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What would you do?

I’m currently working two part time jobs and I also freelance. Well, my manager at one of the part time jobs asked me the other day if I would be interested in working full time there in a pretty good position. I’ll have to apply but if I get it I’ll have benefits and paid vacation and all that. I applied for it today. But my older sister has been arguing with me for about an hour saying that I was dumb to give up doing the other part time job and my freelance work. She is saying I’m settling. I don’t really see it like that. I see it has an opportunity to get experience and I could even possibly have the title Manager. But my sister is really putting me down. This is a good company though. But she says that it’s dumb to give up what I want to do. Which, where I’m living my freelance work has only been here and there. So, I thought I could do it and save my money up and maybe transfer to another town or something one day. Idk. Was I in the wrong to try for it and give up other things in the mean time?

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time, day, give, part, freelance
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What would you do? I’m currently working two part time jobs and I also freelance. Well, my manager at one of the part time jobs asked me the other day if I would be interested in working full time there in a pretty good position. I’ll have to apply but if I get it I’ll have benefits and paid vacation and all that. I applied for it today. But my older sister has been arguing with me for about an hour saying that I was dumb to give up doing the other part time job and my freelance work. She is saying I’m settling. I don’t really see it like that. I see it has an opportunity to get experience and I could even possibly have the title Manager. But my sister is really putting me down. This is a good company though. But she says that it’s dumb to give up what I want to do. Which, where I’m living my freelance work has only been here and there. So, I thought I could do it and save my money up and maybe transfer to another to another town or something one day. Idk. Was I in the wrong to try for it and give up other things in the mean time?

(24 minutes after post)
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As a dev who’s worked both freelance and salary jobs, I’d say it’s absolutely not a waste of time or a bad choice.

You get a different set of experience that will help you with future freelance gigs. Plus benefits are AWESOME.

I say go for it. 👍

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I only have one thing to say: Live your life YOUR way. No regrets.

Happy earth
(2 hours after post)
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Always do what is right for you. Don't worry about what your sister says.

Full time work with benefits it's awesome. If you don't get the job, you can continue what you've been doing.

Img 2679
(5 hours after post)
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Not wrong! Do what makes you happy!

(13 hours after post)
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never listen to anyone else, alot of mistakes i made in my life were because i did what other people said i should do instead of listening to my own gut instinct.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(15 hours after post)
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Your sister does not think logically. One good job beats two part-time jobs and scrambling for freelance work. Plus the benefits like health insurance can save your butt down the road.

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