20 replies, Replies 11 to 20

Hello to all..

Hola mi amiga bonita :)

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Word of the day

Cool word! I like it.

"The word recidivism comes from the Latin root words re, meaning "back," and caedere, meaning "to fall" — or literally "to fall back." The word is most commonly used to discuss the relapse rate of criminals, who have served their sentence and have been released. However, it can be used for any relapse in behavior."

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It’s been a long time but it’s nice to see that some people came back.

Feeling good is all about where you direct your attention. It has nothing to do having friends. As the Doc said, friends are really over-rated.
Friends can be very unreliable and often unhelpful especially when there is no direct benefit to them.... That's just life. Everyone is fighting their own battle.... and they will seek people who uplift them not depress them.

Focus on creating your own happiness and empower yourself to cope without needing others. Invest your time and attention on things and activities that you love and know get you excited and inspired.
Also, there is a wealth of online information and videos that will teach you how to get stronger both mentally and emotionally.
You don't need friends for any of that.
When you create your own special life, you remain in control and no one can ever mess with you. Having friends is no longer a need but a bonus.

Last but not least, Be easy on yourself. You have come a long way. Look back and you will see you really are doing great, just keep going.
Things will get better.

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I'm kinda lonely.

Time to make a new friend.
You got plenty over here :)

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How do you find your purpose in life?

You will find your purpose when you encounter a need, a person or a situation that you find yourself in total harmony with. There will often be inexplicable ease and flow in performing the purpose- as though it was designed just for you. You find yourself totally absorbed in fulfilling the purpose. Time flies. Money and appreciation are no longer necessary.

You just found what you just love to do because deep down it just feels right and you can not avoid it.

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Anxiety to the point of getting sick.

It is your underlying fearsome thoughts that are driving your anxiety. The more you focus on them the more they will gather negative momentum and infiltrate every aspect of your life.
As they say, what you focus on grows.

My advice is that you take control of your thoughts and train your mind to mostly focus on the positive aspects of what you perceive as a 'worrisome' area of your life.
As anxious thoughts emerge, Stop for a moment and acknowledge what your mind is doing. Then, deliberately choose to think good feeling thoughts around the subject instead. Spend at least five minutes doing this.
The first good thoughts will often be hard to find but I promise you once you get positive thought momentum going it will grow and you will find yourself feeling (and doing) so much better .
If you still find thinking positive feels hard, write positive things instead. One way or another you basically need to focus your thoughts. for just a little while, on the positive and watch how your entire thought process will change. Keep doing this until it becomes automatic and it will- if you just commit to do the necessary transitional mental work.

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Have people forgotten how to respectfully disagree?

Unfortunately people take their opinions too personally and think they are in the right and others should simply agree. They fail to see other perspectives and conditions that bring forth other dimensions to the same subject/ argument.

It seems that disagreement becomes a personal attack on the ego and some are willing to fight to the bitter end to preserve It.

If only people can appreciate what Steven Covey once said:
“Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood”.

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i told my partner of five years that we needed to talk

Im sorry to say but just because you went out and had a good time together doesn't mean his innermost feelings will change towards you. It was one night afterall.

I don't know why you are still wondering " if he doesn't want to commit ". He doesn't. If he did, he would tell you so and certainly would show it. Not just when he wants/needs company for the night.

Be aware of this totally natural but very destructive human tendency>>
In desperation we will often look for any sign of hope and give that more attention and value than it deserves- only to soothe our hearts/minds- and all in an attempt to avoid the bitter truth....

You are hurting yourself by staying when you know deep down he does not want to continue with the relationship.

Detaching will not be easy but I gather it has already been painful for you. Its time you severed ties and created a new life.
Give yourself time to heal and at the right time you will find someone who will appreciate and want to be with the beautiful person that I am sure you are.

Nothing ever lasts, Nothing is ever finished and Nothing is ever perfect.
Stay focused on loving and respecting yourself and in time, you will be rewarded in magical ways.

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All this time....

Always remember:

Nothing lasts
Nothing is finished
and Nothing is perfect.

Try not to get attached to anything and flow with life.

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I'm doing okay I just want to share something.

Don't ever worry about what people think.
Its a bottomless pit, best to give it up.
You sharing your thoughts and feelings is bound to help at least one person along with yourself.
To me that is pretty good going.
Stay strong.

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