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Feeling emotional.

I've been doing well as far as not feeling suicidal but I feel suicidal right now.

A DBT skill called Wise Mind asks you to rate your decisions/actions on a scale

Rational Mind---Wise Mind---Emotional Mind

You want your choice to be a Wise Mind choice.

You start off Emotional. Then your supposed to Rationalize. Then make a Wise choice in the middle.

My reason for dying is an emotional choice.
Cause I'm feeling upset.

I'm supposed to rationalize
So. That would be think of the other options and what else I could do.
And Wise would be me choosing not to die and doing something ELSE to fix the problem.

I feel less like crying after thinking about it but I still feel troubled. Like I might still do it.

I dont know. But. Its improvement I guess.

But I'm not sure if I'll be able to maintain this healthy thought if I'm pushed any further which means I'm very fragile and that's not a good way to be.

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feel, die, mind, choice, wise
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Nevermind edited this post .

Feeling emotional.¬ ¬ I've been doing well as far as not feeling suicidal but I feel suicidialsuicidal right now.¬ ¬ A DBT skill called Wise Mind asks you to rate your decisions/actions on a scale¬ ¬ Rational Mind---Wise Mind---Emotional Mind¬ ¬ You want your choice to be a Wise Mind choice.¬ ¬ You start off Emotional. Then your supposed to Rationalize. Then make a Wise choice in the middle.¬ ¬ My reason for dying is an emotionemotional choice.¬ Cause I'm feeling upset.¬ I feel I should give up my cats but I can't live without them so I want to die.¬ ¬ I'm supposed to rationalize ¬ So. That would be think of the other options and what else I could do.¬ And Wise would be me choosing not to die and doing something ELSE to fix the problem.¬ ¬ I feel less like crying after thinking about it but I still feel troubled. Like I might still do it.¬ ¬ I dont know. But. Its improvement I guess.¬ ¬ But I'm not sure if I'll be able to maintain this healthy thought if I'm pushed any further which means I'm very fragile and that's not a good way to be.

(20 minutes after post)
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I'm glad you rationalized the choice. Good call there.

What's something you can do to pass time that's relatively stabilizing? Something to keep you occupied that doesn't really upset you or get you riled up in any way?

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(32 minutes after post)
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Here is Life Lesson No. 26, Never:

26. Feelings are not necessarily a reliable indicator of what you should do. If your heart says one thing, but your head says another, go with your head.

Your logical self will never tell you to hurt yourself. But emotions are not reliable.

Listen to your logical self. If your emotional self comes up with a suicide ideation, boot it from your psyche and don't allow it back in!

Fb img 1600821388622
(43 minutes after post)
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My logical mind comes up with suicide too.

I have 2 types of suicidal
The calm well planned version and the emotional

Right now its emotional

Happy earth
(1 hour after post)
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Please keep fighting it.

(2 hours after post)
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i dont mean to pry.. but how old are you? and whats the one bs thats the biggest issue you seem to cant get over? no need to answer if its personal.

Years ago on help.com i was suicidal many times but just kept joking about it, (shout out to the others if they even remember it) i figured if i could put some sense why i was feeling that way, then thats the reason. So many times it happened it was practically like a mood swing so i started telling mysef, great well there it goes again. haha.

Happened one to many i now can tell if im getting there, i wont lie - once in a while i'll get sucked into it. Just a matter of remembering negative thinking can only be overcome with positive thinking. you might say easier said than done.. but over time .. the predictability is what saves ur ***ass from that horrible state.

Fb img 1600821388622
(2 hours after post)
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The biggest issue?


(2 hours after post)
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yea i think everyone had a phase where they hated themselves. someone not too long ago told me .. "stop looking in the mirror! start caring about others!" big wake up call there - thats when i kicked that brain lock.

Fb img 1600821388622
(2 hours after post)
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One of the things that bugs me the most is people telling me I'm going through a phase or that my feelings are not true.

(2 hours after post)
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the feelings are real .. im assuming their understanding of the phase is not well investigated

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(5 hours after post)
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I know what you feel is true. Hopefully I have never told you otherwise. But these are the times I want to wrap some big bear paws around you and tell you hang in there until those feelings pass.

Fb img 1600821388622
(5 hours after post)
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Thanks Soco.
I appreciate that.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(14 hours after post)
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Suicidal thoughts are junk thoughts. We all have them. Right now older white males have the highest suicide rate. That's probably because white families are not as close-knit as those of other cultures. We are all missing the nurturing of the extended family.

Ted Kaczynski, the "Unibomber," was right about what the Industrial Revolution has done to the human family structure. No, he was wrong to bomb people, but he was right about the IR. Now instead of that big, extended family to help us get through life, we find ourselves in isolated pockets of nuclear families--and even they are disintegrating across the landscape.

Here we reach out to each other--because in a very big way, THIS is our extended family!

Never forget that!

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