472 replies, Replies 451 to 460

We should make this a secular site.

Disclosure: I'm a moderator on a religious discussion website, and we have a rule prohibiting proselytizing. It does sometimes come down to interpretation, but it is an effective way to help all users feel comfortable. Some aggressive religious people border on bullying or trolling with their preaching.

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We should make this a secular site.

Sherlock wrote:
But how would you define proselytizing?

I would also recommend not allowing "religion is a lie" type statements if a person asks for religious advice. They are divisive, corrosive, and distract from the actual problem needing assistance. I would class those statements as a type of proselytizing for atheism.

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We should make this a secular site.

Sherlock wrote:
But how would you define proselytizing?

How would I? Mine is just one opinion and I recommend some sort of consensus, but I would define proselytizing as unsolicited specifically religious advice. If a person says "I am Christian" by all means, Biblical advice is valid, but if it isn't asked for, the helper can ask about belief first, or just keep their advice appropriate for all beliefs or lack thereof.

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We should make this a secular site.

"Do you agree?"

No, but there need to be rules prohibiting proselytizing.

Many people are helped by religion, whether you believe in it or not. If that's the help they need, they should not be sent away unaided.

Would a rule prohibiting proselytizing satisfy you? I can certainly understand preachy people would make atheists and even people who follow other religions uncomfortable.

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The things I enjoy most, that I define myself by, are contradictory.

I don't see the contradiction either. I'm bothered by other people's opinions.

I should get over it. It is their problem, not mine.

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Does anyone know what happens if you eat small amounts of uncooked wild bamboo?

I ate a shoot yesterday. I didn't suffer any consequences. I guess that's my answer.

After I ate it, I remembered that you're supposed to parboil it first to remove the toxins. The pickles that I made last summer, I carefully followed directions. I've got two jars left because my people really aren't big pickle eaters.

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How do you keep moving forward without falling into the trap of seeing if the grass is greener?

Do you want your life to be a sterile golf course, or a rich and complex meadow? So the grass is greener on the golf course, but it's boring. You can play golf on it, but there's nothing else to see or do. Move through your meadow. Look at the shrubs and mice and birds. Gather wild berries. That green grass will lose all its appeal.

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Are Meyers-Briggs types supposed to be permanent?

sophieshizuko wrote:
Meyers-Briggs is a load of crap.

Meaningless and so inconsistent.

Like a horoscope, it has value if you can use it in a positive way, and is a "load of crap" if it limits you.

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Are Meyers-Briggs types supposed to be permanent?

Sherlock wrote:
No human being can design a "test" to determine what you should do in life.

Absolutely. Really I'm just trying to make conversation in my socially awkward way.

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I've just rescued an owl

That's a beautiful bird, and it was lucky to find you. I hope it gets better and can return to the wild.

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