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last online: 02/20, 6:06
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I'm doing okay I just want to share something.

Mental illness is not something I can just change my thinking and get better.

This stuff all happened when my brain was being developed.
I didn't have a grown up brain and then stuff happened to change the course.

Borderline personality disorder is an example of a mental illness that I developed because of things that happened growing up.
Its half environmental, half biological. Meaning there's a chance I might not have gotten this had I grown up in a different way, but also a chance I could have had a perfect life and still developed this way.
This is why I have this but my brother doesnt.

But it's not a virus invading my body that with treatment I can expel.

My brain has actually changed permanently.

My other issues that I was destined to get because of gene's dont go away either. Though with years of therapy, groups, medication, the proper environment. I can learn to be okay and function in spite of this.
I may even get to the point I dont experience the negative effects of this because I have got such a good handle on it.

BUT it will never go away. If I stop treatment, it will come back full force.

Think of it like diabetes. A diabetic needs medication, proper diet and exercise to get better.

Think of medication I take as the same as a diabetics. Something needed to balance.

Think of a diabetic's proper diet as therapy, and exercise as Group.

Medication is needed for a while but can eventually be weaned off and replaced with other things depending on the severity.

Proper diet is pretty much essential always for a diabetic. Just as therapy for someone like me.

And group, AKA exercise isnt really required as long as your diet is good but it helps.

A diabetic can improve and require less help but it will always be a problem for them and if they stop treatment all together they will end up in a bad spot quick

I hope this helps someone understand ๐Ÿ˜Š
And I hope nobody feels attacked as I just wanted to share this.

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Since writing this post Nevermind may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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treatment, diabetic, diet, therapy, exercise
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And diet is good for everybody regardless of condition. A healthy body helps lead to a healthy brain.
Like you said- it's not going to miraculously cure anything, but it helps significantly more than people generally give it credit for.

Fb img 1600821388622
(24 minutes after post)
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Your right @Rockster160

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(21 hours after post)
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You know, new research has actually shown that diabetes can be reversed. That's very good news!

For the brain, perception is the thing. And we can change the way we perceive things.

I believe that if we find ourselves bound with fetters, we can find a way to unlock them and cast them off!

Fb img 1600821388622
(22 hours after post)
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Yeah I heard about that too.

Happy earth
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last online: 08/21, 7:48
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Thanks for sharing, Nevermind. And well done for managing your illness so well. I also have MH issues. Although, I am still resistant to taking meds and rather trying other things (I am too stubborn to have my own ways). I wish you all the best managing the illness and hopefully there will be a way to eliminate it. There are advances both in science and in spirituality.xx

Fb img 1600821388622
(1 day after post)
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I just wanted to explain it cause people sometimes get angry when they don't think I'm getting better quick enough. Or they think I can just make a decision to be better but it's not that simple.
If someone with the flu could just decide to be better rather then suffer through there symptoms I'm sure they would. They can actively be fighting the flu (seeing the doc, meds, home remedies) rather then ignoring it and still suffer from the symptoms because it doesnt happen right away.

I'm not saying people here don't understand. I just have the repeated experiences of people not seeming to truly get it. Even people that try to get it.
So I try to explain it in a way more well commonly understood.

And even if this isnt the case for everyone with mental illness.
Not everyone with Mental illnesses have the problem chronically ot long term, but even for those people it's not gonna get better in a night, week or (usually) month. Often medication takes at least a month to fully be in effect.

I'm always worried I'm gonna offend people ๐Ÿ™
Or people are gonna think I'm selfish for saying this..

I only shared this cause I was chatting with my friend and thought I'd share this with the people on help so they understand a little better what it's like at least for me. Because alot of people I've met in hospitals or group seem to be similar and if more people understood then it would help us more.

But I feel like
Everything i say is always wrong
I'm having a tough day maybe

But I dont know how to say the right thing

last online: 08/21, 7:48
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To me your posts make a perfect sense!

I get tired trying to explain to people who don't get MH what it is like. It often times drain me trying to make people understand.. I post on my fb page for my friends if they want to know. But usually nobody comments or likes. People tent to be freaked out by MH, and never bring it up in a conversation.

But I understand that it must be hard for them to know what it is like if they never suffered from any MH issues. It could be like me trying to understand what it is like being an elephant, for example.

Orchid 2
(2 days after post)
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Don't ever worry about what people think.
Its a bottomless pit, best to give it up.
You sharing your thoughts and feelings is bound to help at least one person along with yourself.
To me that is pretty good going.
Stay strong.

Help me with:

I was told that

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(2 days after post)
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A lady friend once gave me a copy of Joyce Meyer's book, "Approval Addiction." Meyers had some great advice about how to get over the perceived need to always win approval from others. Here's a link to what she said: https://joycemeyer.org/everydayanswers/ea-teach...

Joyce, as a child, was *****raped by her biological father--so, as you might imagine, she had a number of ISSUES with which to contend. But she found God and got the help she needed.

My own belief is this: our relationship with God is the most fundamental relationship of our lives. We get this one right, or none of the other relationships in our life will work.

We get this one right--and it doesn't matter who likes us or who approves of us!

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