352 replies, Replies 351 to 352

Hint time.

soco wrote:

The only thing I can see an app good for would be to record something for placement later on one of the devices listed above when both time and access allow. Sort of like a note taker.

Can mine a ****shit-ton of bitcoin too!

- written
Perfect timing for me to need some advice...

Hey there Vampy.
Long time, no-see. I gotta agree with what everyone else has been saying. Buddy sounds a bit insecure and you're taking the fall. Good thing that you've not invested years into this relationship. 4 months and it's already starting to fall apart doesn't speak well for the future. True, you 'might' be able to turn things around, but acting as parent/counsellor/emotional punching bag makes for a pretty rough road to travel.. is it worth it?

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