472 replies, Replies 441 to 450

There was another shooting at a high-school this morning.WTF?!!

This is the black or white extreme thinking that I was talking about.

I am not in favor of total disarmament of the citizens. I'm a fierce advocate of the entire Constitution. Where it has problems, it has a way to correct them built in.

But that shooting in Maryland could have been a lot worse, were it not for Maryland's strict gun laws.

The problem is not the guns, it's the people. But until we come up with a feasible solution, gun limitations do help. I'm in favor of criminalizing leaving firearms unsecured. Most school shooters have been kids grabbing mom or dad's guns from home. Not only should the kids know better (they do) parents should also keep their stuff put away in a locked safe. I'm also in favor of limiting ammunition capacity.

Both sides say I'm wrong. Arguing extremes is no way to reach a workable compromise.

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I can't bring myself to eat.

My daughter gets nauseated when she doesn't eat and then she can't eat. Last time, it got bad enough that I took her to an urgent care clinic where they gave her a shot that was darn near miraculous. The nausea was gone within minutes. Right now I can't remember the name of the medication and I don't have it anymore. Since you're already scheduled to see your nurse practitioner, you might ask about that.

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What is your favorite planet?

Venus is my fourth favorite. It's mysterious and I think we could live in balloons in its atmosphere.

Mars is my third favorite. What's not to like about a planet solely inhabited by robots as far as we know?

Jupiter is my second favorite. I like to watch it with its four large moons in my telescope.

Earth is my favorite. I want to vacation on the Earth's moon so I can see earthrise.

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Do you believe in soulmates?

Nix wrote:
but if everyone has a soulmate, some must be shitty. or maybe not everyone has a soul mate

Either everyone has one, or noone does, but they can't be shitty, definitely, at least not from your point of view.

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How do we keep this one?

Well I told my one internet friend about this site. Can't promise any result.

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Do you believe in soulmates?

Your soul mate wouldn't be a shitty person, if soul mates exist. I think there are many compatible people, and two people can decide to become soul mates, but it's not fate or predetermined.

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Have you changed since help closed years ago?

I'm different, but not necessarily better.

Before, I was an out of work civil engineer. Now I'm a middle class housewife. Not much difference, but very different.

Before, I was shy and socially awkward but trying to get out and be sociable. Now I'm a recluse. I like people, but I don't know how to talk with them.

Before I was married to a jerk but pretended he was alright so nobody would know. When he didn't care if we were homeless because he lived elsewhere, I went ahead and divorced him.

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How do we keep this one?

J.N-Bucking wrote:
It's pretty much at the top of a Google search now.

When it first started you had to go through 3 or 4 pages to find it

Well then, that's something! I guess next we need to make sure it looks welcoming and useful with the kind of questions that people can relate to?

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First grey hair age 26

I probably found my first around 38. I'm very proud of my growing collection now.

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How do we keep this one?

Evansent wrote:
I find word of mouth to be the best.


I don't know any people. I can't help Help to help.

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