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Anonymous wrote:

ProffVampy wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

[quote from ProffVampy]

Have you ever traveled out?

ive done alot of travelling yeh! done most of europe, fair bit of south east asia, south africa, caribbean and canary islands. got north and south america to do at some point :)

Wow that's a lot!! What was your favorite place, if you have one?

i love south east asia, the foods amazing, the weathers amazing, the tihngs to explore are amazing! cant wait for my next installment out there next summer :)

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I was once married.

PepperJ wrote:
I have been married for nearly 18 years. It's not a piece of cake and it hasn't always been happy.

He's my 2nd husband. I was married to my 1st for 3 years, but he was gay/bisexual and "still in the closet" while we were married.

I have never really been single. I've always had a serious boyfriend/marriage. I feel like I missed out by not having some fully single years....

im in that boat at the moment pepper! this is the first time i have ever been single for more than a few months. just been lond term boyfriends and then my recent hiccup. i dont really know what to do with myself and im not enjoying it as much as everyone else seems to!

i also suffer with mental health issues at especially over the christmas period its really played on my mind and been getting to me how lonely its making me feel. The cat doesnt quite provide the same support as a partner would! xD my family and friends say i should just enjoy it and chill out but its just so alien i dont really know how!

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Say where you're from.

Anonymous wrote:

ProffVampy wrote:
im from the UK :)

Have you ever traveled out?

ive done alot of travelling yeh! done most of europe, fair bit of south east asia, south africa, caribbean and canary islands. got north and south america to do at some point :)

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The mixed race child.

thats awful. im not religious in the slightest but i have been to various churches and my favourite one was the most relaxed vibe. everyone was welcome, there were openly gay and trans people, various races, professions, classes. it was actually quite good fun to go to that one. my ex was a regular goer so i used to go with him sometimes. and they were all so lovely and accepting towards me as well as they knew it wasnt my thing but i was still invited to all the lunches and even brought stuff along for them.

in my mind thats the kind of setting attitude that any deity would want to see in their beings. not hatred and the rejection of children over something so meaningless!

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If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him

ahahah that sounds like a great idea. or put them in a senario where theyd see accepting the help would be the lesser of two evils xD

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Does anyone know of a good company that sells quality cbd oil?

i have to take strong painkillers for my back. but over the past...god 5 years now...ive needed them less and less. now its only every month or so if i tweak it or it justs plays up so i agree with that entirely. though that might also be because we are strong minded people? it wouldve been easy for me to get addicted to the initial concotion i was on but i knew to be sensible when taking those kind of drugs!

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If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him

thats the plan yeh! hopefully i'll get people as keen as me to sort themselves out and do better :)

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If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him

very true. having been on both sides of the coin i completely see why people dont always want the help. it either just doesnt feel worth the effort because how good could it really get anyway? or like you said the familiarity of the shitty situation seems safer, easier and better than going into the unknown.

th only reason i was able to sort myself out was because i realised what i was doing and that i didnt want to be that way anymore. it wasnt getting me anywhere and it never would! i chose wisely methinks

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If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him

Sherlock wrote:

ProffVampy wrote:
So true it hurts xD the amount of people i know that didn't go for the help but to be told they're right/nothing wrong with them. usually ends up being a total waste of time and money for everyone

The reason ALL of my friends in the mental health field left it: people just wanted to talk about their problems, while doing nothing to solve them.

It would be like taking your car to a mechanic, and just wanting to tell him what was wrong with it instead of getting it fixed.

when i went and had CBT i was so ready to take on everything my therapist had to say. but then i already knew that i wasnt 'right' for feeling that way and my thoughts and feelings werent able to be logically validated. mightve been one of the reasons she was so engaged with me because she didnt get many patients actually wanting to get better!

it is something i dread going into the profession is just no one wanting the help. ive had it alot with friends who come to me for advice, ill give them however many options and it doesnt matter how good an option is theres a reason it wont work, or they cant do it etc etc.

but my hope is that with mental health becomming more 'popular' and accepted that in the enar future that'll be less of the case.

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Say where you're from.

im from the UK :)

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