Still doin stuff for starbyface
last online: 07/21, 22:01
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Do you have any recommendations for good anti-anxiety medication?

As I've learned (or been repeatedly assured), my breathing troubles, fatigue, headaches, food aversion, waking up at night, dizziness, brain fog, lack of focus, chest and back pains, are all due to generalized anxiety and/or panic disorder.

My sleeping has gotten better, but other symptoms continue (even if the headaches aren't BURNING anymore). My sister and mother are recommending short term Xanax, but my NP is reluctant and so am I.

Does anyone know some anti-anxiety meds that have worked for them or somebody they know? Side effects?

If not, I would at least love some reassurance. My brain keeps screwing with me, convincing me I'm dehydrated or going blind or not getting enough oxygen. My sister tells me it won't be like this forever but I want to feel like myself again sooner rather than later.

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brain, sister, sooner, headaches, anti-anxiety
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(17 minutes after post)
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Don't make the mistake to self medicate. They could make you feel worse. Some of them could cause fatigue, nausea etc. Make an appointment with a psychiatrist and they'll know what to give you. You might need antidepressants and not anxiolytics.
Oh! And I've been through a period where I had the feeling there's something wrong with me. Turned out it was just anxiety, as soon as I stopped feeling anxious, started meditating and aome breathe exercise, all my symptoms vanished.

Still doin stuff for starbyface
(28 minutes after post)
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Kalinihta wrote:
Don't do the mistake to self medicate. They could make you feel worse. Some of them could cause fatigue, nausea etc. Make an appointment with a psychiatrist and they'll know what to give you. You might need antidepressants and not anxiolytics.

I agree, I saw my NP and a therapist yesterday. The latter said she wasn't qualified to prescribe anything but recommended anti-anxiety. My sister, who has gone through the same symptoms I've been going through lately, recommends short term Xanax, calling it "safe and incredibly effective for short term, as needed relief but it isn't a permanent solution." Honestly, I'd prefer to see a psychiatrist that my therapist referred me to. Don't know when I'll get to see her though, but I'll push towards that.

Kalinihta wrote:
Oh! And I've been through a period where I had the feeling there's something wrong with me. Turned out it was just anxiety, as soon as I stopped feeling anxious, started meditating and aome breathe exercise, all my symptoms vanished.

Do you have any meditation/breathing tips? The last time I meditated was for a Restorative Communication class and it made me feel strange and buzzy.

(45 minutes after post)
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The thing with xanax is they are very addictive, and also they don't treat anything, they just cover up the symptoms. You need to find the source of your symptoms and treat that. And you can't do this without an expert.
As for the meditation, my English is not so good, so you could wait for someone else to answer, or you can google it. The breathing exercise I do is: inhale from the nose for 8 sec, keep the air for 6 sec, exhale from the mouth for 6 sec. I do this 3-4 times and then start activating my muscles one by one while breathing. Ghhh someone else in this forum will know how to explain this!
Oh! And you could join a yoga class.

Still doin stuff for starbyface
(46 minutes after post)
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Your English is great, no worries! I think my sister's boyfriend recommended something similar to that, as well as square breathing.

last online: 11/28, 9:31
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im on citalopram i think its called from memory. i like it but it did cause more anxiety at first which settled down after about 2 weeks, now its great, my mood has picked up and i can sleep better.

non prescription i have used 5htp supplement which i love, and you could try cbd oil, it seems to be all the rage now.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(2 hours after post)
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Consider an anti-anxiety diet. Research food groups that bear relaxing properties. You may also find there are many properties in foods that trigger stressors.
So, by lessening one food group and increasing another, you may find what you're looking for and live better for it.

Still doin stuff for starbyface
(2 hours after post)
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Nix wrote:
im on citalopram i think its called from memory. i like it but it did cause more anxiety at first which settled down after about 2 weeks, now its great, my mood has picked up and i can sleep better.

non prescription i have used 5htp supplement which i love, and you could try cbd oil, it seems to be all the rage now.

Thanks! Citalopram is something I should research, then. Apparently a lot of other anti-anxiety meds can take 4+ weeks to do anything. Also, luckily I believe I have some 5htp around the house. Took it once a couple weeks back when I was first having brain fog. Maybe it'll be more help now.

BIG-AL-ONE wrote:
Consider an anti-anxiety diet. Research food groups that bear relaxing properties. You may also find there are many properties in foods that trigger stressors.
So, by lessening one food group and increasing another, you may find what you're looking for and live better for it.

So I've heard! After all, ~90% of serotonin is made in the gut. I do kind of feel like my diet change/restrictions were what set off my anxiety this year (thanks a lot, silent reflux). Unfortunately anxiety --> nausea --> more food aversion --> small meals --> fatigue --> no energy to make or get food --> anxiety.

It's a vicious cycle, but I'll have to break it anyway.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(7 hours after post)
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Xanax, valium, klonopin are all great for making me relaxed. They all make me tired and uninhibited too though. Fatigue, dizziness, brain fog, lack of focus... hmmm. It sounds to me like you're already on xanax, have you tried drinking a lot of coffee?

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Still doin stuff for starbyface
(7 hours after post)
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Incredibly, I'm not on Xanax (people have been telling me those symptoms were from anxiety). Coffee/caffeine is apparently bad for acid reflux (and thus I am so lucky I never got hooked on it, or even started). Ah, I miss chocolate.

But klonopin, that's something my NP just recommended. If hydroxyzine isn't a possibility in my future, that is. (I'd take tired if it meant relaxed and painless!)

last online: 03/16, 22:34
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I've been on paroxetine since 2016 and it's worked wonders for me. Apart from some restless-leg side effects, it's been the one thing that's been keeping my on my recovery path from agoraphobia.

However, I'd speak to your doctor and also recommend getting your thyroid, Iron and vitamin levels checked, as abnormal levels/functions can actually contribute to anxiety.

When my agoraphobia first started, I had a blood test done that showed I had an overactive thyroid anemia, and low Vitamin D levels, so I had to get that managed first before tackling the underlying anxiety. It's best to find out if the anxiety isn't being caused by something else medical.

43ca60d0 2fa2 42fe b234 d2ff6891f6dc
(1 day after post)
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I think I’ve been on every possible and I anxiety medication there is I would start out with fluxatine it works the best for a while as for things like panic attacks I I am on clonazepam which kind of works. Honestly being medicated for anxiety and depression is probably the worst possible thing to go through because it’s just a guess and check you go in they prescribe you medication you come back in a month later and say it didn’t work and then they give you new medication and it’s just a vicious cycle. But I I wish you the best of luck

Still doin stuff for starbyface
(1 day after post)
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@Aria Thanks for that! Did you experience any other side effects, like nausea, lack of appetite, or insomnia? I just recently got over nausea and waking up every 2-3 hours, would hate to backpedal. I agree on the blood work part; I got blood results back in late February and my thyroid was just about perfect (according to my sister, who knows thyroid problems). I was, however, slightly anemic iron-wise. Don't know about vitamin levels, but I do have supplements and my anxiety was worse in the past week when I couldn't eat. My NP prescribed me hydroxyzine, but I also just bought an CBD-infused edible and some passionflower supplements so we'll see how that works out first.

music=life wrote:
Honestly being medicated for anxiety and depression is probably the worst possible thing to go through

My mom and sister wholeheartedly agree with you, and I'm starting to get that vibe too. I know I'd be ridiculously lucky if hydroxyzine got it on the first try (in fact, my NP suggested clonazepam if it didn't work out). Throat and chest-wise I'm still having some anxiety trouble, but brain-wise I'm actually doing a little better. Thanks so much for the advice and support!

43ca60d0 2fa2 42fe b234 d2ff6891f6dc
(1 day after post)
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There are so many drugs like clonazapam which is what I’m on. You just need find the right combo. I’ve been on xxanax, lorazepam, and now clonazepam. All of which worked a bit in the beginning so much now

last online: 11/28, 9:31
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Aria wrote:
I've been on paroxetine since 2016 and it's worked wonders for me. Apart from some restless-leg side effects, it's been the one thing that's been keeping my on my recovery path from agoraphobia.

However, I'd speak to your doctor and also recommend getting your thyroid, Iron and vitamin levels checked, as abnormal levels/functions can actually contribute to anxiety.

When my agoraphobia first started, I had a blood test done that showed I had an overactive thyroid anemia, and low Vitamin D levels, so I had to get that managed first before tackling the underlying anxiety. It's best to find out if the anxiety isn't being caused by something else medical.

I completely agree with this. As well as anxiety I had severe Vit D deficiency which did not help in the slightest. My Aunt had panic attacks and low iron levels.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 day after post)
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Be careful if you do take any benzodiazapines like Xanax (alprazolam), Ativan (lorazepam), or Klonopin (clonazepam). A lot of people commit suicide when they are taking them for some reason. According to the Lorazepam website "Benzodiazepine drugs can unmask the suicidal behavior of patients if not given with an antidepressant drug". Where's the Helpbot when you really need him, right?

And I'm the last person in the world that should lecture people on taking pharmaceuticals, because I've been on them all at one point or another and with no ill effects except maybe a trail of wrecked cars from overindulging while drinking too... but someone in my family committed suicide after taking benzo's so I have to put that out there. If you've ever had any suicidal tendencies at all try to stay away from them or at least not take them for extended periods of time.

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Still doin stuff for starbyface
(1 day after post)
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Yeah, my sister and NP advise against benzos longterm. In fact, my sister can't stress to me enough that any anti-anxiety meds should be taken short-term. I've never been highkey suicidal, but then again that's because I'm terrified of death. If benzos took that fear away...? Ooh boy. Yikes. If I ever took a benzo, let's hope my other big reason (not wanting my family to lose another loved one) would stick.

Sorry for your loss, by the way. I completely understand (and share) your suspicion towards benzos.

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