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How to stop stress?

I've tried drawing, swimming , calling a friend , sleeping , eating , reading and watching films but I'm still feeling super stressed! :(

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feeling, watching, stressed, super, films
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last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Determine what the original source of stress is and deal with it.
People tend to run away from their problems and do everything to outrun what they need to take care of.
But the problem never goes away and the stress only gets worse.

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I know this sounds like a shitty answer bc it’s not as fun but run. There’s something about the endorphins and running that really helps. I know whenever id get panic attacks I would go for runs and blast music and it was extremely effective

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My stress originates from workload from my work place and loneliness.

But there's no escape as I need my job and I can't really find a cure for my loneliness... I'm thinking about medication at the moment but I heard that there are a lot of side effects.

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Running sounds like a good idea... where do you usually go running?

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I use to cheat and run down hill for a few miles and then take the bus back home. Now I run on a lake shore path and run until I get to the beach and then I just sit and watch the water until I’ve calmed down and am ready to go back

(4 hours after post)
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run to the store get smokes then run to your dealer get some weed then run to the liquor store and get some alkyhol then run home consume all quickly and watch stress fade away.

(6 hours after post)
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I don't drink or smoke :(

(6 hours after post)
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Maybe I'll go for a run in the park

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Try some breathing techniques. Also music is my bag, if I feel stressed I’ll listen to music(if it’s within reach)
Also keeping the mind active as well as the body. Excercise is also good when you need a quick pick me up.
Last thing find out the reason why your ‘stressed’ then take it from there.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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It's time to find a girlfriend....

(20 hours after post)
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I've tried listening to music too but I didn't put it down ^^

I already know the reason but it's not something I can solve for now...

Girlfriend? - No thanks don't need anymore relationship issues I'm stressed enough! But thanks for the suggestion!

(20 hours after post)
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No-Account wrote:
It's time to find a girlfriend....

Why the name change lol !

last online: 08/21, 7:48
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Helper wrote:
My stress originates from workload from my work place and loneliness.

But there's no escape as I need my job and I can't really find a cure for my loneliness... I'm thinking about medication at the moment but I heard that there are a lot of side effects.

Can't you talk to your boss? What is your workplace Stress at Work policy?

Helper wrote:
Girlfriend? - No thanks don't need anymore relationship issues I'm stressed enough! But thanks for the suggestion!

Why do you think a girlfriend would bring you more relationship issues?

How about friends? You could go jogging with them, or playing other sport, or doing some other hobbies..?

(1 day after post)
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I feel exactly as you do, and I’m looking into therapists. Maybe you should do the same if it’s affordable?
If the therapist can’t help, they refer you to a psychiatrist and get you medication for what ails you.
For now, I drink peppermint tea when I’m stressed, look into herbal teas and when you drink it, sit quietly and focus on enjoying it. Peppermint tea also helps for headaches, stomach aches and helps calm. You can look into chamomile and others, but I personally hate the taste. I used to dislike peppermint too until I really needed it. Mind over matter.

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The therapist would help you find ways to manage your stress and time, so that you can learn to cope with the workload.
You can also look up how to cope with stress, I’m sure there is advice online as well if you can’t get help elsewhere.

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One other thing: your diet matters, stop caffeine and other sources of food that increase stress and anxiety. You can look up diets to lower stress levels, and a few things should come up.

last online: 08/10, 11:40
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Drinking more water can help.
Drinking alcohol in moderation can destress you but if you dont drink at all and arent open to it then forget it.
Going for a nature walk can really help
Playing video games and/or sports you like

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last online: 03/19, 3:49
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You have yet to exhaust possibilities. As for your forlorned relationship goes, you're trying to hard. Join something that surprises you. Don't do it to discover new people but to discover the depth of yourself. This could be a church, a sports club, bridge, acting troupe, etc. Something that will expand your interest in life around you. Yes you will meet people but that is not the end game. Learn you. Not inside the shell you think makes you.
Second, learn something new. Write. Prose or poems, makes no difference. Start simply by journaling. Learn to play a musical instrument. Flute maybe because it's easy to take places. Take up photography. Dance. Learn to act or improv comedy. You will learn very quickly how much you really are capable of, and that will just blow your mind!

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One last thing. Volunteer. Read to the blind. Pass out meals to the homeless. Make someone's day better just because you were there. I have no doubt you will get more out of this than they will. One thousand percent more.

(2 days after post)
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I would love to get therapist but I don't have any money as I was scammed earlier this year my entire life saving was gone :( Thank you for the tea and water suggestion. Currently I try to drink 3 liters of water per day , 2 on a busy day. Don't really drink alcohol or coffee.

I want to exercise more too this evening i decided to go swimming after work but half way there I was super hungry and tired that I decided to go home.

I would like to try something new too but time is an issue, my work hour is really long and workload is huge, many of my customers are horrible., I'm currently working 6 days per week so naturally the 7th day I'm super tired.

I've been drawing this weekend which I love and I guess it helps a little but not to a point where my stress is gone.

Would love to volunteer actually I've been written down some volunteering option even filled out a form, but then work got in the way and to this day I have not submitted the form.(It's been months since I've filled it out)

Thank you for all your suggestions I'll try to see what I can do !

last online: 08/10, 11:40
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How did you lose your entire life saving I mean how did you get scammed if you don't mind me asking?

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Running/jogging is a good suggestion as mentioned earlier.
If you can, perhaps look into getting a pet dog (I've found cats to cause more stress, than to relieve stress.)

My personal stress reliever is video games. (Avoid multiplayer games, they cause stress.)

(2 days after post)
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Depends on the cat or dog, I've found that dogs can cause a lot of stress, too ;) Perhaps a rat is safer, they make great companions, just as loving and attention-seeking as a cat/dog, they're probably cheaper in the long run - but you have to be able and willing to give them lots of attention and stimulation (physical and mental) since they are highly intelligent animals.

(3 days after post)
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Oh it was a long story... A "friend" persuaded me to invest in something was low risk and high in return. Stupidly I agreed in the end I was left with nothing but the cruel truth that he had lied to me and used me, and I went through a long process dealing with the police but was told they could do nothing as he used a legal loophole, had a bad experience with the police too, they were horrible, rude and unhelpful.

I don't have time to get a pet ... I don't have time to look after them and feed them I barely have time for myself :(I would love to get a rat...Are they attention seeking and loving?? The hamsters that I had never seemed to like me petting them... their lives are quite short too :(

(3 days after post)
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Rats are just as attention seeking as a cat or a dog, they’re extremely social creatures, love to play games and be loved/comforted. Hamsters... not so much, they’re not the same, hamster are also quite mean (they bite).
I’ve heard many people sleep with their rats next to them in bed just like a cat or dog does, but personally I’d keep a bit of distance in case I crush them by rolling over.

last online: 08/21, 7:48
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Oh, so sorry about that, Helper :( Hope you are recovering from that experience and will have only positive ones from now on.

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Visit a taxidermist. They don't eat much and your furniture can usually be found still in one piece.

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I would highly encourage you not to go the medication road. Take the more natural way, we all have stress, some more than others. However, I believe its in your best interest, to find natural and constructive way to relief the stress and maybe become more enlighten about the stress itself and become more accepting and see things in a new perspective that might lower your stress.

These are things that work for me to relief stress and give purpose and sense to my existence:
- Football (soccer)
- Nature (forest and mountain with a nice breeze)
- Writing
- Music
- Gym
- Volunteer
- PC Games
- Rollerblading

Concerning relationship, I would advise you to open up for relationship, if you had a bad experience with girls, that doesnt mean all are bad. Just have to be careful not to make same mistakes you did earlier.

Even tho you had a bad experience with your friend. You shouldnt block yourself from having new friends. But lesson learn, dont trust all your money with a friend, money has a way in changing people (in general). Do open up for new friendship. Family is always nice to have too...

last online: 08/10, 11:40
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Helper wrote:
Oh it was a long story... A "friend" persuaded me to invest in something was low risk and high in return. Stupidly I agreed in the end I was left with nothing but the cruel truth that he had lied to me and used me, and I went through a long process dealing with the police but was told they could do nothing as he used a legal loophole, had a bad experience with the police too, they were horrible, rude and unhelpful.

I don't have time to get a pet ... I don't have time to look after them and feed them I barely have time for myself :(I would love to get a rat...Are they attention seeking and loving?? The hamsters that I had never seemed to like me petting them... their lives are quite short too :(

Sorry about that.

Rats I've spent a short moment with those white rats in a pet shop and they seemed loving enough but really rabbits especially female bunnies are very loving but do need to be taken care of but its worth the time and money spent to take care of them.

Doves dont require much care and are pretty loving once they recognize you but the males can be noisy when they coo at the female. Budgies require even less care but they get scared of you.

(6 days after post)
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Sorry guys I've gotten ill I think it's some sort of allergy I'm not quite sure but I don't have time to see a doctor yet :(( But thank you for all of your advice !

last online: 08/21, 7:48
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Stress can weaken our immune system.. Hope you feel better soon. x

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You still have Yellow Pages where you live? If so go to the listings for Physicians. Most of the larger listings will include a picture of the physician taken 25-30 years ago. Look at the picture for a good 15, 20 seconds.

You just saw a doctor.
You're welcome....

Hope you feel better soon.

(2 weeks after post)
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Drug stores carry a vitamin called B-100. One a day and you can handle almost any level of stress. Vitamin B2 is a water soluble dye that makes urine bright yellow. When the color fades, it's time for another pill.

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