755 replies, Replies 71 to 80

I feel like Iโ€™m the girl who never gets the guy.

What are your interests? Join a club that is dedicated to one of your interests. Do some volunteer work. Enroll in a course. Take a role in a play. Attend a church. Believe me, kid, decent women are hard to find. Decent men look for honesty and reliability above physical beauty. You simply have not been moving in the right circles.

Oh . . . you have to let men know you are interested. Too many of us have been burned asking out women who'd rather date Sinbad the Sailor. You know how to do that.

We'll expect a report at the end of next week!

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I'm stuck.

PS God is on your side. No way they can win the war.

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I'm stuck.

You will prevail. See a priest and ACAS and resolve to beat the SOBs.

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I'm stuck.

What Slightly says . . . and see if you can getva barrister who will take a labour case pro bono--free.

Hang in there! See a priest also!

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:) How are you all?

Anonymous wrote:
I feel very nearly pecked to death by birds.

Hmmmm. You need a shotgun!

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I'm sad...

Nope. Makes you a human being.

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Is commitment a truly good thing?

Let's say you wanted to be the world's best teacher. Let's be truthful: you would have to burn the midnight oil every night, be consumed with reading, research and writing every waking moment, and would have no real time for yourself. You could end up as the world's best teacher, and still be miserable inside.

Instead, set a high--but reasonably attainable--standard for yourself, e.g., to be a "really good teacher." You would still work hard, but you'd also make time for yourself and others.

Virtually every CEO I've run across has lost his marriage in pursuit of a career. And often his kids become estranged from him. Is material success worth losing your family over?

We should strive for a balance in all things. Workaholics are not happy people.

Nobody, on his or her deathbed, ever said, "Gosh, I really wish I had spent more time at work!"

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It's my birthday!

Congrats! Do something nice for yourself!

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:) How are you all?

Whassa matter, Soco?

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A guy I went out with just reached out and asked me to lunch.

Do NOT hook up with that walking bag of infection!

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