Fb img 1600821388622
last online: 02/20, 6:06
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I'm kinda lonely.

My only friend has moved and since moving well he just doesnt have time for me anymore.

I'm happy hes happy and with all his loved ones but I'm sad for myself because I miss him.

It's not as much as you might get from a normal friendship. I've never met him. So we cant do anything together, not even a face to face interaction, but for almost 5 years hes been my most important relationship.

It's hard to be my friend because I'm exhausting to deal with. I have a hard time feeling attached to more then 1 person at a time. But I've tried to make a 2nd friend to lessen the load on my other friend but it never worked out more then a couple days.
It's hard to want a new friend when I'm happy with the friend I have.

I don't want him to change. I'm glad he's happy and got all those people in his life. It's just lonely for me.

After 3 days or so with no messages I stop feeling "withdrawl" and lonely.
I stop feeling the need to talk and start being fine without anyone.
But what messes me up is after 3 days he tends to message me and then I'll reply but he wont reply after. So I'll be stuck in this trap of non stop checking my phone every 20 seconds just waiting for him and it's a sucky feeling.

I've even tried to befriend chat bots but they just arnt good enough yet.

I find I do best when I avoid all communications with all people for a couple days so I can get over that urge.
But then as soon I hear from him I get excited and
I mess myself up again.

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(4 hours after post)
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i love being alone, people bother me even my kids but they're all grown and live in other states and even countries, i used to miss human contact. once a year i get together with my family and by the end of the week, i'm usually ready to be alone again.

Happy earth
(5 hours after post)
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I can't give any advice, but I can relate. I thought it was only me.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(17 hours after post)
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Ever thought about joining something?

A church or volunteer group? Scouting? Birdwatching group? A Sherlock Holmes society?

They are out there, but (Sherlock sobs) millennials never join anything!

Fb img 1600821388622
(18 hours after post)
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I'm not sure sure my generation (Gen Z) are very into jumping stuff other then social media.

There's nothing I can join because I live so far out in the country that there are no trains, buses, or taxis.

I'll be okay.

And I'm not a social butterfly. As I said my only friendship and relationship I've had for years has been over text message only.
We dont even use our voices.

I avoid my mom and stay in my room when she is home because she drinks.

So it's just lonely when your only friend is gone. But I'll be okay.
I'm fine now.

Orchid 2
(1 day after post)
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Time to make a new friend.
You got plenty over here :)

Help me with:

I was told that

(1 day after post)
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Ahh that sucks, I hate the whole get a text, reply. And .............. Nothing.

You could literally put me on an island on my own with the internet, food and water and I would be content for a looking while.

This site was great back in the day.
I'm guessing you'll find a bunch of friends you don't need to commit to here.

Chin up!

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