Happy earth
last online: 11/26, 18:47
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The things I enjoy most, that I define myself by, are contradictory.

I didn't realize this until yesterday and now I feel like I have to choose, but I won't.

This is why I don't fit in anywhere.

Er...I guess that wasn't a question. Can anyone relate? If yes, what did you do about it?

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Since writing this post smiley may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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question, guess, choose, fit, relate
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(42 minutes after post)
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I’m very contradictory to myself.
Why do you feel you have to choose? Just live the way you’d like!

What are you choosing between?

User photo 22810 561248
(42 minutes after post)
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My personality is INTJ and in the description states:

"A paradox to most observers, INTJs are able to live by glaring contradictions that nonetheless make perfect sense – at least from a purely rational perspective"

Am both outdoor and indoor person... Am warm and cold as ice...

(44 minutes after post)
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I’m INTJ as well! 😄

User photo 22810 561248
(1 hour after post)
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Rockster160 wrote:
I’m INTJ as well! 😄

The rarest personality :)

Happy earth
(2 hours after post)
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Rockster160 wrote:

Why do you feel you have to choose? Just live the way you’d like!

What are you choosing between?

I won't choose. I feel like I have to keep parts of myself hidden from pretty much everyone, different groups of people get an entirely different me.

Apparently my hobbies are not compatible with my religious beliefs or with my political leanings, my political leanings are not compatible with my religion. I, personally, see no conflict, but I face no end of opposition when people from one area of my life find out that the other areas exist.

(2 hours after post)
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smiley wrote:

Rockster160 wrote:

Why do you feel you have to choose? Just live the way you’d like!

What are you choosing between?

I won't choose. I feel like I have to keep parts of myself hidden from pretty much everyone, different groups of people get an entirely different me.

Apparently my hobbies are not compatible with my religious beliefs or with my political leanings, my political leanings are not compatible with my religion. I, personally, see no conflict, but I face no end of opposition when people from one area of my life find out that the other areas exist.

That’s their problem. Not yours. 😊

Happy earth
(2 hours after post)
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Rockster160 wrote:

That’s their problem. Not yours. 😊

True, but when do I get to just be me?

I'm not a boat rocking kind of person. I'm a peacemaker. People being upset bothers me - I'd keep to myself to avoid that.

Which, I guess, explains why I'm a recluse.

A Muslim democratic socialist recluse who loves space stuff. Yep. That's me.

(3 hours after post)
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You should always be you!

Honestly- I’m also basically a different person depending on who I’m around. That doesn’t mean I’m a not me anymore. Just “not rocking the bridge”. Being myself, just the part of myself that assimilates well with the current group/individuals that are present at the time.

Happy earth
(3 hours after post)
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Sure. I am a professional at work, a mom at home, and a nerdy goofball on Twitter.

But why do people even feel a need to shout down the opinions and interests of others? Are they so insecure that it threatens them, or are they just that small minded that anything new or different is wrong?

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(3 hours after post)
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"With no concern for a reputation, there isn't a world you can't conquer or destroy."

(10 hours after post)
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smiley wrote:
A Muslim democratic socialist recluse who loves space stuff. Yep. That's me.

I don't really see the contradiction.
Political affinity stands independent, probably with people's wellbeing at its core in your case, save for extremist views of establishing a theocracy, for example.
Many men & women of science were and are religious, wishing to study the workings of the universe may say naught of its fateful motivations.
Everything is a sliding scale. You could believe classical mechanics wrap up nicely whereas quantum mechanics, for all its additional accuracy & observations, is downright bonkers. In others you only see the end result, which aspect they elect to apply in dilemmas. It's a distorted image.

Help me with:


Happy earth
(14 hours after post)
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I don't see the contradiction either. I'm bothered by other people's opinions.

I should get over it. It is their problem, not mine.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(14 hours after post)
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In any case, welcome back!

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