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So I just spent way to long doing something silly.

I am gonna take a shower,
Soooo I decided I should put the tv on for the cats.
I didn't wanna put on just anything.
It had to be a kids show or movie because they are children, obviously.
But then I couldn't find a movie because the only ones that I thought they'd like I wanted us to watch together as a family.
Then I saw air buddy's and ai was like oh it'd be perfect if only they were cats. I want to find them a strong kitty role model.
I thought maybe I should put Mulan on as it's one of my favorites and I'd like them to see it, but I worried I'd start watching it and not get anything done.
Then I saw Moana and I was like
Moana it is. I know they like it.

I put too much thought and effort into that.

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find, thought, put, cats, moana
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(5 minutes after post)
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shoulda put on that one movie with the little yellow dudes

(5 minutes after post)
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Animation2 2
(18 minutes after post)
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Too funny :)

Fb img 1600821388622
(18 minutes after post)
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Yellow guys are great but as a cat mom of 4 I wish there were more kitty's on TV.
My cats need a strong feline role model to show them They can accomplish anything.

Too cute features cats but what's cute about it?
They should call that show "How to be a single mom with 6 kids"

My cats need a feline version of air bud to show them they can do things beyond the limits of there species.

Some lessons I'd appreciate to be featured in a movie meant to inspire cats include

-A show were they learn you CAN cover your poop after using the litter box

-You CAN sleep in more places then just boxes, black clothes, and on laptops

-You CAN beat catnip addiction

-You CAN sleep less then 20 hours a day

-You CAN leave objects such as cups filled with liquid untouched as you found them

My cats need a hero.

(2 hours after post)
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I think you need Simons cat: https://youtu.be/GTUruS-lnEo

(5 hours after post)
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It happens sometimes

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(5 hours after post)
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Attention to detail is a great thing... most of the time ๐Ÿ˜„

Happy earth
(6 hours after post)
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One of my cats likes to watch tennis.

Or anything that has something moving back and forth.

My other cat likes nature documentaries, especially if there are birds.

(15 hours after post)
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The real question is, did the cats enjoy it after all?

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