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What happens after a death (practical not spiritual).

If there's no obvious family, how hard will family members be searched for?

Who makes arrangements and pays if the deceased hadn't covered This?

Who sorts out belongings?

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family, deceased, covered, sorts, belongings
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Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(3 minutes after post)
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They will find the next of kin. It's pretty easy these days with all the social networking.

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Original Poster
(14 minutes after post)
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If social networking fails?

What if they're distant relatives found?

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(23 minutes after post)
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If they can't contact anyone related to you they will just cremate your body and keep the ashes for 4 years then bury them if nobody claims you...

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Original Poster
(36 minutes after post)
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And with non valuable possessions?
Who sorts that stuff
Who informs authorities
Who deals with bills, banks etc

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(46 minutes after post)
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No idea. The banks probably just write off a lot of stuff or keep a lot of stuff when people die and leave no heirs..

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Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(1 hour after post)
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People are still ending up in paupers' graves.

There are procedures set forth by law to deal with the possessions of deceased persons who leave no wills or have next of kin.

Unclaimed bodies can also end up in medical schools for students to dissect them.

Others are revived, turned into zombies, and stagger toward the polls to vote Democratic.


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(3 hours after post)
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Next of kin is notified based upon a legal will.

If no legal will is found the is a period of time the state will wait for someone to take matters of probate (claims) into their hands.

If no one comes forward all assets and belongings default to the state. Someone is sent to assess valuables.
They are auctioned or donated.
Your body will never see a burial. It's easier and cheaper to cremate you. From there, you are catalogued and stored.
The end.

Original Poster
(3 hours after post)
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A dead body doesn't care if it's in a paupers or kings grave I guess

What about possessions that have no value, like just household and random things, anything left behind

Zombies sounds fun but that choice isn't one of the dead

If relatives were found would they need to pay if they weren't close?
If authorities search every avenue they'll eventually uncover someone

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Anonymous wrote:
A dead body doesn't care if it's in a paupers or kings grave I guess

What about possessions that have no value, like just household and random things, anything left behind

Zombies sounds fun but that choice isn't one of the dead

If relatives were found would they need to pay if they weren't close?
If authorities search every avenue they'll eventually uncover someone

No-Account wrote:
Next of kin is notified based upon a legal will.

If no legal will is found the is a period of time the state will wait for someone to take matters of probate (claims) into their hands.

If no one comes forward all assets and belongings default to the state. Someone is sent to assess valuables.
They are auctioned or donated.
Your body will never see a burial. It's easier and cheaper to cremate you. From there, you are catalogued and stored.
The end.

Original Poster
(3 hours after post)
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No-Account wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
A dead body doesn't care if it's in a paupers or kings grave I guess

What about possessions that have no value, like just household and random things, anything left behind

Zombies sounds fun but that choice isn't one of the dead

If relatives were found would they need to pay if they weren't close?
If authorities search every avenue they'll eventually uncover someone

No-Account wrote:
Next of kin is notified based upon a legal will.

If no legal will is found the is a period of time the state will wait for someone to take matters of probate (claims) into their hands.

If no one comes forward all assets and belongings default to the state. Someone is sent to assess valuables.
They are auctioned or donated.
Your body will never see a burial. It's easier and cheaper to cremate you. From there, you are catalogued and stored.
The end.

There's no will
No plan
No estate
No funds
No valuables

What of anything left owing?
The deceased had debts, finance, nothing left to pay for the cremation etc

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(3 hours after post)
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No will, no money, no estate, no funds, no valuables, no relatives or friends willing to pony up funeral expenses--then the deceased is headed for a pauper's grave or cremation or medical school lab.

If the deceased owed money, it will be written off as a bad debt. If the deceased had an estate, a claim could be made against the estate, or even a lawsuit filed against the estate.

A Texas woman once had a boyfriend who was suicidal. She had invited him over to her apartment for dinner. He had sat down at the candlelight dinner, but excused himself and said he had to get something from the kitchen. When he didn't come back, she went into the kitchen and found him slumped on the floor, with his throat cut from ear to ear. Blood was everywhere. He had gotten one of her kitchen knives and used it to commit suicide. It was a despicable act, and she sued his estate for "intentional infliction of mental distress" and won.

I tell that story to illustrate that even the dead can be sued!

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(4 hours after post)
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They may tell you that you are responsible for your mother's or father's debts or something like that buy you are not. If it is a marital partner you two are in debt together and you are responsible for whatever's left owing.

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(17 hours after post)
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they feed all unclaimed dead bodies to the homeless

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(17 hours after post)
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Jebus-Zeus wrote:
they feed all unclaimed dead bodies to the homeless

See "Soylent Green" with Charlton Heston. It was a great movie and very sobering!

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Sherlock wrote:

Jebus-Zeus wrote:
they feed all unclaimed dead bodies to the homeless

See "Soylent Green" with Charlton Heston. It was a great movie and very sobering!

Sherlock! You're not supposed to give away the ending. Excellent movie though.

(1 month after post)
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(author unknown)

"What does reincarnation mean?" a fellow asked his friend.
His pal replied, "It happens when your life has reached its end.
They comb your hair, and wash your neck, and clean your fingernails,
And lay you in a padded box away from life's travails.

The box and you goes in a hole that's been dug into the ground.
Reincarnation starts in when you're planted in the ground.
Them clods melt down just like your box, and you who is inside.
And then you're just beginning on your transformation ride.

In a while the grass will grow upon your rendered mound,
Till some day on your flattened grave a lonely flower is found.
And say a horse should wander by and graze upon this flower
That once was you, but now's become your vegetative bower.

This posey that the horse done ate up, with his other feed,
Makes bone, and fat, and muscle essential to the steed.
But some is left that he can't use, and so it passes through,
And finally lays upon the ground - this thing that once was you.

Then say, by chance, I wander by and see this thing upon the ground,
And I ponder, and I wonder at this object that I've found.
I think of reincarnation - of life and death and such,
And come away concluding, "Friend, you ain't changed all that much."

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 month after post)
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If you don't have any money to bury yourself or are worried about funeral expenses you can donate your body to science. Medical students always need fresh cadavers to poke, prod, and dissect. I have a friend that has donated his body to Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Don't need a casket or anything then. At least he's planning ahead.

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DocteurRalph wrote:
If you don't have any money to bury yourself or are worried about funeral expenses you can donate your body to science. Medical students always need fresh cadavers to poke, prod, and dissect. I have a friend that has donated his body to Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Don't need a casket or anything then. At least he's planning ahead.

No joke, this is what our dear friend Daft Punk requested before she died. God bless her having the forethought to do this.
We still miss and love you Alice!

(1 month after post)
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im donating my body to the cannibal society... or cannabis society lmao

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(1 month after post)
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Daft Puck. Sorry. I was (and still am) an editor for years!

Miss her a lot!

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 month after post)
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She had a bunch of names with puck in it. She either played hockey or watched it a lot. I miss her too.

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Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(1 month after post)
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She played as her health would allow. The doctors in her area failed her. When something outranged their knowledge, they believed it was all in that person's head. Totally inept; absolutely incompetent.

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(1 month after post)
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Often a body can be rejected as a donation to science.

If there's been an autopsy they won't want it.
So then a back up plan is needed for what to do with it.

Also if organs have been used for transplants then science may not have a use for itm

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(1 month after post)
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Too much disrespect shown cadavers for my taste.

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(1 month after post)
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The disrespect shown to us in life bothers me more than what happens after death

(6 months after post)
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Almost the only restriction is no uncurable disease. If you croak inside Kentucky they will pay for shipping.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(6 months after post)
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Vanderbilt University will take your body. They call it the no cost end of life option..

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Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(6 months after post)
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Can you still make varsity? ;-)

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