939 replies, Replies 861 to 870

Who here has ever had welders arc?

Suck it up is about where it's at right now. And it's not called welder's arc. Arc welding is a form of welding using electricity and the metal is melted together with the electric arc. I thought maybe it was a colloquialism and maybe it is but Wiki has a bunch of names for it.. you should call it one of these. "Photokeratitis is known by a number of different terms including: snow blindness, arc eye, welder's flash, bake eyes, corneal flash burns, sand man's eye, flash burns, niphablepsia, potato eye, or keratoconjunctivitis photoelectrica."

Arc eye fits but potato eye is kind of more fun. Bake eyes would have been my choice in younger years, ha ha. Now that I'm a self appointed Docteur keratoconjuctivitis photoelectrica suits me just fine.

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More bad news

What's the name of your dog training school? Did you have a post about that 100 years ago?

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Who here has ever had welders arc?

I was Thor too until I was about 45... now I wish I had taken it a lot easier on myself. You pay later in life for the stupid things you do as a child. My dad told me that when I was 15 and wrecking motorcycles and generally trying to kill myself. I didn't listen, I doubt if your husband will either.

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Who here has ever had welders arc?

Yeah pain pills allow you to keep working... and that's really not a good thing. I know all about that at my age. You take a pill and you feel like superman and work like you did 20 years ago, then the next day you feel like a train ran over you so you take another pill. Pretty soon you can't get out of bed without a pill and you have damaged your body beyond repair. Stay in bed as long as you can is my advice. The pain is your body's way of telling you to stop doing whatever it is you are doing.

And who the heck arc welds without one of those helmets on? It hurts my eyes just thinking about it. Lesson learned.

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Is this thing on?

Rockster160 wrote:

Yeti. wrote:
When did you check it? Currently, "HelpQA" shows up as the 5th result for me. Though 'fcourse, "Help" is the query to be conquered.

DocteurRalph wrote:
Hey it just came up as the 8th result for me too. Moving on up! Chik-fil-A was the 5th result. They are paying $70,000 for someone as a Quality Assurance Analyst in Atlanta.

Moving up much faster than I originally anticipated! That's awesome! Usually takes much longer to get anywhere near the first few pages in Google. Must be all of the users that are coming back. 😄

It took old Help 10 years before it was front page in Google, so I'd say we're doing pretty well. 🙂

How do you get it to move up? If I just type in "help" and find this place on google will it move up? That's what we all need to be doing 24/7/365

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It didn't take you long to get back out on the market I see. Got a new date with a stranger already! You go girl.

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I was just invited to a party

Yeah well right now my FB is just a crappy picture of the bottom of my face with an old man No Shave November gray beard. Nothing to get excited about that's for sure.

That's neat about the picture. Sorry for your loss how long has it been now? Seems like a while.

It probably isn't littlenick. For some reason the wording makes me think the poster is English or European at least. It sounds like his situation though...

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I was just invited to a party

Oh and now you're the A again... isn't that special? I'm thinking about just getting rid of the Dr. Ralph logo myself, but whenever I do people complain. It's one of those things that users have come to expect. Get on Help and see the Club man. http://thumbs3.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/muL3gHJ5...

I think this might be littlenick https://help-qa.com/posts/148-i-had-given-up-on... ...

And yeah he just had a big break up with a girl I guess. The guy is so secretive that even I really don't know what's going on in his life. From all the girl bashing though, I kind of have to guess that that's what happened.

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Is this thing on?

That's what I was thinking, and you know you get Sundays and religious holidays off too.

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I was just invited to a party

That makes me feel better. I did have a ponytail back in the 80's but I didn't wash my hair that much then. Ha ha ha...

It's kind of refreshing that so many more people here now are actually using a picture of themselves as the avatar. That didn't used to happen. Of course after 20 years most of us have figured out what the others look like if we really want to. When the old Help went down I connected with a few people on FB and I noticed half their friends were old Help users.. everyone was coming clean.

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