This post left anonymously

As I continue to improve myself I am losing interest in people caught up in the matrix.Same old way of thinking.

Same programming. Id rather be alone than go back to the old programs. Its a bit lonely but Im sure I will start attracting like minded heart felt humans. Also I think Im ready to drop help dot com. Its like trying to revive the past.
I realise that none of us are who we think we are. That goes for all social media. We create identities based on what characteristics we want the person to have. Its all in our mind. We create our own reality. I believe most of us in person would not feel the same as we do behind our computer screens. I will go out anonymously. I really never felt appreciated on this site. Thats ok. Yea. I also am leaving the building and without fanfare. God bless.

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last online: 01/25, 20:20
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You did your best. What more can you do? This place is here for anyone at any time. Come back a little, come back a lot.
It's always up to you.

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(2 hours after post)
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Anon this is only the real outlet you have for ranting and airing your opinions.
You have always been part of this and the other help sites.
You are appreciated and wanted/needed here.
Your head is in the wrong place ATM.
Breathe. Give yourself some time to heal and remember we will be here whenever your ready.
Take care my friend.

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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Just be true to yourself:)
I am what I am and learning is a on going thing for me.
Some things don't have an answer and others will be what they'll be.
If we had a answer to change or fix things that are unfix-able...we'd be rich.
Ying and yang bubby:)

Original Poster
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Yes max. I am being true to myself and the old way of thinking isnt working. I not saying entitlement is working either by the new generation. Im just challenging all my programs. I am aware we were all lied to growing up. The lie is stopping with me. Im not giving the lie a chance to infiltrate my consciousness. Im far from better than or have a holier rhan tho stance. My position is growing spiritually and what doesnt serve me any longer is giving energy to the matrix. So rather than spend my way challenging other peop9les belief in the system I prefer to use that precious energy letting go more and more deeper layers of the matrix. So moving ahead spiritually can get lonely. But once you are committed to unplug you simply cant go back.

(5 hours after post)
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lol i have the same attitude here, fb and in rl

Hiippie chick beautiful
(7 hours after post)
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Lately I feel exactly the same way.
And when I say something about it, I'm told that this site is still new and give it a chance and.......WAIT!!!!! I'm not necessarily talking about just the SITE itself, but some of the people on it...their attitudes. How they sit back with their silent agendas...They poke fun at a situation but try to sound so very sincere...Yes...THAT is what I have been reacting to...I don't have a facebook (yikes) but I think that I will start one, is facebook the same, really? I loved MySpace till my puters just wouldn't deal with it anymore.
Anyway, you are not alone in your feelings, Anon...I'm right there by your side...PEACE!!! Cara

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(19 hours after post)
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I do agree, we all live inside our own fantasies, we believe what we want to believe and disbelief whatever we want to disbelief. Everybody is living a lie, for there is no absolute truth but perspective. There is no good or evil, there is only doing or not doing. If you kill somebody its bad for them but good for the worms. The only absolute thing, is that all things are relative.

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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Interesting:) There is right and wrong. Self-esteem is important and leading by example although hard is a step in the right direction. Mom and Dad did have ***sex but it doesn't mean the children should be exposed to this. Some drugs make you feel better but not as good as a reward you've earned from your own labour. The site is slow and some members twist off but it's a free site and some try to be true.

FB can be a tool to share photos with relatives far way or lure people to a false idea. If they're luring to take advantage of..,questionable and maybe criminal. If they're attempting to provide a template as the better way to live or feel, no harm.
Poking fun sometimes is not cool and lashing out useless. It's a place to vent the has no real discipline if you twist off. It's free and has some good people donating their time for free. I have learned to be careful here understanding some members will behave inappropriately (they stand out usually), but a report will resolve it most times.

What I've learned over the years is that most regular members wish people well and they give what they can. Some members here need a place to vent and struggle with trying to re-invent the wheel and always will.
Sometimes my wording isn't right like the phrase; "old way". Maybe a better phrase would be "structured or fundamental ways". Like lunch should be at 12.00 not 3.00 because it's healthy. This not an "old way" but a good way because the new way doesn't work for everybody.

Over all the years I've helped I've never been reported, but I've been attacked several times:)

(1 day after post)
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hungry for esteem.. if only esteem were food

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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Yes. I see people today completely lack or void of empathy. This worries me. Grown children not caring for their parents even during illness and death.

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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I understand that I may being venting. I have this personal issue of trying to understand that with today's fantastic advancement of tools, technology and advancement of rights people seem...more stupid. I'm told it's the same we just know about it easier where before this information was only communicated in person.

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last online: 03/19, 3:49
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Later dude. Be kind. As much as your cyborg identity can master.

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