69 replies, Replies 31 to 40

When we post more than 5 posts where do the rest go?

Upload your screenshot to tinypic.com and post the link here.

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So I am a Athiest, what now?

Our God is the God of rightness, but you want to do without Him. Ok, you're on your own.

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The evolution of the prosthetic ass.

Unclear on the concept:

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I have a grade 2 Cystocele.

A cystocele is when the wall between the bladder and the ******vagina weakens. This can cause the bladder to drop or sag into the ******vagina. It may be caused by things that increase pressure on the pelvic muscles.
Cystocele | Johns Hopkins Medicine

It is against the law for anybody here to advise anything other than to see a doctor. A doctor will not advise you without an examination.

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What's the difference between suncream sunblock and sunscreen ?


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I can't remember how to post pics / video on here.

Help-QA.com does NOT support HTML tags in posts or replies in order to protect our user's security. However, there are a variety of provided formatting tools that can be used to apply much of the same functionality.

We will automatically detect image and video urls- and will automatically show previews when added to your posts or replies.

Links and other urls will automatically be made clickable.

https://help-qa.com/faq#sect22 Link titled "Markdown" at the bottom of every page.

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im a closet chef...

You cook closets?
Or you cook in a closet?
This is fascinating. Please tell me more.

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200,000 UFO Fans Plan to Storm Area 51?

Up to 500,000 now ...

Personally, I think maybe a few hundred will show up and watch to see if anybody else actually tries to get in.

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Talking with my mom makes me sad.

Old age happens to everybody if you stay alive long enough.

When you are young it's a crime to be young and you don't know what to do about it. When you are old it's a crime to be old and you know what to do but you can't do it because your body rebels against you.

Then your mind starts doing goofy things. A while back I got so bored and lonely that I bought a motorized gold pan and had ore mailed to me to pan at home.

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question everything?


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