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I'm going to find a new job.

When I met my boss I told her I wanted to become a manager for the company. She said it would take about 6 months working as an associate then at last 6 working as an assistant manager then move on to manager in training.

4 months in I already know she's going to pass me up for a guy she hired after me who has already been less reliable. It makes me angry. I've got a phone interview for a job I feel sure I can get. I'd rather be a manager here, but as long as they aren't working with me to accomplish my goals...Why stay?

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job, stay, working, months, manager
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That’s fair reasoning. Although job hopping doesn’t look that great. Maybe wait until that 6 months is up and if nothing has happened? Is this other opportunity one that will be open for a while?

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Rockster160 wrote:
That’s fair reasoning. Although job hopping doesn’t look that great. Maybe wait until that 6 months is up and if nothing has happened? Is this other opportunity one that will be open for a while?

No probably not. I am thinking about asking my manager if she thinks reaching my goals is possible within the time frame we discussed one more time before I quit. It's been a few weeks, maybe her opinion has changed, if not,I think I should take the other job as soon as I have an offer.

I really think she just doesn't like me personally and is just stringing me along. If I'm doing a bad job(i do a great job) or if she'd just tell me it's not working out that'd be fine, but they won't even do that. I thought this company had better values than I'm seeing here sadly.

last online: 08/21, 7:48
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You seem to have a good plan.. Talk to her again.. But sadly, sometimes there is nothing you can do to please others :(

Hope that whatever decision you'll make, will make you reach your goals. All the best.

(16 hours after post)
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Anonymous wrote:

No probably not. I am thinking about asking my manager if she thinks reaching my goals is possible within the time frame we discussed one more time before I quit.

Great idea to talk to her. I definitely think that's the best course. Just be ready- some managers may detect that as a "I'm leaving if you don't give me what I want" situation (Which... It kind of is.) and they'll tell you whatever they think you want to hear, so be weary.

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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Good companies and co-workers are rare and time keeps moving. Being healthy, happy and comfortable is a good place to be. Power and responsibility only works if your paid well:)

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How long have you been working there? Just a couple of weeks? I wouldn't bail so fast unless this other job is a lot better. Does it pay more? Is there a better chance of moving on up?

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to be on a fast track. it appears to me the only way to be invited to a higher position is to seek a new location.

fuggin sucks when ya just settled in.

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