850 replies, Replies 161 to 170

Keeping in touch.

Daft Puck unfortunately passed away. ๐Ÿ˜ž
MindHealer sounds familiar- if I recall he had a green avatar. Have not heard from him unless heโ€™s under a different guise
I donโ€™t think I knew Sonicboom. ๐Ÿค”

Iโ€™ve invited everybody I kept contact with, which was an unfortunately small number of users. I think most people have at least mentioned this place to the ones they kept in contact with, but many have chosen to not make accounts or just not stick around.
Hopefully that means things are going well for them. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Hey everyone, long time no see.

CommanderIkari wrote:

Yes, I remember you a bit, not very well, I'm sorry, but it has been a long time. It's a truly herculean effort you've gone to, recreating it all from scratch, ultra props to you for putting this all together!

That's quite alright. I've got a pretty poor memory myself. Mostly recognize your name, that you like anime, and that you were associated with the "group" with Cait, @HastaIguanaPianoman, @Pianoman91894, Nante, Baconator, Chicken(?), etc... (I'm sure I'm missing a few names)

Honestly, I never planned for the site to go anywhere. Just built it half as practice half because it was on my mind and I felt like I owed it to the community to try. People like it, so it's stuck around. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ But thank you. ๐Ÿ˜„

CommanderIkari wrote:

Yes, I remember being friends with her, seems she last posted two months before. I wonder if there's any way to coordinate things to get a sea of people all back at once, I seem to remember there being a facebook group with former members? I guess the true lifeblood of the site is random people googling though; that's how almost all of us found it originally, myself included.

That was the original goal. I made a post on that Facebook group, (One of them- not sure if there were multiple) and then- like you saw- sent out an email to the emails that were recovered. Unfortunately, again, like your case- many people have moved on from those emails by this point.
So it's a work in progress. ๐Ÿ˜„ The name isn't quite as good SEO-wise as the old one, but we've been moving up in the ranks on Google. The more people that are here/active, the higher we go. Sort of like the "need experience to get a job" type of situation.

CommanderIkari wrote:

I visited Japan too! It's so cool seeing a place after wanting to go there for so long, and being based in China has made traveling the rest of Asia much more doable.

Japan was amazing. I love everything about the culture. So much better than here/US. People respect each other, they respect the environment, stores/transportation/systems are set up well. Every aspect is better than here... Except the person/sq ft ratio. ๐Ÿ˜‚ As it is I'm the type of person that does my shopping at 2 am so I don't have to deal with crowds of people.

What's been your favorite place over there so far?

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Hey everyone, long time no see.

Welcome back! ๐Ÿ˜„ We interacted on the old site a bit- I'm Rocco. That's cool you moved to China! I've always loved Asian culture. Paid a visit to Japan for about a month last year. ๐Ÿ™‚ I'd move there if it weren't for the huge population (Not much a fan of crowds) and China is even worse! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Unfortunately, the codebase for the original site was lost. A majority of the data itself got kept, reformatted, reformatted again, and is now stored at archive.help-qa.com (There's a lot of data and the server is small, so it's a bit slow.)

This site was built from scratch by memory, screenshots provided by a few different users (including a couple of old mods), and the web archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20080131224341/http...
It's entirely different underneath the surface, but built to look as close to the old site as possible, with a couple of tweaks and changes.

I believe you were friends with @~CaitherrA~, correct? She was around for a little bit. Maybe she'll come say hi. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Have you ever wondered.

I stopped wondering a long time ago. Once you know, you know. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Have you ever been employed by an employer who tells you one thing at the start, but does nothing they say after you've been there a while?

Technically, some employees do the same thing. Many people lie on their resumรจs to get a job. Sometimes they get fired for it. Sometimes they donโ€™t.

Some people are just liars, regardless of the profession or position theyโ€™re in.

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I think deleting all accounts is overboard. Removing subscriptions/follows/whatever is plenty sufficient. Anything beyond that seems overly dramatic to me, personally. But whatโ€™s done is done. Time to move on and put it behind you.

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So don't respond.
Take a few days and just do something that uses no effort. Binge watch a tv show (preferably a non-drama/romantic/anything that will bring your mind back). Read some books (follow same rules as above) generally do something for a while that will just distract you and give you a couple days to heal. I know it takes more than that, but the initial scar will start the healing process and then it will get easier over time. Just don't do anything hasty. Don't do anything that can't be undone or that you might regret later.

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Art lessons.

Not an artist, but when I have mental blocks or want to improve a skill in some way, I think of a project/goal to try to accomplish that uses the skill.

Need to get better at fine detail? Paint a tree, where each individual leaf is drawn with detail.
Need flow? Draw a scene with water. Doesn't have to be the focus, but it should be an attention point.

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So I've started writing a new thing...

Hm. This scene feels to me like a group of kids who have grown up on earth and recently arrived on the new planet. They talk about Earth with a familiarity that is very unlikely they would have if they had never been there.

Assuming "prox day" is the holiday marked by the inhabiting/landing of Proxima.
I think of history class in the US, talking about something like Independence Day. Whenever it comes around, all of the history classes focus on it, discuss it, etc- but they recite facts and discuss how/what came to be- it's not a personal recollection, but rather a statement.

Also- it's unlikely the kids (especially somebody like the ***POV character- who seems bored by the subject and day dreams during class) would have such an easy time recalling these facts with such precise detail without rehearsing/studying very recently.

Used to be better at formulating my thoughts to words, but struggling now. ๐Ÿ˜…

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What's the best way to deal or accept people disliking you as a result of ignorance?

I usually just laugh and shrug off any negativity that type of person throws my way. Even if they're insulting or do/say things that are quite hurtful. Just pretend that everything they say is funny and brush it off. Don't let them hurt you.

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