107 replies, Replies 31 to 40

I have autism (Aspergers) and dyspraxia and don't know what jobs I can do and feel like a drain to society.

Making money out of things you enjoy doing is always a bonus, but most cases its hard to do that. I think most people to setttle to the next best thing. At least its the case for me, i love football but couldnt make money out of it so i settle on Programming.

Just because you have autism doesnt mean you are bad at everything, you probably good at other things. For example am introvert and am good at programming but i would suck in sales for example. Everybody is good and bad at things. You seem to bring urself way down because of autism, instead of embracing it and finding a job that suits you. Actually computer programming might be a very good career choice since it doesnt involve a lot of people interactions in general. The market is very good and people make good amount of money.

Am sure you can find some kind of job that suits your skills. Just look for stuff that involves less human interactions.

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I donโ€™t have anything worth living for.

Sometime it feels like life is too painful to deal with, sometime its ok, and some other time its beautiful. Its the cycle of our existence. Do try to find things that make you happy like hobbies etc...

I personally do volunteering and i find that it gives my life purpose.

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How to stop stress?

I would highly encourage you not to go the medication road. Take the more natural way, we all have stress, some more than others. However, I believe its in your best interest, to find natural and constructive way to relief the stress and maybe become more enlighten about the stress itself and become more accepting and see things in a new perspective that might lower your stress.

These are things that work for me to relief stress and give purpose and sense to my existence:
- Football (soccer)
- Nature (forest and mountain with a nice breeze)
- Writing
- Music
- Gym
- Volunteer
- PC Games
- Rollerblading

Concerning relationship, I would advise you to open up for relationship, if you had a bad experience with girls, that doesnt mean all are bad. Just have to be careful not to make same mistakes you did earlier.

Even tho you had a bad experience with your friend. You shouldnt block yourself from having new friends. But lesson learn, dont trust all your money with a friend, money has a way in changing people (in general). Do open up for new friendship. Family is always nice to have too...

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Programming Help

To persist your data you need something called "database", to get the information from the database you need "SQL".

So your web server can host both the database and the backend language to fetch the data.so Php for example would fetch the data from the database and return it to the front-end (client).

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I got Married year before.

As mentioned, it seems you two have a different personality, introvert and extrovert.

I would advise you to talk with her and see how important it is for her. If its very important, i would advise you to go with it. If it sounds less important to celebrate it with half the population, suggest to do something just the two of you.

Relationship, is about compromise, the more you have different core values and personality. The more effort the relation requires.

I think you need to communicate more and get to know and understand her and her needs and ofcourse talk about your own needs.

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My sister-in-law passed away early this morning.

There isnt much you can do, your physical and mental support is enough.

Am sorry for your loss.

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I can't tell the difference between good intentions and manipulation anymore.

some people are worthy of our trust, some are not. Sometimes we make the mistake of trusting people we shouldn't. However, do keep on trying to trust people, just take more your time and be more careful.

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There is no one to get angry at.

the only real purpose you will find, is in society. When we interact with people we change them and they change us and our purpose in the world - unveils itself.

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Pretty sure I'm invisible.

i noticed but i was shy to say something :)

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well, just spent 3 days in the psychiatric institute of washington for trying to commit suicide again.

hope you can fight the ideas and find other constructive ways. We all have it hard and trying our best to live a good happy life, dont bail on us

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