2,101 replies, Replies 151 to 160

What about calling the site help me.com?

The domain name is already owned but is available for purchase. I'm not sure if @Rockster160 has it in the budget to do both sites.

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I'm so stressed and tired and even a bit depressed due to my long hour work.

If you have family it is extremely important to have interaction with them. Assuming you are male, they miss you when you are gone. They shouldn't have to feel neglected after you arrive home. Time is the one thing we can never get back. This very minute you will never see again. Make it count.

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What about calling the site help me.com?

Anonymous wrote:
I like it. I like it better than the current name. Whether or not it'd bring more users I just don't know. Did we ever figure out who we're lynching for selling the help.com domain? Oh....yeah that was CBS. CBS did that. CBS....

I really don't like CBS much.

In fact, it was CBS Interactive, not CBS Inc. We were under the Game Stop umbrella along with four or five other domains. When they needed to cut the budget several domains went at once. We were low on the totem pole because of our traffic and not a whole lot of ad revenue. We never clicked any of the ads that were forced upon us. Now, we are back to not having any ads so the revenue needed has to come from us voluntarily. I wonder how the bank balance is?

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It's been a long time since I've posted anything .

NacthoMan wrote:
btw i try to buy american but when shopping its nearly almost from china.. especially the plastic thats usually recycled crap that america sell them.

except clothes.. they come in alot of variety.. usually i dont go for the thin plastic-y stuff.. i want cotton. .thick and durable .. well sewn.. cuz i have a rugged busy lifestyle.. i need strong clothes.

You fashionista you.

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What about calling the site help me.com?

I don't believe our name is hurting us.

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A great help..co.

"It's me.... Dave."
"It's ME! Dave!"
"Dave's not here."

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Im done..

Source? And please don't say Alex Jones or any fucktard at Fox.

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Males perspective

Neither. He made a judgement call. Now you wish to make a judgement call at either end of the spectrum. You said perhaps. Leave it at that. If you had a change of mind go back and tell him that. Guys hate, hate, hate, games.

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This post is my safe place for holding onto bits im learning about the bible...

Lano wrote:

Jetmoo wrote:

Id love to learn greek. Im lucky to have some jewish friends who now herbrew. And i figured i might be able to ask them about some translaions as to their accuracy. Its a thought anyway

I've always thought that if I get a tattoo I will get some phrase or something in Ancient Greek. That'd be neat.

I don't think I want a tattoo though. It's just a fun thought.

I suggest the Greek translation of "This page/space left intentionally blank." right in the center of the back in extremely small letters.

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Will someone who had the coronavirus tell us the timeline and symptoms.

Sorry you had to go through this @Lano . Prayers to all of you!

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