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I feel like a reject right now.

I endeavoured on a new career path several years ago. Something I had always wanted to do. Which led to me being my own boss. Great right? But every time I put myself 'out there' and try to grab an opportunity to advance, I fail. I am rejected.

I am only my own boss now because I have been rejected from all of the jobs I apply for. There is only so many times some one can say no before I start taking it personally.

I send proposals to start writing for certain organisations, a local free magazine, writing courses for an education provider. Nope.

It just feels like every time I try. I am rejected. No one wants me. It seems I can only rely on myself to create opportunities, if anything is in other peoples hands, then I will be rejected.

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Failure is a feeling long before it becomes an actual result. It’s vulnerability that breeds with self-doubt and then is escalated, often deliberately, by fear.

What I’ve learned is this: All of them have had doubters. Some continue to have roaring, stadium-sized collections of critics and naysayers who will shout ‘I told you so’ at every little misstep or mistake. The noise doesn’t go away, but the most successful people I know have figured out how to live with it.”

-Michelle Obama

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“I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Thomas Edison

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The writing industry is ferocious, concieted, aristocratic, narcissistic, cold and a whole thesaurus full of negative adverbs.

If you can make an actual living doing something on your own, that is where your success will be.

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“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” - Maya Angelou

Keep trying! Eventually, something will stick. You got this!

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Thank you everyone. I feel I am increasingly isolating myself from people as I fail more and more. It's just very frustrating.

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You need to look at this only one way and that is this: every single time you hear a no only means you are one step closer to the next yes. Smile and let it embolden you. Throw your shoulders back and move on.

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Giving up because something went wrong is like slashing all your tyres because you got one flat.

If u never give up then u can never fail

If u are to cross the ocean then u need to lose sight of the shore

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Keep going. Like a peinguin in the storm just keep going.

Never give up

Follow your dreams. Follow your heart. Let it lead the way

Your self worth is not defined by the acceptance of others.

Perhaps the way that your different might be yhe difference that makes the world a better place

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You may be lost in the woods for a very long time searching for the exit. Y never know how close to the exit y may be. And if y give up you will never know

Im not really trying ti suggest ur giving up. I know u r trying hard. But just incase u ever feel that way

Never let anyone dull your sparkle

Never let anyone make you bitter or resentful for it hurts you and not them.

Only u can decide who you are

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Thank you Soco and Jetmoo. Sometimes it just feels pointless. I normally pick myself back up after a few days. Maybe I just had too much rejection all at once!

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Your welcome. Hugs xx rejection can really hurt. But those people dont know you on a personal level.

Life is hard work finding work these days. Theres alot of competition. Just keep trying is all you can do.

Everyones path in life is different. Not better or worse but different. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Everyone is a wonderful addition 5o the world.

Never let anyone else hold the pen whilst writing the story of your life

I thought i would never find a job and I spent months trying to search and apply for almost anything. I was so desperate id even apply for stuff i couldnt do and say im willing to learn ect..

I went to a jobs fair and i fle tit was the biggest waste of time. What a silly idea coming so far away from home for a jobs fair, all the jobs are too far away from home.

I signed a couple like yeah whatever.. didnt hold much hope. Thought im never doing that again.

Oh i got a call back. They wanted to go for interview. Then i got call from council saying there was a home to view in the same village!

Sometimes life just keeps throwing lemons but it cant keep taining forever. One day the sky will have no rain left to give and the sun will have to come ti dry it up and reprat the cycle.

Nothing lasts forever, good nor bad.

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Its not what u achieve that makes the goal worthwhile but the journey along the way. If it was all easy it would not feel like an accomplishment in the end.

The strength you carry to endure the journey is what makes you brave and courageous. Always have faith in you.

Sometimes one door shuts so another door can open and lead u to something better

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Jetmoo wrote:
Never let anyone else hold the pen whilst writing the story of your life

This reminded me of a slightly different quote. "God is not finished writing the story of your life. So quit trying to STEAL the pen!"

(2 weeks after post)
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Think about it like it's sales. Because when you boil everything down to its basics, everything we do is selling something. Not just our sorted products, but our personalities and whether people like us or not is nothing but a sales game.

In sales you might pitch someone a product or service 500 times to someone, and get 494 no's. But you're not interested in those 494 if you can't convert them into a sale. Focus on the 6 people who say yes.

But you have to be willing to go through being told "no" 494 times and "yes" only 6.

IMO, this is fundamentally why being in business or especially working for someone else's business, absolutely *******fucking sucks.

See, I don't like to be told no. So anything involving selling something is not a good thing for me.

I should have been a king of some country somewhere rather than born into a society of nothing but sales games LOL

That's getting off the subject though.

Good luck!

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soco wrote:

Jetmoo wrote:
Never let anyone else hold the pen whilst writing the story of your life

This reminded me of a slightly different quote. "God is not finished writing the story of your life. So quit trying to STEAL the pen!"

Sounds like Mark Twain.

Too bad it's been turned into some religiousy bullshit though :\

Edit: Turns out it's Harley Davidson according to Google who said this first. Surprising. I guessed Mark Twain LOL

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