939 replies, Replies 41 to 50

My family doesn't want me to work.

What kind of family dynamic is going on there? Why do other adults in the house wish for you to not work? I would think every able bodied adult in the house would work unless someone needs to stay home and watch the children.

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Am I a good person?

I wouldn't say it was the same answer for all of us. There are good and evil people. I don't follow rules well and get in a lot of trouble for victimless crimes. One of my children is a very good person by what one might call Christian standards. He treats others better than himself, gives money away all the time to those he feels deserve it, and generally does everything he can to get along with everyone he meets at all times. He's not much like his father.

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For those of you on mental health medication...

Take half the dose and see what happens. Is the writing slower or are you just not as motivated or is it an inspiration problem?

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19 days down, 11 to go... hope you found some shelter. Nice to see Southern Comfort helping you out after all those bad things you said about her, lol.
She's a real lady!

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For those of you in the USA, a site was shown to me in case you need assistance finding food/paying a bill or whatever.

Those of us in the USA are up to our necks in handouts these days. Everyone I know is having trouble hiring people because of the covid 19 unemployment insurance act. Brings that unemployment up to $600 a week which is a lot like $15 an hour. So basically if you're not offering people $20 an hour it's really hard to get them motivated to work.

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Brag alert.

As long as new ones keep coming along it doesn't sound like a problem. Do you have any clue as to why women always leave you? Maybe we could help you if you narrowed it down.

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Do you have a plan to vote if you live in the US?

I was thinking your mail in vote won't count because someone will throw it away. Or maybe it will be counted twice depending upon who is doing the counting. I don't trust this whole mail in idea.

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why does a

Bullets are pointed like footballs instead of being round because that shape is more aerodynamic. Oh okay that's what anon said... in fact he did an excellent job of answering the question.

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Weird Al decides to monitor the Presidential debate on Tuesday.

I was thinking he looks amazing for his age, well as amazing as Weird Al can look. He certainly hasn't changed much in the last 30 years. I'm a year younger than him and I can tell you at my 40th high school reunion there were a bunch of really fat bald people.

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My life is going really well.

Yeah we're all slaves to the 26 billionaires that own half of the planet.
It's not how big your house is, it's all about how happy your home is... even if someone else owns it. Work on that.

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