262 replies, Replies 221 to 230

Perfect timing for me to need some advice...

@PepperJ that does make sense, im when i graduate this summer ill be able to start helping people in a clinical setting and that should satisfy all my needs, thought they might not all be entirely worthy hopefully the fact theyre there and getting help will be enough and ill be able to send people down the right paths.

@Aria (it didnt want to tag so i hope that worked) i know he is manipulating me, whether he means to or not, which is why i know this is an issue and needs to be sorted. i really appreciate the consern and i can see myself starting to slip (probably because of my psychology training) which is why im very much considering ending it. though i feel waiting 3 weeks til he has a different roof over his head is worth it on both sides.

@Evansent i know its easier to speak to someone outside the situation, one of the reason i came here! and the original reason all those years ago too. he doesnt speak to me poorly until we are arguing but then most people are mastier than they mean to be when arguing. he says stuff like that with sinserity mostly, not with an attitude. but i think he knows i wont not do some food for him too, im too polite to sit there and have myself dinner when i know he hasnt eaten all day

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Hello everyone the site looks like it did when I first joined when CNet started it.

hello! Welcome back! its just like it used to be but not as busy yet!

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Perfect timing for me to need some advice...

Evansent wrote:
When did he say he was seeing a professional?
Has he ever spoken to you about what's going on in his head?

i wathced him fill out the form tonight he just needs to send it off to them. and ive tried to talk to him about it and hes tried to open up about it but hes never had anyone hes been able to talk to about that kind of thing before so he doesnt know how and im not sure he fully understands everything thats going on with him

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Okay --- who is still missing?

i remember Xeno, commander and pianoman! theres a couple of people i used to talk to like lizzie and adam and beata but i cant remember their screen names and i dont have them on facebook or anything now. @Jalex do you think they'd want to come?

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Perfect timing for me to need some advice...

Evansent wrote:
I hate to say this,I've got a feeling this won't end well. I hope I'm wrong.
Sounds like a vicious circle.

i agree i can see it being a very messy break up, im glad i have friends and family around to support me. i just know he doesnt and that makes it so much harder

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Perfect timing for me to need some advice...

it is, and i know when he is using guilt trips to make me feel like its my fault, like when im doing dinner and he says not to cook him any so im not using all my food. ive even called him out on it, not sure if he means it that way but thats the effect it has. i wish he had soem friends or family to talk to but he drifted away from his friends when he moved to this town and hasnt really made any new ones and hes not very close with his family.
its almost funny because i left my ex as i felt like i was more his mother and maid than his girlfriend and ive ended up in a similar situation - clearly says something about me! xD

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This looks so good.

it is good! and i love the avatar! :D

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Perfect timing for me to need some advice...

Evansent wrote:
Vampy he sounds like he's got some serious issues. I know you've got your head screwed on girl (fangs do come in handy) and I just hope he does manage to get his own place.
Maybe things will improve then,either way you have always got back up here if things don't go according to plan.

if he doesnt by next month he wont be staying here cause i cant afford both of us which he knows is the case already!

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Perfect timing for me to need some advice...

i know im a carer i cant help it, one of the reasons im going into psychology is to help people! Which is also why i can see whats going on from the negative/realistic as well as the naive view of me wanting it to be ok and get better. i just know i couldnt forgive myself if i did leave him in the sh*t and his mental health got the better of him and he did something stupid. it wouldnt be the first time (before i knew him) that its happened due to whats happened to him. similar things just happened again which is why hes in such a bad state so its brining back all of his old issues.

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Perfect timing for me to need some advice...

after every outburst he apologises and says he doesnt deserve me and all the rest of it and ive pointed out if he meant it he would stop it happening. i dont let him walk all over me by the way, i do fight my corner and explain things to him and try and make him see that this isnt ok and he needs to sort it out. vampy got fangs!
I am hoping that at the start of next month he will move into his own place and possible the greater amount of time apart will soothe things, especially if he starts seeing someone. if not then ill be in a better conscience to break it off and not feel ive left someone whos struggling in an even worse position.

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