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What is intelligence?

Please don't google or copy and paste. I want your own take on what is this thing we call intelligence?

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(29 minutes after post)
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Intelligence is...a process in your mind. The act of thinking. It has many levels and dimensions.

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I think intelligence is what you know and wisdom is how you use that knowledge.

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(55 minutes after post)
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An expression beyond it's natural operating systems.

(59 minutes after post)
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I usually think that intelligence is the act of thinking rationally, to entertain a thought regardless if you agree with it and to constantly maintain one's curiosity.

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(1 hour after post)
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I believe in the concept of "multiple intelligences" (Howard Gardner)

I think that people can be intelligent in so many ways and everyone's intelligence niche compliments others'.

Intelligence is taking piano lessons for a couple months and being a great player. Intelligence can manifest in sports (albeit along with athletic ability). Intelligence can be in a mechanic, doctor, writer, financier, or anyone else.

However, if a person excels in one area, but fails in all other aspects, it is not intelligence.

Intelligence and (high) IQ are not synonymous.

Intelligence is ALSO the ability to have metacognition, look at your situation(s), and make the best choices available and that you are ABLE to.

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(1 hour after post)
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Nice big al.. Lots of perspectives. Keep it flowing. Great pepperj

Fairies in the woods
(2 hours after post)
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Intelligence is a function of the brain. It's a tool.
It can be of great use or lead to one's demise. All depends on the driving force behind it.
And that's why I say...Intelligence is over-rated.
What is found in a human's heart is, in my opinion, much more valuable.
:)Let me get all "corny" here... for old times sake. (lol)


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(2 hours after post)
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I think humans made a judgement. Intelligence is neither good nor bad. It just is. Ill leave it at that.

Fairies in the woods
(2 hours after post)
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I agree.

(2 hours after post)
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Basic intelligence is when you can tell $#it from Shinola. If you can do that, you're gonna be all right.

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(7 hours after post)
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Theres lots of different intelligences, lingustic intelligence, mathematical intelligence, emotional intelligence etc. I think people can always excel at one thing if they wanted to.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(11 hours after post)
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I think there are a lot of different kinds of intelligence. Problem solving abilities, artistic abilities, communication abilities... and a lot of people that are really good at one of these things can be really bad at others. That's what gets me, are they really smart or really stupid?

Like the rain man dude from the movie. In real life Albert Einstein was one of the greatest mathematical minds ever but supposedly he had trouble tying his shoes and had to keep a piece of paper with his address in his pocket because he would get lost and not be able to find the house he lived in and have to ask directions all the time. Going from work to his house...

And I've noticed a lot of really creative people aren't exactly good mathematicians. Eddie Van Halen is one of the best guitar players/musicians I've ever listened to and he can hardly put a sentence together. The Beatles were probably the most incredible songwriters of all time and all of them got horrible grades and dropped out of school.

Intelligence is very hard to describe and even harder to measure.

Help me with:

I need help.

Fb img 1683336237907
(12 hours after post)
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Ralph. Most of us think were one up on the bear in the woods until were lost in the wilderness. Than who reigns supreme? Thanks

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(13 hours after post)
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What is intelligence? Why, the ability to correlate, of course.

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(13 hours after post)
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Intelligence is knowing a tomato is a fruit, not vegetable.

Wisdom is to not put it in a fruit salad.

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(20 hours after post)
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aeolian wrote:
Ralph. Most of us think were one up on the bear in the woods until were lost in the wilderness. Than who reigns supreme? Thanks

Also very good point

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(23 hours after post)
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doing psychology i suppose i have a more intergreated view on it that some people might. Intelligence is an umbrella that covers many areas such as emotional , academic, existential and artistic. I would say it is formed through experiences and learning and conditioning ad the want for it is innate however as we all have free will (arguably) we choose where we want to expand it to. so a professor such as myself (one day hopefully!) seeks academic knowledge and so intellect the most.

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(3 days after post)
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All of us here.
What I mean by that is we, as a whole, have the wisdom and power to solve the vast majority of problems or situations asked of us.

We just need the people with the resources to get involved and those politicos or in positions of power to get the ****FUCK out of our way!

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(3 days after post)
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soco wrote:
All of us here.
What I mean by that is we, as a whole, have the wisdom and power to solve the vast majority of problems or situations asked of us.

We just need the people with the resources to get involved and those politicos or in positions of power to get the **** out of our way!

Three cheers!

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(4 days after post)
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I am convinced that humanity, in and of itself, will fail to correct the problems that will lead to our destruction. There is too much greed, too much selfishness and too little caring about others. We will not be able to adequately stem pollution because of human greed, we will not be able to stop wars because of human greed, and we won't have a decent standard of living for everyone because of human greed. We have the intellect, but we lack the moral courage. If people in positions of influence and power would simply say NO to bribes, we could get things done. But 95% of people in those positions cave in when offered money or threatened by the powerful. It's a grim picture, indeed.

Fb img 1683336237907
(4 days after post)
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Very sad sherlock. We are heading for our own destruction and taking all innocent beings with us.

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