262 replies, Replies 61 to 70

Its hard for me to know how to retort to ass wipes.

ive found the best way to deal with keyboard warriors is just to ignore them. if theyre not getting a reaction then its boring and theyll move along to the next person they feel they can intimidate. im sure if you saw them in person they wouldnt be anywhere near as vocal.

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Any suggestions to help pick up the usage of help

only thing i can think of is if as a collective we just put posters or something up in our local areas. going to a city to visit? take some posters with you and spread the love. not sure how practical that would be but you never knows. you know the posters with the little pull off tags at the bottom? each tag with the url. simple poster like "need someone to talk to? Come visit us online!".

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Sometimes you just have to tell people how much you appreciate them for being around and putting up with you.

i choose to cook for them instead! this is the first sunday in a while when there hasnt been a queue for one of my roast dinners! im enjoying a sunday off hehe

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Intrusive thoughts..

this is true, ahh the hiararchy of needs!

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Intrusive thoughts..

i have read some of Sartre's work and he details this similarly. I suppose at the moment there indeed much i am dreading rather than fearful of in that there are many unkowns. i will soon to be graduating and into the real world but dont yet knwo what i will be doing in it though i have been looking at options.

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Intrusive thoughts..

no it doesnt just stop it fades slowly hence the cross over between the two different forms so i would be continuously covered as the last thing i need in my lift right now is a baby!

I wouldnt say they scare me as they were something i learnt to control when i had my first therapy but its just been a long time since theyve been about.

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Intrusive thoughts..

my implant was due to be replaced at the start of december but they had no appointments til Jan. so i chose to take the tablet version for a month. first had to overlap them with the old implant stopping working so that there wasnt a gap inbetween, turns out hte tablets are a slightly higher dose anyway. and then now ive had the new one in i have to keep taking the tablets for the week til its built up in my system and so ive ended up on double twice for a week. and the higher amount for the month in between

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I'm thinking of applying for a new job.

nothing wrong with applying and seeing how it goes. youre clearly unhappy where you are now and if this job sounds like a good 5year plan for you which is always handy. as for the 4months training i would say look for an Air bnb as you may be able to come to an arrangement with someone which makes it A, more affordable and B, kitty cat friendly!

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The wave might be passing...

DocteurRalph wrote:
Paddle your ***ass off and ride that wave! You think it's going to ride itself? Go Vampy go vampy go!

Thanks Ralph :) Im getting there but my arms ache!

Nixx wrote:

Sherlock wrote:
And, Vampy--don't spit out your gum on the sidewalk when you're in Singapore!

or ever! yuck!

haha i know! Ive been before its great :) but no gum...and drug trafficking is still punishable by death!

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The wave might be passing...

danke sherlock :)

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