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I knew I was out of shape but...

Holy crap I didn't realize how bad.

So with this idea of being an instructor for the cadets, a few days ago I started to do some excersizes in the morning and evening, and I found out how out of shape I really am.

I cam barely do 10 push-ups and 16 sit-ups. And cardio is out of the question... Ugggg...

At least round is a shape.

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question, shape, sit-ups, cardio, ugggg
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Start with Yoga. ๐Ÿ˜„

(5 minutes after post)
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I suggest going outside and going for a run.

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(7 minutes after post)
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Eddieee wrote:
I suggest going outside and going for a run.

You will instantly know how out of shape you are. Then simply keep on running through the pain

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(21 minutes after post)
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My husb and I have been going to the gym for a month now.

Went tonight and I got stuck in the leg curl machine. I can barely lift any weight, whether legs or arms, doesn't matter...and I have zero endurance for bicycle or treadmill.

Just keep on keeping on and things will improve quickly :) Good luck with it

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Talk to your doctor Jonathan. First and foremost. No diets. If you want to to change your dietary habits, that is up to you. Not some bimbo on a YouTube video.
Finally, get someone involved with you that can be accountable, like a coach.

16935743 1750032141977429 1455532587 o
(27 minutes after post)
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Thank you all for your encouragements and suggestions. ๐Ÿ˜„

Soco I will be sure not to diet.... at least not any more than what I'm on now. My gut troubles are still as strong as ever, and one diet is enough. โ˜บ

Eddieee, I don't know if running is my thing. Like I said, cardio is out of the question... not to mention that the snow on the ground is a deterrent. I do have a skipping rope though, and have tried that once so far.

Rockstar, unfortunately I don't know yoga, and don't have access to an instructor... at least not a free one.

Thank you again for your suggestions and encouragements. I will definitely be keeping at it.

(33 minutes after post)
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Padre_J_Roulston wrote:
unfortunately I don't know yoga, and don't have access to an instructor... at least not a free one.

There are lots of free Yoga apps! It sounds funny, but we tried one for a while and it was actually really good. You can schedule alerts each day, and then you go through routines where they (the app) demonstrates the movements and such. I'll have to see if I can figure out the name of it.

(36 minutes after post)
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It works like this: Eat less, move more.
What you do or don't do is up to you. Simple habits can effect the outcome. Eat more veggies and drink only water. That is all there is

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(36 minutes after post)
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I agree with no diets. Up your protein instead.

I follow this guy on fb and he has some solid advice, I think. My husb was also into body building earlier in his life, so he gives pretty good advice too.

The guy on fb is James Smith. I forwarded to you. He has language, but he's okay

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(1 hour after post)
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Start by walking about 20 minutes a day. Eat more fiber and lots of salads fruits and veggies . Stay away from all processed food. No sugar. Drink a lot of spring water. 8 glasses. Reduce sodium. Sodium retains water and you bloat up. If you have a partner get more romantically physical. Meditate. Yoga. Look at you tube videos of yoga. You really have to move more than your used to unless you have a health issue and you cant move. Breaking inertia is the hardest part. After about a few weeks of 20 minute walks increase to 30 minutes and than 40. If you cant do aerobics now your body will adjust. Traing effect. Who knows you may enjoy walking down the road. Good luck

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Just putting this out there: http://www.exeterlovesyoga.co.uk

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(8 hours after post)
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Happy Birthday Padre.๐ŸŽ‰

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Yes, happy birthday my friend.
No cake though. Go for a walk instead. Bet it's beautiful up there!

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(11 hours after post)
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You can still go for a walk then have cake when you come back.๐Ÿ˜‰

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Make it a long walk. I'll make sure to watch the cake while you're gone.

I promise....

16935743 1750032141977429 1455532587 o
(12 hours after post)
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soco wrote:
Just putting this out there: http://www.exeterlovesyoga.co.uk

Unfortunately this is the wrong Exeter ๐Ÿ˜„ This is for the UK. I'm in Canada. It is a bit far to walk/swim for my first yoga lesson ๐Ÿ˜‹

Thank you for the birthday wishes. ๐Ÿ˜„

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Perhaps you can borrow JNs bike for the duration of the trip.

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