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I was just invited to a party

Well a meal really at the pub for my aunts birthday. I dont want to go, nothing knew there. Interacting with those people gives me a headache. I usually use the excuse that i cant because i cant leave my dog alone in the house. but dogs are allowed there so its not a problem. Apparently its not socially acceptable to say i dont want to. so what do i do? apart from source some drugs to get me through the evening?

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(8 minutes after post)
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As a fellow introvert, I totally understand.

With those things- I usually โ€œmake an appearanceโ€ then sneak out. Walk in, make a point to say hi to the people that would actually notice, then make a subtle exit.

If anybody asks about it later, say you were there, but took off as the party was dying down to get home before traffic. (Or some other excuse.)

In and out in 10 minutes. ๐Ÿ˜„

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Rockster160 wrote:
As a fellow introvert, I totally understand.

With those things- I usually โ€œmake an appearanceโ€ then sneak out. Walk in, make a point to say hi to the people that would actually notice, then make a subtle exit.

If anybody asks about it later, say you were there, but took off as the party was dying down to get home before traffic. (Or some other excuse.)

In and out in 10 minutes. ๐Ÿ˜„

I wish i could but its more of a sit down meal and wont be a huge amount of people there. They would notice if i was gone

(31 minutes after post)
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Gotcha. That makes it a little harder. I saw โ€œpartyโ€, โ€œpubโ€, โ€œdogs allowedโ€ and assumed it was a less formal event.

Dog got sick? Work needed you? Date that you forgot about? Honestly- โ€œIโ€™ve been slacking on house work and really need to get some stuff done.โ€ Is perfectly sufficient and most people wonโ€™t think twice about it. (Even if youโ€™ll sit there all night thinking about how theyโ€™re plotting against you and mocking your horrible excuse- theyโ€™re really not.)

Whatever excuse you make, people probably wonโ€™t even care much. Or you can suck it up and go and just get it over with. Try to come up with a fun conversation you can have with somebody!

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(41 minutes after post)
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passes you some valium

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(43 minutes after post)
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Or get someone to phone you,say it's an emergency then do one.

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Evansent wrote:
passes you some valium

thanks :(

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(53 minutes after post)
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Ive used the 'im sick' excuse far too many times.

(55 minutes after post)
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Itโ€™s settled! Clean-house excuse it is. ๐Ÿ˜„

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Whether it's PC to say so or not, honesty is always always always the best policy. That's rule number 1.

Rule number two is to reread rule number 1.

(1 hour after post)
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soco wrote:
Whether it's PC to say so or not, honesty is always always always the best policy. That's rule number 1.

Rule number two is to reread rule number 1.

Whereโ€™s the fun in that? Then people would know that we are introverted and donโ€™t like going out.

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Rockster160 wrote:

soco wrote:
Whether it's PC to say so or not, honesty is always always always the best policy. That's rule number 1.

Rule number two is to reread rule number 1.

Whereโ€™s the fun in that? Then people would know that we are introverted and donโ€™t like going out.

You cannot prevent or control what others do or say about you. I'd rather be known as a woman of my word than be labeled a liar.

(1 hour after post)
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soco wrote:

Rockster160 wrote:

soco wrote:
Whether it's PC to say so or not, honesty is always always always the best policy. That's rule number 1.

Rule number two is to reread rule number 1.

Whereโ€™s the fun in that? Then people would know that we are introverted and donโ€™t like going out.

You cannot prevent or control what others do or say about you. I'd rather be known as a woman of my word than be labeled a liar.

๐Ÿ˜ž She is correct. All jokes aside, while not โ€œsocially acceptableโ€ just being perfectly honest and saying you donโ€™t want to go is probably the best course of action.

Animation2 2
(1 hour after post)
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Idk what to tell you, Nixxie, other than I feel for you.
Everyone else has given you ideas, and maybe one would be viable, both for you conscience and logistically

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Lies you have to carry with you. You need to remember every detail and to whom you told it to.
Truth has none of that. You don't have to remember it because that is the truth. When the time comes if it is brought back up, you know exactly what you said and to EVERYBODY!

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Be fashionably late.
Show up like fireworks.
Hit the bar and then....
Oops! I have to go home, i'm drunk.

1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
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Are you advocating driving while under the influence Big-Al-One? I certainly hope not.
And I get the feeling Nixx doesn't want to show up at all. So why waste the gas and time let alone time to prep and put on makeup?

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Now then Nixx I do have a simple idea.
Can you plan a date at the same restaurant at the same time. You sit at a separate table and at any time, beginning, middle, or end of your meal you stop by to say hi and introduce your date and then leave to sit down and eat or go home. You made your required 'visit'. They all understand why you couldn't make it. And you get to enjoy your evening in the company of someone you actually like!

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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soco wrote:
Are you advocating driving while under the influence Big-Al-One?

Not at all.
As a non-drinker myself, I could get drunk on a glass of water and call it a night, if you take my meaning.
Not wanting to go is obvious but she did admit she was out of 'excuses' (or nearly), so that's the part I was playing to.
And you're right. Why go to the trouble of getting dressed and putting on make up. I've seen so many people at the super market, shopping in sweat pants or pajamas...?
(If she doesn't like the crowed, maybe she can present her self in such a way as to not be invited back...?)

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Big-Al-One wrote:

soco wrote:
Are you advocating driving while under the influence Big-Al-One?

Not at all.
As a non-drinker myself, I could get drunk on a glass of water and call it a night, if you take my meaning.
Not wanting to go is obvious but she did admit she was out of 'excuses' (or nearly), so that's the part I was playing to.
And you're right. Why go to the trouble of getting dressed and putting on make up. I've seen so many people at the super market, shopping in sweat pants or pajamas...?
(If she doesn't like the crowed, maybe she can present her self in such a way as to not be invited back...?)

That would be solution #2... Ask Jebus to make you an outfit with headpiece to wear to the party. I can just about guarantee you won't be asked back.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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soco wrote:
That would be solution #2... Ask Jebus to make you an outfit with headpiece to wear to the party. I can just about guarantee you won't be asked back.

That's the spirit!๐Ÿ˜€

last online: 03/16, 22:34
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I'd honestly tell them to stick their social expectations where the sun doesn't shine (if they whine about it, of course) if they don't like you saying that "I'm just not feeling up to it."

By now, most people have caught the clue that I'm just not a party/get-together person. I no longer need to use my "I'm sick" or "I haven't slept" excuse, unless it's business related. And 95% of those cancellations is because I'm actually unwell or sleep deprived.

The other 5% is just because I feel bad telling religious door-knockers to go away, I'm not interested in their "no heaven for you" scare tactics.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 week after post)
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Doesn't the "I have to wash my hair" excuse always work? I've sure had a lot of women tell me that **** in my time. I never really believed any of the women were washing their hair but I thought it was just a universal way of saying go eff yourself without really saying it. Kind of classy really.

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(1 week after post)
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DocteurRalph wrote:
Doesn't the "I have to wash my hair" excuse always work? I've sure had a lot of women tell me that **** in my time. I never really believed any of the women were washing their hair but I thought it was just a universal way of saying go eff yourself without really saying it. Kind of classy really.

Haha No it's really not an excuse. The longer your hair the longer it takes to get it right.๐Ÿ˜‰

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 week after post)
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That makes me feel better. I did have a ponytail back in the 80's but I didn't wash my hair that much then. Ha ha ha...

It's kind of refreshing that so many more people here now are actually using a picture of themselves as the avatar. That didn't used to happen. Of course after 20 years most of us have figured out what the others look like if we really want to. When the old Help went down I connected with a few people on FB and I noticed half their friends were old Help users.. everyone was coming clean.

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
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Yep it's refreshing to see how many people are actually "genuine"
I also connected to a few fb users. So glad this site is up and running again.๐Ÿ˜

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(1 week after post)
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I also thought Littke Nick would have made a appearance by now. Looks like he's had enough.
I hope he's ok. I know he was going through a really rough time at one point.

Sorry for taking over your post ,Nix.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 week after post)
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Oh and now you're the A again... isn't that special? I'm thinking about just getting rid of the Dr. Ralph logo myself, but whenever I do people complain. It's one of those things that users have come to expect. Get on Help and see the Club man. http://thumbs3.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/muL3gHJ5...

I think this might be littlenick https://help-qa.com/posts/148-i-had-given-up-on... ...

And yeah he just had a big break up with a girl I guess. The guy is so secretive that even I really don't know what's going on in his life. From all the girl bashing though, I kind of have to guess that that's what happened.

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(1 week after post)
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I would go for the same avatar you have on fb. (Your genuine self)
This picture holds a special memory,Im wearing my Hubbys wedding ring around my neck and it was the first time I smiled since losing him.

Big Al made me that 'A' a few years ago.
I've asked him if he can make it much flashy and blingy.
But in the meantime I will be using my current avatar when online.

I honestly thought it was someone else..๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 week after post)
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Yeah well right now my FB is just a crappy picture of the bottom of my face with an old man No Shave November gray beard. Nothing to get excited about that's for sure.

That's neat about the picture. Sorry for your loss how long has it been now? Seems like a while.

It probably isn't littlenick. For some reason the wording makes me think the poster is English or European at least. It sounds like his situation though...

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(1 week after post)
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I don't really like talking about it, if you don't mind Ralph.
Some days are harder than others..

Maybe it was Nick. But if you go snooping round in my shout box you will understand why.๐Ÿ˜‰

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Evansent wrote:

DocteurRalph wrote:
Doesn't the "I have to wash my hair" excuse always work? I've sure had a lot of women tell me that **** in my time. I never really believed any of the women were washing their hair but I thought it was just a universal way of saying go eff yourself without really saying it. Kind of classy really.

Haha No it's really not an excuse. The longer your hair the longer it takes to get it right.๐Ÿ˜‰

i have reallllly long hair so it can take me ages :)

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(1 week after post)
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I was looking at those dyson hairdryers...
There's no way I'm paying over ยฃ300 for something that doesn't hoover the carpets . No chance!
Robbing gits.

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that much for a vacuum is still too much imo.

my mum refuses to by a dyson

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
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I think they work as 'hoovers' I just wouldn't pay x amount for one of there hairdryers.

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