, both extremes (which seems to be everyone else) will disagree.

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