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how do i post photos here?

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(28 minutes after post)
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We don't currently "host" photos on the server in favor of bandwidth/storage space.

However, you can host it on an external site (such as Imgur.com) and then use the url. To post a photo you just paste the url in your message and it will be shown automatically.


Screenshot 20201225 201925 google
(4 hours after post)
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Imgur seems the easiest way of doing it.
Was pretty easy making an account with them

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(23 hours after post)
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I just got mad at Pinterest because they stopped hosting images, especially since it's a website that just has images. I used to use Photobucket but they stopped hosting images too. Well they post them for a while then take them off.

If you have a website that hosts images people will fill it up FAST! It's absolutely incredible how many naked people are on the world wide web, most of them aren't even attractive. Heck, Sports Illustrated puts fat girls on the cover of their swimsuit edition now. I blame it on the "everyone gets a trophy" mindset. https://i1.wp.com/www.drollify.com/wp-content/u...

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(1 day after post)
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but, but, this girl is not fat! she's just not anorexic and not photoshopped! I think most, real, healthy women look like that. I'm very sorry (not sorry!) that reality bothers you! and in no way I'd call her unattractive just because she has 4-5 extra pounds. (extra according what, I wonder, if she's healthy that way, then they're not extra pounds. and there's no way her kilos would make her sick)

Screenshot 20201225 201925 google
(1 day after post)
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Oh for ****fuck sake Ralph, I saw the pic before reading your comment and thought how refreshing to see someone post a pic of a healthy looking woman, rather than stick thin.

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(1 day after post)
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@DocteurRalph no one is attacking you! I thought we could make a nice conversation about this, but I'm guessing either you've been attacked too many times on the web for this picture, or it is my fault, the way I speak English sometimes is not appropriate. sorry you felt attacked.
the woman in the sports illustrated is in no way 40 extra pounds. except if she's photoshopped, it wouldn't be a surprise. and even if she is, her body doesn't look that bad, and she's more real than skinny models, and her picture on the sports illustruated is a nice gesture for all those moms out there who probably have this, or worse body. give them a rest! it's just a one time thing. all the rest of the sports magazines have skinny or too masculine, hulk kinda guys. our society has so many f*cked up standards, it's exhausting. it's nice for a change to see once in a while the true face of things.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 day after post)
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She's 5'9" tall and weighs 201 pounds. Her BMI is 29.7 and 30 is obese. She wears a size 16. She's not a small girl, in fact she's 2" shorter than me and I weigh less... And you may be right, there are people out there claiming her picture on the SI cover was photo-shopped, which brings some doubt to her claims of loving her body as it is. She denies the photo-shopping of course.

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Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 day after post)
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Sorry for stealing your post Nix. And we are having a nice conversation Kalinihta, I kind of feel sorry for the plus-size model to be honest. Now that she's famous she's losing a bunch of weight and people are really mad about it. First they're mad at her for being obese on a sports magazine cover and now they're mad at her for slimming down and not representing the fat people any more. She can't win for losing.

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(1 day after post)
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DocteurRalph wrote:
She's 5'9" tall and weighs 201 pounds. Her BMI is 29.7 and 30 is obese. She wears a size 16. She's not a small girl, in fact she's 2" shorter than me and I weigh less... And you may be right, there are people out there claiming her picture on the SI cover was photo-shopped, which brings some doubt to her claims of loving her body as it is. She denies the photo-shopping of course.

That pic is def photo shopped then.

I'm 1 inch taller than her, I'd say km bigger than her, but my BMI is within the healthy limits.

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I loved the girl picture - she is beautiful!!! ♥

You dont know what it is to battle obesity your whole life, Doc. I only look at food and i gain weight. I have been really skinny in my life as well, but it was a bloody hard work of at least an hour of exercise a day.. and guess what? Guys didnt even asked me out - they didnt have the guts..

Im quite tall - 5'11", and now weigh over 90 kg; i get asked out more than when i was 65kg; and men find me more attractive. I hate the fat, but can't bother anymore..am in general happy.

Funny thing, the last guy was afraid of me as he was half my weight, and he worried that i could do some damage! =D (the best feeling ever was when i beaten up an ex-pro boxer in front of all of his friends - LOVED IT! He made me pay for it other way and it cost me my career, my health, lots of money, and 10 years of my life; but heck, what a feeling that was!)

(3 days after post)
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sorry I'm late, had to do the calculations!
this photo is definitely photoshopped.
this is what an overweight person would look like:https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/woman-body-mass... her bmi is at the orange one.
so, what you're looking at the sports illustrated photo, is a perfectly healthy woman.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(3 days after post)
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She's actually borderline obese, not just overweight. A BMI of 30 is obese and hers is 29 point whatever... she still doesn't look like a perfectly healthy woman to me, in either one of the pictures. She's fat, just because being fat is normal now doesn't mean she's not fat...

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last online: 11/28, 9:31
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I hate BMI charts, they are not a true reflection of someone who has actual muscle. most rugby players could be classed as obese, but theyre all muscle. its total bs.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(6 days after post)
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They're not all bs. Most people don't work out lifting weights three or four hours a day and carbo load to add 30 or 40 pounds of muscle like professional athletes, and girls can't even do it.

I was right on track with that BMI chart untill I hit about 30 and stopped being so active and started just coming home after work and eating dinner and sitting on the couch...

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