755 replies, Replies 681 to 690


The only music genre I hate worse than country!

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He always hurts my heart...

We would need you to elaborate a LOT more.

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What is intelligence?

I am convinced that humanity, in and of itself, will fail to correct the problems that will lead to our destruction. There is too much greed, too much selfishness and too little caring about others. We will not be able to adequately stem pollution because of human greed, we will not be able to stop wars because of human greed, and we won't have a decent standard of living for everyone because of human greed. We have the intellect, but we lack the moral courage. If people in positions of influence and power would simply say NO to bribes, we could get things done. But 95% of people in those positions cave in when offered money or threatened by the powerful. It's a grim picture, indeed.

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I hate working for the company I work for.

And, remember--Confucius said, "Only thing worse than stress on job is stress without any job!" ;-)

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I hate working for the company I work for.

You won't have laboratory proof for all wrongdoing. That is why management needs to investigate. Almost impossible to prove Harvey Weinstein exploited women--but there are too many accusations to deny they happened.

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Are pit bulls safe to have as a domestic dog?

Regardless of their owners, they have a genetic disposition toward aggression. They can and do turn on their owners with no prior warning. They are biological time bombs. Kind of like a cocked pistol with a mind of its own.

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And those prions cannot be destroyed even in an autoclave!

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There's a prion disease affecting American deer and elk--it's called chronic wasting disease. It resembles mad cow disease.

Tests with monkeys indicate that it is transmissible to humans.

Are you listening, Docteur Ralph? ;-)

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I hate working for the company I work for.

Naaaaah, don't do any of that. You are more than equal to any job in that organization! If other people can do it, so can you!

Any job seems difficult and complex until you break it down into its component parts and learn how to do each of them. Then you just do them in sequence.

Don't think of dragons out there--just little bunny rabbits!

FIND someone in that new team to mentor you. ADMIT you will need some help in "learning the ropes." That will mark you as someone willing to learn.

You could soon make yourself indispensable!

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I hate working for the company I work for.

Just remember this:

You won't get out of this world alive. There is either heaven awaiting you, or the universe will simply end one day, after the last proton disintegrates into a flash of infinitesimal energy. Either way, this earth and everything on it will vanish.

In other words, no reason to sweat anything on this planet.

Remember, also, that there is no task, no test, no challenge that is too difficult for you. To use a Western analogy, you are Doc Holliday going into the OK Corral. Because of your confidence, your skill and the support of your friends, you know that you are going to emerge victorious.

And you can always eat the people who annoy you! ;-)

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