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My mum just peed herself again.

She’s drunk. Started drinking at 12.30ish. Now it’s almost 6pm and while she was cooking dinner she started crying. So I went to see what was wrong and after a few mins she told me she peed herself.

It’s not the first time either. Last month she peed in the hallway. And found it hilarious. She wouldn’t stop laughing.

Then she starts making excuses that she’s had kids and can’t stop easily etc. Which I would believe if it didn’t only happen when she has had way too much.

So now it’s my fault for being angry at her. And somehow I’m the bad person Fml

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43ca60d0 2fa2 42fe b234 d2ff6891f6dc
(5 minutes after post)
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Do you have any other support (family?) who can help you talk to your mom about her drinking problem?

Original Poster
(11 minutes after post)
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I have no one. Family don’t know about it. I don’t have any friends. My dad is not talking to me now which makes it worse.

43ca60d0 2fa2 42fe b234 d2ff6891f6dc
(16 minutes after post)
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I am sorry. I know this must be really hard. I say try and reach out to family, even your dad. You need a support system to help you talk to her. You shouldn’t have to face this alone

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Nothing she said puts the blame on you. So why are you?

Happy earth
(5 hours after post)
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It is true that women who have had children lose some control over their body later in life, but drunkenness certainly doesn't help. You should encourage her to see a doctor. If possible, talk with the doctor about your concerns about her excess drinking, but also she can mention having bladder control problems.

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No family or friends? Then I would suggest total strangers. Find a local AA meeting to attend. Put $5 in the kitty and ask her to spill the beans. Go with for moral support but leave the confession part up to her.

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(21 hours after post)
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I agree with the others, your Mum needs to get her drinking under control first. And that’s where you step in, get her an appointment with the Dr or better still some counselling from the AA.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 day after post)
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It's been my experience that you really can't help people who don't want help. If she likes to day drink she's not going to stop, especially not just because she peed herself. Even a couple of days in jail doesn't make most people want to change... trust me on this one.

Help me with:

I need help.

(1 day after post)
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B vitamins have been helpful with drinking problems. Mixed brands.

Magnesium deficiency is common in America because we insist on pure water. Hard water is often the only natural source of calcium and magnesium. Epsom salt is cheap, five bux for a year's supply. Put some in a glass with water to cover, stir until it dissolves, then fill the glass with lemonade and drink it. You can take it without the lemonade but you won't like the taste.

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(1 week after post)
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How are you both doing now and has there been any developments?

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