472 replies, Replies 411 to 420

I understand the importance the resurrection story holds in your particular religion.

Why does it matter to you?

I don't believe Jesus was God, but I see no need to mock the beliefs of others. What is gained from it?

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Humans are going to have conflict.

My beliefs are different from yours, I don't really do vibrations and energies, but this post has really good advice. Definitely if a person argues with too much passion the other party is likely to respond similarly and common ground or understanding will be harder to find. People need to calm down and learn how to listen and disagree respectfully.

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I'm scared!

Nevermind wrote:
I just don't want to make her angry

I would be more angry about waiting for something that will never happen than being told no outright. I can totally relate to wanting to avoid confrontation, but I think you're just going to have to do it. If she becomes angry, she will get over it.

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I'm scared!

If you don't ever plan to let her breed him, you shouldn't lead her to believe that you will at a later time. That will continue to hang over you.

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I'm scared!

Tell her that you love your cat and can't bear to go weeks without him.

Edit: he's a beautiful cat and he looks friendly and cuddly. I wouldn't let someone take him away if he were mine.

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What is an NSFW post?


It means it might include content some people wouldn't want their boss to see them viewing.

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* sad *

pinocchiothepuppet wrote:
Sometimes you just feel sad for no reason? I think that was the case when I originally posted this. I feel like my life is all out of sorts - "Not the way it should be/should have been."

But I don't know why. I can't put my finger on it. I feel like everything is all wrong even if technically it's not.

I can relate. I bet most people can. It's so hard to change things when you can't even figure out what you need to change. It might be a chemical imbalance, but if it's not, taking medication won't fix it. Medications are good, but not miraculous.

Take time to think, to be in nature, maybe to write if that's your thing. Spend time with friends if that's pleasant for you. It's ok to be sad sometimes but you can't let it take over your life.

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Itโ€™s been a long time but itโ€™s nice to see that some people came back.

Hang in there. You can get through this.

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What is up people out there?

I see Venus. It's not exactly up, more toward the horizon, but it's not late enough for anything else to be up but some light clouds and airplanes.

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Everybody go watch this terrifying AI documentary:

BIG-AL-ONE wrote:

In one sense, I would like to see the manifestation of the Jetson Age, but without the regulation and control measures of the rancher which renders the joy of living completely bloodless....like today.

This would be ideal, but it would require that the people who control technology are moral and altruistic. Power always corrupts, so that's extremely unlikely.

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