107 replies, Replies 61 to 70

We should make this a secular site.

I do agree with most of what @SerenelyBlue stated. However, silencing people for having an opinion different than yours is not the way to go. You have to let things naturally evolve over time. Society is what depicts what is wrong or right and these change.

I think the move away from religion has been a very positive one. I personally advocate people to ask more questions and try to seek more answers. The answers they find is theirs and it will change as they grow. We just need more constructive and open minded dialogue. One should never tell people what they should believe in. People should find their own answers and it should grow naturally, i believe.

Religion does comfort people and one should respect that. People hold on to religion when they have nothing else to hold on too. Who are we to take that away from them? People live hard lives...

However, I do hope that people find the strength within themselves one day and break free from religion and find their passion, happiness, and purpose outside of religion.

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I’ve really missed this website!

Welcome back!

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When did the world become black and white?

Actually everything is shades of gray. There is no pure white nor pure black. If you wana go one step further, there is no shade at all ^_^ only the illusion (perspective) of shades.

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I can’t believe this site is back!

yeah this website did help a lot of people to vent and find support... it is nice to see it back

I do hope it is relatively kept secret to be honest, because trolled killed the old website, i believe.

glade to see people doing better :), keep strong everybody and move forward in life

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Welcome to Help-QA.com!

Mya wrote:
Thank you, so glad this site is back! And thank you for email invite. I already can see some folks from the old site, soooo nice :) (Hi, tricky, remember me?)

welcome back Mya!

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Post Closed.djdjdn

try to find something you enjoy doing, that should help you out, i think... i like soccer, so when i play it really puts me in a better mood...

we all have problems, we are trying our best... a lot of time, life is too hard, sometimes its nice, easy, and beautiful. Thats life tho, i think the beautiful moment that come so rarely are often worth all the pain.

try different, sport, art, music... maybe you will find something you are passionate about

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As I continue to improve myself I am losing interest in people caught up in the matrix.Same old way of thinking.

I do agree, we all live inside our own fantasies, we believe what we want to believe and disbelief whatever we want to disbelief. Everybody is living a lie, for there is no absolute truth but perspective. There is no good or evil, there is only doing or not doing. If you kill somebody its bad for them but good for the worms. The only absolute thing, is that all things are relative.

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After my flu I was hoping to be helping others more, but it looks like I'm the one in need of help yet again.

Every time I really look at this world, am in awe of its beauty. All the beautiful colors and shapes that makes this world, its breathtaking. So many lives out there, the beautiful humans, animals, insects... with all their shapes and color... Makes me feel so small and yet am part of all it...

There is much beauty in this world, if one really wants to look. Looking at the beautiful world, calms my world.

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I feel sad.

Anonymous wrote:
I’m not where I want to be in life. I’ve never been njoyed life. I haven’t had fun in years. Im single. Fat. Ugly. Shy. I’ve just had enough of everything.

Well am ugly and shy too, it seems we cant do much about that. However, you can work on being in shape. Its good for your health and you will feel much better and have much confidence.

Work is always stressful and you are never the boss, even if you own the company or whatever, then the boss is your customer... you have to make them happy...

This is your life, you can fall on the ground and cry, or you can try to make the best out of it. Time moves, happy or sad, why choose sadness?

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Looking for a new laptop.

Nix wrote:

any thoughts on this one?

not sure how much Sims5 require required graphic, but i doubt that laptop will be able to run it.

CPU: i3,i5,i7 (any will do)
RAM: 8+
HDD: 1Tb (for storage, put all the games in there)
SSD : 128 (for ur OS to be installed on, thank me later :P )
Graphic: 1050+ or AMD 460+

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